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1、unit-dont-eat-in-class教案 作者: 日期:8 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Grade 7 Unit 4 Dont eat in classSection A (1a-2c) 一、Teaching Aims(教学目标)1. Topic(话题):Rules2. Functions(功能): Talk about rules: Dont eat in class. We cant eat in the classroom, but we can eat in the dining hall. We must be on time.3. Structures(结构) (1). Im

2、peratives (Dont) : Dont fight. (2). Can for permission: Can we listen to music? Yes, we can./ No, we cant. (3). Modal verbs must: We must be on time.4. Words and expression(词汇)Curriculum words: rule, hall, arrive, listen, fight, wear, outside;Useful expressions: arrive late for class; be on time; ru

3、n in the hallways; listen to music; in class; eat in the dining hall; wear a hat;5. Emotion and Strategy(情感及策略): 提高学生遵守校纪校规的思想意识; 根据常识预测听力内容; 能将目标语言运用在真实语境中。 6. Culture(文化知识): 了解中外不同或相同的校规;二、Students Analysis(学情分析)七年级下半学期的学生已经有四年的学习英语的体会和实践,大多数学生具有较丰厚的语言积累和知识储备。在此之前,他们对祈使句没有系统的概念。但是有初一上基本语法的铺垫,学生不难掌

4、握祈使句的肯定及否定形式。本单元要求学生谈论学生在学校中的规章制度。内容贴切学生实际生活,有丰富的语境,利于激发学生学习兴趣。并且在学习英语中,可以适当穿插遵守校纪校规的情感教育,根据中华人民共和国教育法第43条规定,遵学校规章制度是每个学生在校学习的义务。三、Important and difficult points(教学重难点):1、教学重点: 掌握常见的短语和表达法,以及谈论规章制度需要的语言结构,包括祈使句及否定形式、情态动词can表达许可、情态动词must表达义务。2、教学难点:掌握常见的短语和表达法及can与cant表达许可的用法。四、Teaching tools(教学工具):

5、A computer五、Teaching methods(教学方法): 1、创设情景法 2、任务型教学法六、Teaching procedures(教学过程):1. Warm-up (课堂热身)(1). Greet the class.(2). A quick response. Ask the following questions, students answer Yes or No and stand up as quickly as possible. Lets see who is the quickest student in the class. Can we eat in th

6、e classroom? Can we run in the classroom? Can we get to school at 7:30? Can we fight? Can we play soccer in the classroom? Can we ride a bike in our school?【教学设计说明】通过热身活动,顺利导入本单元的主要话题规则。通过Yes或者No的回答,让学生意识到教室里可以做和不可以做的事情,帮助学生培养秩序感。同时,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习兴趣,为本课的教学创造积极的条件.2. Presentation (呈现新知识)T: From your

7、discussion, we know that we cant do many things in the classroom. Because there are many school rules. What are the rules in Luotuo Middle School? Lets see together.T: I get up late this morning. Can I arrive late for class? S: No, you cant.T: Yes. Rule one: Dont arrive late for class. We must be on

8、 time. Show students some signs or pictures and list other rules:T: Can you arrive late for class? Dont arrive late for class. You must be on time.T: Can you run in the hallways? Dont run in the hallways.T: Can you eat in the classroom? Dont eat in the classroom. You must eat in the dining hall.T: C

9、an you listen to music in class? Dont listen to music in class.T: Can you fight? Dont fight.Have Ss read these sentences together. 【教学设计说明】图片教学法是呈现新知识最简单有效的方法之一,学生通过图片,能更价值观的理解新单词的含义。此环节重点在新单词及词组的意思和发音上,要尽量让更多的学生张口说英语。3. Practice(操练)(1) . Lets chant. Rules, rules, so many rules, Dont arrive late, be

10、 late; You must be on time; Dont eat in the classroom; You must eat in the dining hall; Dont run in the hallways; You must walk, walk, walk, walk; Dont listen to music in class; Dont fight and be friendly to others; Follow the rules, be good students. (2). Guessing game:List some rules on the ppt. T

11、wo students make up a pair. One acts the rules out and the other guess what are the rules. Which parters are the greatest?Dont arrive late for class. Dont run in the hallways.Dont eat in the classroom. Dont listen to music in class.Dont fight.Dont play soccer in the classroom.Dont play computer in t

12、he classroom.Dont ride a bike in the school.【教学设计说明】这个两个活动不但能使学生的目标语言得到操练,而且可以提高学生学习英语的兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。4. Work on 1a (完成1a)(1) T: Look at in 1a. There are five school rules. Some students in the picture break the rules. Please write the number of the rule next to the student. (2) Talk about the picture wi

13、th Ss using the target language like this: A: Which rule is he/she breaking? B: He/ she is breaking rule 1: _.【教学设计说明】通过1a的练习,使学生进一步学会运用新单词。和学生一起谈论图片,目的在于引导学生学会使祈使句表示规则。5. Work on 1b (完成1b)ListeningT: They are students in our Luotuo Middle School. Three students Peter, Amy and Mike are breaking the

14、school rules. Lets listen to the conversation and find out what rules these Ss are breaking. Write the numbers after the names.【教学设计说明】此环节着重是听力训练。让学生在听对话的过程中抓住关键词汇,由于前面已做了一些训练,因此学生听起来比较容易,让他们都有一次成功的喜悦和感受,这样可以增强他们的学习自信心。6. Practice (练习)( 1c) SpeakingT: Today a new student named Tom comes to our school. He doesnt know the school rules, please tell him the rules from 1a. Lets work in pairs. Move around the class while they are practicing and offe



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