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1、1,本节说课内容,教学反思,教学程序,学习方法,教学方法,教材分析,板书设计,中职英语说课Unit 6 Shopping(购物)Lesson 2 Its nice and not very expensive(这个既漂亮又不贵),3,一、教材分析,语言情境丰富, 教学内容 ,实用句型简单,话题与生活岗位紧密相关,4,一、教材分析,Lesson 1 Can I help you?,Lesson 2 Its nice and not very expensive,Lesson 3 The supermarket,在教材中的地位与联系,英语交际会话课,Lesson 1 Can I help you?

2、,Lesson 2 Its nice and not very expensive,Lesson 3 The supermarket,5,一、教材分析,【教学目标】,教学大纲,使学生全面主动发展,情感目标,知识目标,1.Can I help you? What can I do for you ? 2. How much is it? How much does it cost? 3. What color do you like? 4. What /How about this one? 5. What size do you take? 6. Would you like somethin

3、g to drink?,能力目标,培养交际意识和合作精神,养成科学思维的习惯。,面向全体,讨论购物相关 话题, 锻炼口语交际能力。,理解学习本节内容, 培养自主学习能力。,培养独立分析解决问题 的能力,活学活用。,活跃学习气氛, 增进感情; 增加凝聚力。,教学大纲,使学生全面主动发展,情感目标,1.Can I help you? What can I do for you ? 2. How much is it? How much does it cost? 3. What color do you like? 4. What /How about this one? 5. What size

4、 do you take? 6. Would you like something to drink?,能力目标,面向全体,讨论购物相关 话题, 锻炼口语交际能力。,理解学习本节内容, 培养自主学习能力。,培养独立分析解决问题 的能力,活学活用。,活跃学习气氛, 增进感情; 增加凝聚力。,6,一、教材分析,培养学生就购物相关话题的英语口语表达能力,重点,培养学生运用话题相关知识进行日常交际的能力,难点,【教学重难点】,自主思考,正确把握,充分练习,巩固强化,灵活运用,突出重点,突破难点,句式的掌握是关键,7,交际 教学法,任务 教学法,情景 模拟法,根据本节知识的教学特点,以便更好地突出重点,

5、突破难点,按照学生的认识规律,选取三种有效的教学方法。,二、教学方法,8,利用图片展示、创设情境等形式,引导学生亲历其中,大胆尝试、灵活处理,让课堂变得生动、有趣、有益、有效,实现理论与实际相联系。,二、教学方法,任务教学法,交际教学法,情景模拟法,通过目标展示,启发、引导学生思维,培养学生们独立自主学习英语的能力,找到问题的关键,成功解决本节重点,突破本节难点。,组织学生分组讨论,创设情境,让学生充分接触听说语言,从实际出发,积极参与,突出学生的主体地位,培养学生的交际能力。,激发兴趣,激发主动性,激发积极性,9,三、 学习方法,【学情分析】,困难,问题,障碍,学习兴趣不足 口语表达欠缺,学

6、习缺乏信心 学习方法不当,认识不到位 存在误解,10,三、学习方法,结合亲身经历,理论联系实际,了解并掌握购物相关的日常交际用语,突出本节重点。,调动积极思维,发挥主观能动性;善于观察,学会换位思考;不拘泥于课本,大胆尝试,巩固并强化本节重点,突破难点。,从知识、方法等方面就主题相关内容进行总结,锻炼自主学习的能力,使自己真正成为课堂的主体。,亲身 体验法,归纳法,观察 联想法,学会会学乐学,11,四、教学程序,【教学环节】,发挥学生的主体作用,12,四、教学程序,【复习导入5分钟】,复习上节购物相关词汇、句型 回忆并讨论自己的购物经历,引发对主题的思考,13,四、教学程序,异国购物,离不开语

7、言的交流,【复习导入5分钟】,掌握购物的 日常交际用语 势在必行,14,1,2,3,4,【课堂讲授15分钟】,Teaching Objectives,to talk about prices, color and size to recognize the use of to phrase,Key Point & Difficult Point,to develop students spoken English skills on this topic to ensure the students can use these sentence patterns to communicate

8、with each other on this topic,15,1,2,3,4,【课堂讲授15分钟】,How much is it? How much does it cost?,What color do you like?,What /How about this one?,What size do you take?,16,2,1,3,4,【课堂讲授15分钟】,Whats the main idea of this dialogue?,Task 2 Listen and Answer,What does Tom think of the yellow kite?,Complete th

9、e dialogue according to the recording,SH: T: Id like some traditional Chinese things. SH: How about Weifang kikes? T: How wonderful they are! But I dont like red. SH: T: Yellow. SH: _ T: Thats great, SH: This kind of kite is 120 yuan. T: Oh, well. Its nice and not very expensive, SH: Here you are. T

10、: Here is the money. Thanks.,What can I do for you, sir?,What color do you like?,What about this one?,How much is it?,I want to buy five.,17,3,2,1,4,【课堂讲授15分钟】,Task 3 Read the dialogue in pairs,18,4,2,3,Task 4 Read and observe,Dialogue 1 Mary: Would you like something to drink? Tom: I want to drink

11、a cup of coffee. Dialogue 2 Mary: Where did you go this morning? Tom: I went to the Carrefour to buy an MP3 player. Dialogue 3 Mary: Why dont you go to bed? Tom: I am too excited to fall asleep.,1,【课堂讲授15分钟】,19,【课堂展示15分钟】,Task 5 Ask and answer,(1)售货员主动向顾客打招呼、提供服务的用语: May I help you?/Can I help you,

12、madam? What can I do for you?/ Is there anything I can do for you? (2)顾客购买商品时询问服务员用: Do you have any? Im trying to find a. Id like to buy . I m looking for (3)售货员征询顾客对商品的意见时可以说: What do you think of it? What (How) about this one? (4)售货员询问顾客要买多少、什么型号、喜欢什么颜色时说: How many (much) do you want, sir? What s

13、ize, please? What color do you like? (5)顾客询问价格时,常用: How much is it? How much does it cost? How much do you charge for it? Whats the price, please?,(3)售货员征询顾客对商品的意见 时可以说: What do you think of it? What (How) about this one? (4)售货员询问顾客要买多少、什 么型号、喜欢什么颜色时说: How many (much) do you want, sir? What size, pl

14、ease? What color do you like? (5)顾客询问价格时,常用: How much is it? How much does it cost? How much do you charge for it? Whats the price, please?,(1)售货员主动向顾客打招呼、 提供服务的用语: May I help you?/Can I help you, madam? What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you? (2)顾客购买商品时询问服务员 的用语: Do you have any?

15、 Im trying to find a. Id like to buy . I m looking for,四、教学程序,【课堂小结 3分钟】,20,(1)售货员主动向顾客打招呼、提供服务的用语: May I help you?/Can I help you, madam? What can I do for you?/ Is there anything I can do for you? (2)顾客购买商品时询问服务员用: Do you have any? Im trying to find a. Id like to buy . I m looking for (3)售货员征询顾客对商品的意见时可以说: What do you think of it? What (How) about this one? (4)售货员询问顾客要买多少、什么型号、喜欢什么颜色时说: How many (much) do you want, sir? What size, please? What color do you like? (5)顾客询问价格时,常用: How much is it? How much does it cost? How much do you charge for it? Whats the price, please?,分角色扮演


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