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1、unit-is-this-your-pencil-section-a-a-c-教案 作者: 日期:7 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A 1a-1c1. Teaching Aims:(1) Learn the new words: pencil, pencil box, book, eraser, schoolbag, dictionary, his, hers, mine, yours.(2) Learn the target language:-Excuse me. Is this/that.?-Yes, it is. / N

2、o, it isnt.-Excuse me. Are these/ those .?-Yes, they are. / No, they arent.(3) 名词性物主代词的运用以及与形容词性物主代词的区别。2. Ability aims:(1) Use the new words to make conversations.(2) Use the target language to talk with partners.(3) 理解并掌握名词性物主代词的运用。3. Modal Aims:Return the things that you find or borrow as soon as

3、 possible.4. Key Points:(1) Learn the new words.(2) Learn the target languages.5. Difficult Points:掌握名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词的区别。6. Teaching Methods:(1) Make situations.(2) Pair work.(3) Self doing7. Teaching Objects:PPT, some study things, video, pictures.8. Teaching Structures:Step 1. Lead-inT: Good after

4、noon, boys and girls. Please look at the title of this unit. Can you tell me how to read it, and whats the Chinese meaning?S: Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗?Pre-learning: FREE TALK.T: We have learned a lot of sentences, so please answer my questions.1.How are you?2.Whats this in English?3.Spell it, ple

5、ase.4.What color is it?5.Whats your name?6.Whats your telephone number?T: Very good. So lets look at what we will learn today.(show the teaching goals)Step 2. Warm-upT: Now, lets review a sentence “Whats this in English?”. Last class, I have told you to read the words. Can you read?S: Yes.T: Good, l

6、ets answer my questions: whats this in English?S: Its a/an.(new words) (pencil, pencil box, pen, book, ruler, eraser, dictionary)T: Great. Whats in your schoolbag?S: Its a/an.T: Whats in your pencil box?S: Its a/an.T: Wonderful! I know all of you can read the words. So lets do a memory challenge. Wh

7、os the best? Say the words quickly and correctly. Are you Ready?S: Yes.T: OK. Lets go! (show the pictures of school things)(竞争机制)Step 3. Presentation1. Look at the picture of 1a. Find some school things.(pencil, pen, chair, pencil sharpener, books, eraser, ruler, pencil box, school bag,dictionary.)T

8、: Find the words as soon as possible.2. Match the letters with the school things.T: You have 1minute to finish the task.3. T: Please look at the screen. Can you find the differences?(可先给出“名词性物主代词”,再由此引导出“名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词”)(Let Ss find it by themselves)4. Show some sentences(含有指示代词的一般疑问句)Let Ss kn

9、ow the target language.(可在讲解过程中进行练习。竞争机制)-Is this/that your/his/her.?-Yes, it is. Its mine/hers/his.-No, it isnt. Its mine.hers/his.-Are these/those your/his/her.?-Yes, they are. They are mine/hers/his.-No, they arent. They are mine/hers/his.Step 4. Listen to 1b1. T: Now, you have know the target la

10、nguage. Please listen to the tape. Ill give you two or three chances. First time please fill in the blanks(play the first time)2. T: OK! Then Ill play the second time. Please number the conversations 1-3.T: Can you change the words?3. Let Ss read the conversations one by one.4. Ask Ss work in pairs

11、to act out the conversations.5. 观察与思考1T:Please look at the three sentences and finish the chart, then finish the exercises.5. 观察与思考2T:Finish the blanks and do the exercises.Step 5. Practice 1cT: Please work in pairs and do the conversations.(竞争机制)Step 6.SummaryT: We have learned some words and sentences.Let Ss write the words and sentences, then read them together.Step 7.A good manner情感教育(Modal Aims)Return the things you find or borrow as soon as possible.Step 8. Homework1. recite the new words2. write two conversations like 1c


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