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1、高考英语动词不定式的十大考点动词不定式的十大考点动词不定式是高考英语中的主要考点之一,每年都有一道以上的考题,其中 95 年就有 4 道。不定式考点主要包括以下十大类。一不定式的时态。这类考题最多,MET93、NMET97 、99 和上海高考题 98 中各有一题,且都是有关不定式完成态的试题。例如(NMET99):Robert is said_ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.A. to have studied B. to study C. to be studying D. to have been studying答案

2、是 A。不定式的时态一般包括三种:一般式、完成式和进行式。一般式表示的动作通常与谓语的动作(状态)同时(或几乎同时)发生,或在其后发生;如果动作发生在谓语动作之前,就要用完成式;同时发生时,则用进行式;如果所说的动作发生于谓语动作之前,且一直还在继续,还须用完成进行式。不定式的完成式常用在 be said, be reported, be considered, appear, hope, pretend, seem 等以及某些情态动词后,表示对过去事情的推断或虚拟假设,例如(NMET97):I would love_ to the party last night but I had to

3、work extra hours to finish a report.A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone答案是 B,表示与过去事实相反的虚拟愿望。题干中的 last night 是选择判断的依据。不定式的进行式也是一个值得注意的考点。例如:When I went in, he pretended _ a newspaper.A. to read B. to be reading C. reading D. to have read (答案.:B)二不定式的语态。当不定式的逻辑主语是其动作承受者时,通常要用被动式。不定式的被动式在句

4、中可作主、宾、表、定、状语及宾补等。例如(NMET02):Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains _ whether they will enjoy it.A. to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen答案是 B。因为不定式的逻辑主语 it(指出国旅游这件事)与不定式是被动关系,所以要用被动结构。又如(MET92):Little Tom would love_ to the theatre this eveningA. to be taken B. t

5、o take C. being taken D. taking答案是 A。除了根据语境外,还可从 take 是及物动词,而后面无宾语这个语法现象加以判断(这一点非常重要)。又如(上海高考题 98):He claimed _ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.A. being badly treated B. treating badlyC. to be treated badly D. to have been badly treated根据题意,本题该用不定式的完成被动式,表动作发生在 claimed 之前,故答案

6、是 D。值得注意的是,在下列场合通常用不定式的主动式表被动意义:1 当不定式的逻辑主语以动作执行者的身份出现在句中时。例如:We still have many difficulties to overcome in our socialist construction.2在 “be + 形容词 + 不定式”结构中。例如:The future is hard to tell.3在 be to let / blame / seek 等习惯用法中,例如:It is I who am to blame.Are these umbrellas to let?三不定式的否定式。其基本形式是 not to

7、 do, 即疑问副词 not 必须置于整个不定式结构之前。95、96 和 99 三年都有这样的考题。例如( NMET96):The patient was warned_ oily food after the operation.A. to eat B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating答案是 C。这道题并不难,只要熟悉其否定式和 warn sb.(not) to do sth.这个结构就能做。四不定式的省略。有时不定式符号 to 可用来代表整个不定式短语,如果前面有一个类似的动词词组。例如(MET95): Ill be away on a bus

8、iness trip. Would you mind looking after my cat? Not at all,_ .A. Ive no time B. Id rather not C. Id like it D. Id be happy to答案是 D。to 后省略了 look after。不定式的省略现象,常出现在某些表心理或情感状态的动词如 want, wish, hope, expect, love, hate, know, suppose, care, prefer, mean 等及动词 ask tell, try, need 后,以及某些半助动词和情态动词 be to, b

9、e about to, be going to, have to, ought to, used to 等之后。有时,不定式符号 to 也可一并省略:1 作某些动词如 like, try 等的宾语时。You can stay at home or go out, In a word, you can do whatever you like.2当不会引起歧义,例如作宾补时常可省。If you use the computer to learn more knowledge, Ill allow you.3不定式带有修饰语时。I dare not tell him the truth thoug

10、h Id like very much.但在下列情况 to 需要保留或重复:(1) 当一个不定式或另一个不定式进行对比时。如:The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _ it more difficult.A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not doing (答案:B)(2) 一般而言,在否定结构中 to 必须保留。例如(NMET95 ):The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his moth

11、er told him _.A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to(3) 当句中有系列不定式时。例如:They have come to talk, to sing , to get drunk.五Forget, remember, try, regret, mean, stop 等动词后既可跟 to-不定式又可跟动名词,须根据其习惯用法和语境进行取舍。例如(MET91): The light in the office is still on. Oh, I forgot_.A. turning it off B. turn it of

12、f C. to turn it off D. having turned it off答案是 C。forget to do 意为“忘了做(某事)”,forget doing“忘了做过(某事)” ; remember 有类似的区别。类似的还有:try to do“尽力做” ,try doing“试着做” ;regret to say /tell“很遗憾地说”,regret doing“后悔做了 ”;mean to do“意欲/ 想要做”,mean doing“意味着做” ;stop to do“停下来做” ,stop doing“停止做 ”。又如(上海高考题 95):The little tim

13、e we have together we try_ wisely.A. spending it B. to spend it C. to spend D. spending that答案是 C,意思是“尽量过得(有意义) ”。题中的 The little time we have together 是时间状语从句,spend 作不及物动词。 97 年的上海高考题中也有一道类似的题。六习惯上我们说 make / see / hear sb. do sth.,但当这些结构转换成被动态时,作宾补的动词 do前要带上 to。例如: Paul doesnt have to be made_ .He a

14、lways works hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning答案是 B。但 see, hear, notice 等 的宾语后还可跟现在分词作补语,变成被动态时仍保留分词的形式。例如:The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play (答案:A)七不定式短语。在某些情况下不定式前可以带一个连接代(副)词,这种不定式结构接近一个名词从句,常用在某些动词如 tell, know, show, dec

15、ide, teach, learn, discuss, wonder, remember, explain, find out等或某些介词短语后作宾语。例如(NMET2000):Ive worked with children before, so I know what _ in my new job.A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects答案是 B,what to expect 在句中作 know 的宾语,而 what 作不定式 to expect 的逻辑宾语。又如:It is sadi in Australia there is more land than the government knows _. A. it what to do with B. what to do it withC. what to do with it D. to do what with it答案是 C。what to do with it 作 knows 的宾语。注意,与 do with 搭配时,这里 what作 do 的宾语,it 作 with 的宾语。这种不定式短语也可作主语、表语或状语。如:How to deal with the pol


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