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1、-年高二英语同步辅导Unit-Art-and-architecture一-人教版 作者: 日期:9 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途2019-2020年高二英语同步辅导Unit3 Art and architecture一 人教版重、难点1. 词汇掌握2. 词汇,短语的用法3. 课文难点句理解知识总结与归纳(一)单元分析与学习建议1. 单元主题:艺术与建筑。现代建筑与传统建筑比较;艺术与建筑的发展;旧建筑的重新利用;家居布置等。2. 听力:一对夫妇在家具店与服务员的谈话,了解家居艺术品的材料和风格。3. 交际用语:表达个人的观点和偏爱。4. 阅读:(1)Modern Architecture:了解现

2、代建筑的历史和特征;比较传统建筑与现代建筑;借鉴传统建筑美学特点的现代建筑。(2)A second life for factory 798:了解798军工厂的建筑风格;如何被重新利用成为艺术家的聚集地。(3)The function of art:了解艺术的社会功能.5. 语法:复习过去分词做宾语补足语的用法。6. 学习建议:运用构词知识,录音带和教材中的有关词汇的多种形式的练习来掌握和巩固所学的新单词。对于语法结构重在理解所表达的意思,理解练习和阅读材料中出现的含有这些结构的句子。作题时一定要先理解清楚题干的意思(语境),千万不要生套语法。阅读材料中的语言非常生动地道,一定要从多种角度进行

3、精读。利用教材的朗读录音带练习口语,朗读和听力(二)词汇学习1. 运用构词知识判断下列单词的意思:heater; modernism; unnatural; unfriendly; create; aside; development; preference; architectarchitecture; constructconstruction; seashell; workshop; teahouse2. 单词归类:与建筑相关的词汇:architect; architecture; construct; construction; apartment; block; roof; cath

4、edral; structure; furniture; heater; passage; concrete; balcony; stadium; rent建筑风格:style; modernism3. 根据句子的语境(上下文)判断划线词的意思:Visitors to the Olympic Games will be impressed by the design of the stadium.I cant stand his silly questions any more, especially when I am very busy.She tried to set aside som

5、e time every evening to read to her children.Will three oclock be convenient for you ? Sure. Im free this afternoon.John has just returned from a fantastic trip to Tibet in China.(三)一些重要单词,短语的用法1. stand:站立,忍受(用于疑问句,否定句,接名词,代词或doing);处于某种状态。摊位Do you think he can stand this cold weather?I cant stand s

6、eeing children smoking.I never stand people telling me what to do.Often, these buildings are pulled down after having stood empty without use for many years.Few houses were left standing after the bombing raid.Come and find out more about the new car at our companys stand at the exhibition.掌握短语:stan

7、d for:象征,代表,意味着;His name is James B Clark. What does the B stand for?考虑在下列句子中stand for 的意思:I wouldnt stand for that sort of treatment if I were you.Before we vote for him, we want to know what he stands for.2. convenient:方便,便利,做表语时,主语是表示事物的名词。还可以做定语。表达“如果某人方便的话”:If(it is)convenient for/ to sb.It is

8、also convenient to live close to your work.If quite convenient for you, I will visit you tomorrow morning.They invited me to visit their workshop at a convenient date.3. despite:不管,尽管,任凭;后面接名词(短语);代词,不能接从句;although; though(连词)后面接从句,也可以接形容词,过去分词,动词-ing形式We understand him despite his strong accent.He

9、came to the meeting despite his illness.Demand for these cars is high, despite their high price.4. belong:属于,是成员。常用短语:belong to(没有被动语态,不用进行式)What other materials belong to these group ?This book doesnt belong to me.He had taken some valuables belonging to others.China is a developing country, belong

10、ing to the third world.5. aside:在一边,到旁边。Stand aside and let these people pass.He took me aside to tell me of his illness.6. 以set为核心的常用短语:set aside; set up; set off(for); set out; set about; set free注意下列句子中set短语的意思:The simple style of the buildings and the fact that they are German set them aside as

11、very different from Chinese architecture.The sooner we set about the work, the sooner well finish.Setting aside my wishes in the matter, what would you really like to do ?They will set off for Tibet tomorrow.We set out to paint the whole house this morning but only the front at noon.Roadblocks were

12、set up by the police to catch escaped prisoner.As part of the selection procedure, the board set up a situation to test the candidates ability to make decisions. 7. 短语,句型补充:go against; act as; pull down; be decorated withIt looks as if+ 陈述句*A is to B what C is to D:比喻结构:A对B 而言就如同C 对 D 一样。例:Honey is

13、to a bee what milk is to a cow.A net is to a fisherman what a gun is to a hunter.(四)课文难点句理解1. While in traditional architecture materials such as earth, stone, brick and wood are used, the materials of modern architecture are steel, glass and concrete.传统建筑使用土石和砖木等材料,而现代建筑的材料是钢铁,玻璃和混凝土等。注意:while:并列连词

14、,表示对比。2. Despite the fact that he used traditional materials, Gaudi was a modern architect.尽管使用了传统的建筑材料,Gaudi仍是一位现代建筑师。注意:despite后接名词,that he used traditional materials是fact的同位语从句。3. Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a birds nest

15、made of tree branches.从空中俯瞰,这座体育馆就好象被一张灰色的钢网罩住了似的。非常像树枝搭成的鸟巢。4. Often, these buildings are pulled down after having stood empty without use for many years.这些空空的大楼往往闲置几年以后就会被拆除了。注意:after having stood empty without use for many years:分词短语做时间状语。Stand在此是系动词后面接形容词,表示处于某种状态。5. They are decorated with small round windows that remind you of ships, bent roof


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