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1、沈阳工程学院课程设计 - - 摘 要 汽轮机旁路系统是现代单元机组热力系统的一个组成部分。它的功能是,当锅炉和 汽轮机的运行情况不相匹配时,即锅炉产生的蒸汽量大于汽轮机所需要的蒸汽量时,多 余部分可以不进入汽轮机而经过旁路减温减压后直接引入凝汽器。此外,有的旁路还承 担着将锅炉的主蒸汽经减温减压后直接引入再热器的任务,以保护再热器的安全。旁路 系统的这些功能在机组启动、降负荷或甩负荷时是十分需要的。当机组冷态启动时,在 汽轮机冲转、升速或开始带负荷时锅炉产生的蒸汽量要比汽轮机需要的蒸汽量大,此时 旁路系统可作为启动排汽用。这样,锅炉可以独立地建立与汽轮机相适应的汽温和汽压, 保证二者良好的综合

2、启动,从而缩短了机组的启动时间,也延长了汽轮机的使用寿命。 与向空排气相比及回收了工质,又消除了噪音污染。在机组迅速降负荷时,要求汽轮机 迅速关小主汽门,而同时锅炉只可能缓慢的降负荷,即锅炉跟不上要求,此时旁路系统 起着减压阀的作用。这种情况下,旁路系统的存在使锅炉能独立与汽轮机而继续运行。 降负荷幅度越大,越迅速,越显示其优越性。对于甩负荷事故情况,旁路系统能使锅炉 保持在允许的蒸发量下运行,把多余的蒸汽引往凝汽器。让运行人员有时间去判断甩负 荷的原因,并决定锅炉负荷是应进一步下降还是继续保持下去,以便汽轮发电机组很快 重新并网。 关键词 大型火电机组,旁路控制,运行调试 汽轮机旁路控制系统

3、 - I - Abstract Large-unit is the main power of electricity industry, along with global energy Insufficiency and progress of environment consciousness, now surpercritical and ultra-supercitical units that are high efficiency and low emission have been outstanding epquipmengts in the world. large uni

4、t reprsents the tadvanced thermal process theoty, material science and automatic technology. cooperating control between bypass system and large-unit. with safety, high efficiency, low emission, which have close relationship with economic benefit17. Bypass system is important auxiliary equipment of

5、operation of large-unit, and has many funcions, such as coopreating startup, recycling process fluid, reducing consumption, decreasing emission. Bypass system has several process steps, including pressure reduction, desuperheating etc, and adopts automatic control method under different operation mo

6、des. Typical big unti bypass system comprises of high pressure bypass and low pressure bypass, individually executes different functions in unti operation. Bypass system operation control shall correspond with unit control system operation, and equip interlock device. Adding-bypass system is a syste

7、m project, through bypass design, operation control mode selection, key element choice, system match, installation and commission, excellent cooperati ve startup among untis, to complete relevant functions. Bypass system has achieved widely domestic appliance, and achieves some effect on safety opre

8、ation, combined load cooperation and economic benefit, while unveiling some problems to be resolved19. Further research of large-unit bypass system thermal process theory, thermal process matri al, fundamental element and automatic control, and accumulating exprerience during practice, co ntunuously

9、 improving design level and matching quality, are necessary route for gradually perfecting bypass system functions, improving operation safety and reliability, achieving higher economic benefit. Key Words Large Power Unit, Bypass Control, Cooperative Regulation 沈阳工程学院课程设计 - II - 目 录 摘 要.I Abstract.II 目 录 .III 1 引 言 .1 1.1 旁路控制系统的简介.1 1.2 旁路控制系统的功能.2 2 旁路控制系统 .4 2.1 旁路控制系统的组成.4 2.1.1 旁路调节阀 .4 2.1.2 液压动力单元和液压执行机构 .5 2.2 旁路控制系统的工作方式.5 2.2.1 启动方式 .5 2.2.2 运行方式 .5 2.3 旁路控制系统的控制方式.7 3 分散控制系统 .8 3.1 分散控制系统简述.8 3.2 Symphony 控制系统设计中采用的各种模件及其介绍.8 3.3 针对硬件的说明.


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