人教新课标知识点总复习必修四 Unit 4 Body language

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1、第 1 页 共 7 页Unit 4 Body language核心单词1. representvt. 象征;表示;作为的代表;代表;(尤指以绘画,雕刻等)表现;描绘;描写The red lines on the map represent railways. 这张地图上的红线代表铁路。He was picked out from the whole class to represent them at the other school. 他被挑选出来作为全班同学的代表,到另一所学校去。She represents her mother as the kindest mother in the

2、world. 她把她的妈妈描绘成世界上最好的母亲。联想拓展representative n. 代表;众议员adj. 典型的;有代表性的representation n. 表现;陈述;代理易混辨析represent/stand for/on behalf ofrepresent指“代表某人 /某个团体/ 政府等,或指某种标志代表什么,某物表现/描绘的是什么”。 stand for 通常指字母、数字、符号等代表 /象征什么。on behalf of 指代表/代替某人,只能作状语。高手过招选词填空(represent/representation/representative) (原创)Each c

3、olour on the chart a different department.The were all amazed by what had happened in the factory.Our company has no in Africa.答案: represents representatives representation2. approachvt.接近,走进;着手处理n. 接近,临近;方法,途径He approached me with stealthy steps. 他悄然走近我。Our approach scared the butterfly and it flew

4、 away. 我们走近时把那只蝴蝶吓跑了。易混辨析approach/way/method/meansapproach除了意为“方法 ”之外,还有“接近”的意思。an approach to(介词)“的方法”。way构成in the way“用这种方法”;the way to do/the way of doing (to为不定式)“做某事的方法”。method构成with a method “用一种方法”。means 意为“方式,方法”。单复数同形,构成by means of “通过方法”。He put up a new approach to the difficulty. 他提出了解决这个

5、困难的新方法。Can you tell me the way to work out the maths problem? 你能告诉我做那道数学题的方法吗?第 2 页 共 7 页We should improve our teaching method, with which we can make ourselves understood better. 我们应该改善我们的教学方法,用这些方法,可以使学生更好的理解我们。We arrived there by means of plane. 我们坐飞机到达那儿。高手过招(1)单项填空There is no easy to the mathem

6、atics. (原创)A. Way B. mean C. method D. approach(2)单句改错 (原创)His approach for the problem is special and proves good. All the approaches of the airport were blocked by the police.(1)解析:选D。approach 方法,可与to连用,意为“的方法”;means方式,不可与to连用;methods 与with 搭配;way与of或to连用,to 为不定式。(2)forto。解析: approach在句中意为“方法;步骤”,

7、后面与介词to 连用。of to。解析:approach在句中意为“入口;通路”,后面与介词to 连用 3. defencen. 保卫,防御;防卫设备;( 被告的)答辩;辩护常用结构:in defence of保卫;为 辩护注意: defence后接“入侵者”或“造成危害者”时用介词 against;若后接“被保护者”时用介词 of。The forest will act as a defence against desert dust. 森林能起到防御沙漠尘土的作用。This fort was once the main defence of the island. 这座堡垒曾经是这个岛上主

8、要的防御设施。The defence of the accused was rather weak. 被告人的辩护软弱无力。联想拓展defend v. 防护;辩护;防守;保卫The wall was built to defend the road from being washed away by the sea. 建这个围墙是为了保护这条路不被海水冲垮。易混辨析defend/protect/guard/preserve这四个词都有“使安全或保持安全状态不遭受危险、攻击或伤害”的意思,但它们之间还有些差异。defend 含有“采取措施抵制进攻 ”的意思。protect 常含有“提供安全的方式

9、来驱开不适、伤害或进攻”的意思。guard 含有“看守”的意思。preserve 含有“采取措施维护的安全”的意思。 高手过招完成句子 (原创)那位警察看守犯人。第 3 页 共 7 页The policeman the prisoners. 当那只狗攻击我时,我拾起一根木棍自卫。When the dog attacked me, I picked up a stick and myself. 他戴着墨镜以防他的眼睛被强烈的太阳光晒伤。He wears sunglasses to his eyes from the strong sunlight. 答案:guarded defended pro

10、tect 4. closeadv. 接近地;靠近地;紧密地(常与介词to连用)adj. 近的;接近的;(关系)密切的;严密的;(尤指比赛)势均力敌的v. 结束;关闭;关His house is close to the factory. 他家靠近这个工厂。易混辨析close/closelyclose 是指距离、场所、地点等的“接近,靠近”,可以说是一种实际意义上的“接近”。closely是指抽象意义上的“接近”,多用比喻意义,有“亲密地;严密地;仔细地”等含义。由close 和closely这种意义上的区别,我们可以很轻松地区别high/highly;wide/widely ; deep/de

11、eply等一类词。带 ly的副词往往用作抽象意义或比喻意义,而不带 ly的副词多用作实际意义。The thief came close to him and stole the money from his pocket. 小偷走近他,把他口袋里的钱偷走了。Good teaching and good testing are closely related. 出色的教学工作与完善的测试制度密切相关。高手过招选词填空(close/closely) (原创)It was very cold, so the little girl stood to her mother.The policeman

12、examined the room to find the lost jewels.答案: close closely5. curiousadj.好奇的,感兴趣的;奇异的,不同寻常的The foreign tourists were surrounded by the curious children. 外国游客被一群好奇的孩子包围着。He is suffering from a curious disease. 他患了一种奇怪的病。 常用结构:be curious about 对感到好奇be curious to do 急于做/极想做联想拓展curiosity n.好奇curiously a

13、dv. 好奇地out of curiosity 出于好奇第 4 页 共 7 页I asked out of mere curiosity. 我只不过是出于好奇问问罢了。 高手过招单项填空 I was to find out what he said. (原创)Strange B. amusing C. curious D.conscious 解析:选C。考查形容词词义辨析。 strange 奇怪的;amusing 令人快乐的;curious 好奇的;conscious 有意识的。 6. likelyadj. 可能的(表示可能性很大时,可用most,very 修饰likely)常用结构:It i

14、s likely that sb. .=sb.is likely to do.某人可能做某事not likely (表示坚决不同意 )绝不可能;绝对不会易混辨析possible/probable/likelypossible表示客观上潜在的可能性,也许实际发生的可能性并不大;一般不用表示人的词作主语。只有 possible 后面可以接 for sb. to do sth.,而likely和probable 都不能。probable表示有几分根据的推测,比possible表示的可能性大。换句话说,probable的“有可能”,是指有实际的依据或逻辑上合乎情理。一般不用表示人的词作主语。likel

15、y强调表面上看来有可能,与probable意思接近,有时可以互换,但likely常暗示从表面迹象来判断,probable则指经过权衡正反两方面的理由后相信某事是真实的或大概会发生。只有 be likely 前面的主语可以是人,而 possible 和 probable则不能。It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another.把某种形态的能量改变成另一种形态的能量是可能的。It is possible that the first people crossed into Austalia from Asia on a great land bridge.第一批从亚洲进入澳大利亚的人可能是从一座巨大的陆地桥上过去的。It is probable that our school will buy a new computer.我们学校很有可能买一台新电脑。I


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