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1、 decline / refuse/ reject / deny 的区别一、英文解释Deny 、When you deny something, you state that it is not true. 否认、If you deny someone something that they need or want, you refuse to let them have it. 拒绝给予refuse 、 If you refuse to do something, you deliberately do not do it, or you say firmly that you will

2、not do it. 拒绝、If someone refuses you something, they do not give it to you or do not allow you to have it. 拒绝给予reject 、V-T If you reject something such as a proposal, a request, or an offer, you do not accept it or you do not agree to it. 拒绝; 不同意、V-T If you reject a belief or a political system, you

3、 refuse to believe in it or to live by its rules. 摈弃. V-TIf someone is rejected for a job or course of study, it is not offered to them. 拒绝 (录用或录取)V-TIf someone rejects another person who expects affection from them, they are cold and unfriendly toward them. 拒绝 (某人的爱情) DeclineIf you decline somethin

4、g or decline to do something, you politely refuse to accept it or do it. 谢绝FORMAL二、含义区别及用法:Deny 作“否定、否认” ,当否认某件事时,就是否认它的真实性。其后可接名词、代词、动名词或 that从句。其次,deny sb sth 结构,就是拒绝给予某人想要的东西。Refuse:语气比 decline 强,含有非常坚决地、不客气地拒绝的意味。其后接接名词或代词、不定式,reject 后通常只接名词或代词,不能接动词不定式。语气比 refuse 更强, “拒绝”、 “驳回”,正式用词,强调不接受、不采纳他人

5、的意见、建议、请求等。也可表示表示由于客观条件不符合规定的标准而遭到拒绝。Decline v.婉言拒绝,谢绝,相当于 refuse politely,比较正式。sth ;to do sth有位网友举了一个滑稽的例子,来区分这些词汇。一个男孩邀请一个女孩吃烛光晚餐,女孩说“我今天已经有约会了”,这个男孩一定非常痛苦,问女孩“难道不能给我一个机会吗”,女孩说“ 其实你很好,但我不能跟你在一起 ”,这种拒绝就叫做“decline”。但如果女孩说“我不跟你去,你以后不要再来找我了。 ”这种拒绝就是“refuse” 了。那么什么叫“reject” 呢?如果这个男孩送这个女孩一束鲜花,并邀请她吃烛光晚餐,

6、这女孩接过鲜花“啪” 的一声甩在这个男孩脸上,然后“ 啪啪”抽了这个男孩两个大嘴巴,还狠狠地说“以后不要再让我见到你,见到你一次我就抽你一次!”那么这种回绝就是“reject”,表示最狠的一种回绝。3、高考题:1. -Are you still mad at her?-Not really, but I cant _ that her remarks hurt me.A. deny B. refuse C. reject D. decline2、She _ my invitation because of a previous appointment. A refused B declined C. deny D. reject3、The soldiers were put in prison because they . to obey orders.A、rejected B、declined C、objected D、refused 总述,此四词汇的区别,除了含义上的不同之外,词汇的搭配用法也很重要。如第 3 题。(2012 年 11 月 1 日星期四)



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