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1、白芬子小学六年级英语第七模块测试题 作者: 日期:2 兴安街道白芬子小学六年级英语第七模块姓名_ 班级_等级_一、按要求写单词。See同音词-sun 同音词- pleased近义词- give第三人称单数-coming原形-out反义词-say第三人称单数-copy第三人称单数-luck形容词-snake复数-right近义词-look同义词-family复数-monkey复数-二、英汉互译。eatfortweivehoursaday_inatree-givesbsth-theothersnake-comeoutofthebox-aninterestingCD-ROM.-afantasticp

2、resent-幸运的熊猫一天12小时- 喜欢竹子- 三、选词填空。ansaysDoeatfor1、pandas-tweivehoursaday.2、It-snakescanhear.3、What-interestingCD-ROM.四、用适当单词填空。1、Grandma_(give)Damingapresent yesterday.2、Doesthesnake-(like)music.3、Soit-(copy)theothersnake.4、Fish-(live)inwater. 5 、He-(like)tolook.6、Thisoldowl-(live)inatree.五、选择。1、Itis

3、time-piayingfootball.AforBtoCof2.What-interestingCD-ROM.AaBanCthe3.Pandaseat-twelvehoursaday.AforBofCto4 .Thesnake-thefluteisanothersnake.AthinksBthinkC/5. Canada is _ America. A. north of B. to north of C. in the north D. to visit6. Do you want _ the moon someday? A. to visiting B. visiting C. to v

4、isit7. There _ some water in that bottle. A. is B. are C. be8.There _ water in the cup. A. is some B. are some C. is many9. -Do you have _ stamps? -Sorry. I havent got _. A. some , any B.any, some C. any,any六、连词成句。1、eat day a panadas for hours twelves_.2、 thinks snake the is snake the flute another_

5、.3、 snake why the is out of coming the box _?4、like do computer you _?5、 interesting an what COROM_!6、 water the they in sleep _.七、阅读理解,正确(T),错误(F).She is AmericanBetty comes from Japan. Shes American. She speaks English. She can also speak a little Chinese. Shes in Tianjin now. Shes studying in a m

6、iddle school of Tianjin. She has classes on weekdays. On Sundays she often plays games with her Chinese friends. Her father is working in Tianjin. Her mother teaches English. Betty and her father like Chinese food. And they like China and the Chinese people very much.( ) 1. Betty and her parents are in Tianjin.( ) 2. Betty is a middle school student in China.( ) 3. She has no class on Sundays.( ) 4. She cant speak Chinese.( ) 5. Her mother is teaching English.八、写作。以“My Pet”为题写一篇小短文,描述一下你拥有或者你想要拥有的宠物。(不少于50个单词) _ _



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