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1、1,Endangered Animals,2,3,contents,Endangered animals. Examples Causes Endangered Species Organizations Types of extinction Ways to help them,4,Endangered animals,Endangered animals are those species that are in danger of going extinct. Their reproductive rates are lower than their mortality rates ov

2、er long periods of time, so their numbers are diminishing.,5,6,Some Endangered Animals,Rhinoceros (Africa and Asia),Giant Panda (Asia),Armadillo (South America),Tasmanian Forester Kangaroo (Australia),7,African Elephant,The African Elephant is the largest land animal.,African Wild Dog The African Wi

3、ld Dog hunts in packs in Africa.,8,Aleutian Canada Goose,The Aleutian Canada goose is a large North American bird that honks.,9,Kiwi,A chicken-sized flightless bird from New Zealand.,10,Koala The koala is an Australian marsupial. It is not a bear.,11,Causes of Endangerment,Habitat Destruction Introd

4、uction of Exotic Species Overexploitation More Factors,12,Habitat Destruction,Our planet is continually changing, causing habitats to be altered and modified. Natural changes tend to occur at a gradual pace, usually causing only a slight impact on individual species. However, when changes occur at a

5、 fast pace, there is little or no time for individual species to react and adjust to new circumstances. This can create disastrous results, and for this reason, rapid habitat loss is the primary cause of species endangerment.,13,Introduction of Exotic Species,These species are introduced into new en

6、vironments by way of human activities, either intentionally or accidentally. These interlopers are viewed by the native species as foreign elements. They may cause no obvious problems and may eventual be considered as natural as any native species in the habitat. However, exotic species may also ser

7、iously disrupt delicate ecological balances and may produce a plethora of unintended yet harmful consequences.,14,Overexploitation,A species that faces overexploitation is one that may become severely endangered or even extinct due to the rate in which the species is being used. Due to the trade in

8、animal parts, many species continue to suffer high rates of exploitation,15,More Factors,Disease, pollution, and limited distribution are more factors that threaten various plant and animal species . If a species does not have the natural genetic protection against particular pathogens, an introduce

9、d disease can have severe effects on that specie.,16,Endangered Species Organizations,International Union for Conservation of Naturean Natural Resource IUCN National Audubon Society NAS The World Conservation Monitoring Centre Wildlife Conservation Society website World Wildlife Fund WWF,17,Types of

10、 extinction,IUCN Red List of Threatened Species uses the term endangered species as a specific category of imperilment, rather than as a general term. Under the IUCN Categories and Criteria, endangered species is between critically endangered and vulnerable.,18,Extinct: Bali Tiger, Caspian Tiger Atl

11、as bear Extinct in the wild : Scimitar Oryx, Catarina Pupfish, Barbary Lion Critically endangered: Chinese Giant Salamander, Bactrian Camel, Ethiopian Wolf,19,Endangered: Asian Elephant, Giant Panda, African Wild Dog Vulnerable : African Elephant, Polar Bear, Great White Shark Near threatened : Amer

12、ican Bison, Asian Golden Cat Least concern : Bald Eagle, Giraffe, Brown Bear,20,21,22,23,Ways to help them,1.Conserve Habitats One of the most important ways to help threatened plants and animals survive is to protect their habitats permanently in national parks, nature reserves or wilderness areas,

13、24,Ways to help them,2. Boycott fur coats and medicines made from rare animals Boycott ornaments made from ivory and staff like this. Baby seals are murdered for their skin, as it is used to make expensive coats- dont bye them,25,Ways to help them,3. Recycle and reuse. It will reduce the need to hav

14、e more raw materials to produce something. As a result a lot of trees will be spared and wild animals habitat will be undisturbed.,26,Ways to help them,4. Governments should come forward to create more safe zones and national parks for wild animals where they will be able to move freely without worrying about hunters and poachers. Governments should apply strict laws to stop poaching.,27,Ways to help them,5.Donate money or trees to different non-profit organizations which work to protect the wildlife. You can donate money to Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund etc.,28,29,30,


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