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1、南海区2010-2011学年第二学期小学五年级英语第1单元教学质量调查题(本卷满分100分,40分钟完成)听力材料(50分)A new term begins. Miss White wants to know something about the students daily life. 新学期开始了,Miss White想了解一下同学们的日常情况。一、The students are talking about their daily life to Miss White. 请你听清楚同学们的介绍,把正确图片的大写字母编号写在括号里。每题读两遍。(10分)1. I have breakf

2、ast at 7:00 in the morning.2. At 8:30, We do morning exercises at school.3. We have math class at about 9:00. Math is very interesting.4. Some students like to play the piano, because music is great.5. She gets up at 7:10 in the morning.6. He goes to bed at 9:30 in the evening.7. I always go shoppin

3、g with my mother.8. She likes to go hiking with her parents.9. Today is weekend. We can dont go to school.10. In the afternoon, I go to visit my grandparents. They are very happy. 二、Miss White is asking some questions. 请听清楚Miss White的询问,选择正确的答案,把字母编号写在括号里。每题读两遍。(10分)1. When do you go to school?2. Wh

4、at do you do at 7 oclock in the evening?3. Do you do morning exercises at school?4. What do you do on Sundays?5. What class do you have on Tuesday?三、Amy is talking about her daily life. 请听清楚Amy 如何谈论她的日常生活,并用阿拉伯数字给下面的图画标号。短文读两遍。(10分) On Monday morning, I get up early. From Monday to Friday I must go

5、to school. Sometimes I have art class at school. I like to draw pictures. Look, this is my picture. Is it nice? We also have Chinese class, math class, and English class. We read books in the class. We can learn a lot from the books. I have lunch at school. I like Chinese food. In the weekend, I don

6、t go to school. Sometimes, I go hiking with my parents. Its a fun time to stay with my family. 四、Mike is telling his classmates about his daily life.请听清楚Mike的发言,并判断下面的图画是否与他的发言一致。一致的写“T”,否则写“F”。短文读二遍。(10分) Hello, I am Mike. I am a happy boy. In the morning, I do morning exercises in the playground.

7、Its good for my health. I like P.E. class. I can play football very well. Sometimes, I like to listen to music before I sleep. Music is great. After school, I go home and have dinner with my parents. I like Chinese food, such as fish and tofu. I can use chopsticks. 五、Miss White请同学们互相采访日常活动。Now, Amy

8、is talking with Mike.请听Amy和Mike的对话,并把下面的对话记录补充完整。对话读三遍。(10分)Amy: Hello, Mike. When do you get up ?Mike: At 7:00. And I go to school at 7:40.Amy: What do you do at school?Mike: I have computer class in the morning. In the afternoon, I play sports .What about you, Amy?Amy: I play the piano in the even

9、ing.Unit 1 听力答案:一、B A B A B B A B B A 二、B B B A A三、3 4 2 1 5四、T F T T F五、get up, go to school, computer class, play sports, the piano笔试答案一、C A E B D二、F F T T F三、B B A A A四、eat breakfast, have English class, go shopping, clean the bedroom, usually五、1. I do morning exercises.2. I have math class and music class.3. No, I dont.4. I like art class.5. I do my homework and read some books in the evening. 3


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