七年级英语下册 单元专项训练9 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、单元专项训练.句型转换1.Wang Lin is tall and a little bit thin.(就画线部分提问)What does Wang Lin look like?2.How tall is your brother?(同义句转换)What is your brothers height?3.She has straight black hair.(改为一般疑问句)Does she have straight black hair?4.Everybody knows me.(改为否定句)Nobody knows me.5.Li Fang is of medium height.

2、(改为同义句)Li Fang is not very tall and not very short.根据汉语意思完成句子1.汤姆长得什么样?What does Tom look like?2.我们的体育老师个子很高,留着短发。Our P.E.teacher is very tall and has short hair.3.你的朋友是瘦还是胖?Isyour friend thin or heavy?4.约翰中等身材,头发卷曲。John is of medium build,and he has curly hair.5.这个箱子有点儿重。我搬不动。The box is a little he

3、avy.I cant carry it.单项选择1.(2017江苏宿迁) Daniel is C his twin brother.They are both 1.75 meters tall. A.taller thanB.shorter thanC.as tall asD.so tall as2.导学号70924177(2017重庆A卷) The physics problem is too hard,so B students can work it out.A.littleB.fewC.a littleD.a few3.导学号70924178(2017上海) B I park my c

4、ar here for a while?No,you mustnt.Do you see the sign “NO PARKING”?A.WouldB.MayC.MustD.Should4.(2017山东泰安)Oh,my God!I have C five pounds.Dont worry.Its normal for a growing teenage girl.A.put upB.put offC.put onD.put down5.导学号70924179(2017河北) Grandfather lives with us.We all C him.A.look atB.look for

5、C.look afterD.look like6.导学号70924180(2017江苏宿迁)Mum,D of my classmates glasses.Oh,my god.You need to protect your eyes well.A.three-fourths;wearsB.three-fourth;wearC.three-fourth;wearsD.three-fourths;wear7.(2017天津) We only planned C the play for an hour,but in the end,we stayed for three hours.A.watch

6、B.watchesC.to watchD.watched8.导学号70924181(2016山东泰安期末) I dont like this jacket.Could you show me C?OK.Here you are.A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.others9.(2016河北武安期末)Becky C her mother,and her mom very young.A.looks;looks likeB.likes;looks likeC.looks like;looksD.looks;is like10.导学号70924182(2016安徽滁州期末)

7、 What does your aunt look like?C.A.She likes watching TVB.She is a doctor in a hospitalC.She is tall and thinD.She plays volleyball every day11.(2016福建漳州实验中学月考)Excuse me.Could you tell me the way A the nearest supermarket?Go down the street and turn left.Then youll see it.A.toB.ofC.inD.at12.导学号70924

8、183(2016山东滨州实验中学期末)There are many trees on B side of the street.A.everyB.eachC.threeD.two.补全短文I have a new friend.Do you 1.know her?What does she 2.look like?Let me tell you.Shes of 3.medium height,but a 4.little heavy.She has long blond 5.short hair and has a 6.round face.She always wears 7.glasses

9、.She is good at painting and she likes to draw 8.pictures after school.She wants to be an 9.artist when she grows up.She is very 10.popular in our school.We like her very much.Who is she?Do you want to make friends with her?.书面表达假如你在网上结识了一位名叫Jack的朋友,根据他发给你的有关信息,向你的同学作简要介绍。50词左右。名字杰克(Jack)年龄13国籍加拿大(C

10、anada)外貌中等个子,有点瘦,留着棕色的卷发爱好读书、打篮球I have a new friend.His names Jack.Hes 13 years old.Hes from Canada.Let me tell you what he looks like.Hes of medium height and a little thin.He has short curly brown hair.He likes reading books and playing basketball.He plays it very well and he wants to be a basketball star.I think its an interesting job.


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