福师《英美文学选读》在线作业(1) 参考资料

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1、福师英美文学选读在线作业二 1 单选题 1 The director tried to get the actors to _ to the next scene by hand signals.A move onB move offC move outD move along2 The chairman of the board _ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.A compelledB posedC pressedD tempted3 W

2、ith the popularity of the Internet, both commercial computers and personal ones are more _ to the computer viruses than ever before.A liableB vulnerableC subjectiveD subordinate4 Within two days, the army fired more than two hundred rockets and missiles at military _in the coastal city.A goalsB dest

3、inationsC targetsD aims5 The purpose of the official inquiry is to _ the true facts leading to the loss of the ship at sea.A come forB come atC come intoD come over6 Radio reception wasnt very good because of a disturbance in the atmosphere; the announcers voice sounded very _.A disputedB discardedC

4、 dismissedD distorted7 The old Roman walls may still be seen, but not in their _. A integrityB compactnessC installmentD flexibility8 He promised to put _ a word for me.A outB downC forwardD in9 The party will _their leader very determinedly.A adhere toB coincide withC cling toD depend on10 The nurs

5、e was dismissed because she was found to be _.A roundaboutB correspondingC vigilantD negligent11 A man who always _ his salary can never become very wealthy.A anticipateB articulateC manifestD monitor12 Foreign disinvestment and the _ of South Africa from world capital markets after 1985 further wea

6、kened its economy.A displacementB eliminationC exclusionD exception13 For a little while the girl _ for her dead cat, but she got over itafter a few days.A achedB depressedC grievedD upset14 The portion of the total income of Chinas railways which comes from carrying cargo is_80 percent.A consequent

7、lyB roughlyC comparativelyD incidentally15 A square is a flat area having four sides, any adjacent two sides of which _ a right angle.A makeB advocateC adjoinD shape16 We realized that he was under great _, so we took no notice of his bad temper.A excitementB stressC crisisD nervousness17 Dr.Smith w

8、as always _the poor and the sick, often providing them with free medical care.A tended byB absorbed inC reminded ofD concerned about18 Miss Jane always buys _ priced clothes.A highlyB highestC highD higher19 The archaeologist _that the vase was 3500 years old.A utilizedB estimatedC sustainedD upheld

9、20 American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing to _ enterprises.A moveableB changingC flexibleD varying21 An auction is usually advertised beforehand with full particulars of articles to be sold and where and when they can be viewed by _ buyers.A perspectiveB prospectiveC pros

10、perousD profitable22 For three-quarters of its span on Earth, life evolved almost_ as microorganisms.A preciselyB instantlyC initiallyD exclusively23 In no case will they _ with folded arms.A pass byB look onC go byD hold on24 The meeting was put off because we _ a meeting without John.A objected ha

11、vingB were objected to havingC objected to haveD objected to having25 She hit the chair and _ the coffee.A spoiledB pouredC spilledD splashed26 The manager gave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her _ attitude toward customersA impartialB mildC hostileD opposing27 Children who stay away fro

12、m school do _ for different reasons.A themB /C itD theirs28 I know he failed his last test, but really hes _ stupid.A something butB anything butC nothing butD not but29 Their marriage came to an end because they were simply not _ with each other.A comparableB compatibleC competitiveD complacent30 T

13、he old paper mill has been _to make way for a new shopping centre.A held downB kept downC cut downD turn down31 The editor told me that if I could _ my story to 5,000 words, they would take it.A cut offB cut downC cut acrossD cut in32 Martin lay_on the bed all night,turning over and over in his mind

14、 the great decision he might have to make.A wakeB awakeC wakenD woke33 Because Bob had stopped reading his technical journals he was _ of new development in his field.A tediousB subtleC ignorantD intellectual34 His contribution to the program was _ because 99 percent of the work was completed by his colleagues.A invisibleB negligibleC appreciableD considerable35 His talent is quite _.A mereB uniqueC singleD only36 _recent developments we do not think your scheme is practical.A In view ofB In favor ofC In case ofD In



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