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1、,JUNIOR NEW CONCEPT ENGLISH,2A,Guess! -city, Washington, Wuhan, London,How can we get there?,Do you want to go to London?,airport 机场,International Airport,1,2,3,4,5,1.Counter,2.Security Check,3.Boarding Area,4.Baggage Hall,5.Arrivals Exit,arrivals 进港处,suit case 行李箱,Baggage Hall 行李领取厅,coffee bar 咖啡吧,

2、We can have a cup of coffee. We can eat some snack. We can wait for someone or have a rest.,What can we do in it?,new words,arrival,exit,baggage,hall,suitcase,come round,armchair,come out,rav()l,n. 到来;到达;到达者,egzt,n. 出口,bgd,n. 行李,hl,n. 大厅,sutkes,n. 手提箱,行李箱, rand , :mte(r),n.扶手椅,出来,单词记忆大比拼,根据英语说出汉语意思.

3、,Try it,根据汉语说出英语单词.,aunt,sister,son,mother,Listen to the recording, and then answer these questions: Where is Karen, and who is she waiting for? 听录音,然后回答问题:卡伦在哪儿?她在等谁?,Linda comes to London,Who is she?,Where is she,right now?,Where is karen?,What is she doing?,karen is in the coffee bar. she is wait

4、ing for linda and having a cup of coffee.,Where is Linda and what is she doing?,Linda is in the Baggage hall. She is waiting for her suitcase.,What can you see from the picture?,Who is with Karen?,Pual is with Karen. He is standing beside Karen.,What are they doing?,They are talking with each other

5、. Linda has got her suitcase,and she is coming out.,Guided Summary,Karen is in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit. She is waiting for Linda,and she is having a cup of coffee. Linda is in the Baggage hall,and she is waiting for her suitcase. Its coming round now. Paul is standing beside Karen a

6、nd she is giving him her phone. Pual and his mother say hello. Linda is coming out now with her suitcase.,arrival n 到达,Arrivals 进港处,new arrival 新货上市 on sbs arrival 某人到达 after ones arrival 在谁到达之后,arrive v 到达,next to 在旁边;紧挨着; Suddenly a driver sat down next to him .突然一个司机在他身旁坐下。 The library is on the

7、left , next to the cinema .图书馆就在左边,挨着电影院的地方。,wait for +sb./ sth. 等待 Dont wait for me! 别等我了! Im waiting for you. 我在等你。 Hes waiting for his suitcase. 他在等他的行李箱。,a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡 a+“量”(cup, glass, bag, piece等)+of +名词-表示某一数量的物质 a glass of water 一杯水 a piece of paper 一张纸 a bag of apples 一袋苹果,a bowl of

8、rice 一碗饭 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 a packet of tea 一包茶叶 a loaf of bread 一条面包,suitcase,suit 套装,bathing suit 泳衣 business suit 西装,case 容器,pencil case,事件,小 case,just in case 以防万一,come round = come around 来到附近,show sb around (SP) 带领某人参观某地,There it is!=It is there. 当我们在指某物的时候, here和there都放在主语前面。,with prep.

9、介词;和在一起;偕同 She lives with her son.她和她的儿子住在一起。,1 Jack and his father are climbing the hill. 2 Jack, with his father is climbing the hill.,and是连词,连接的两个成分关系是平等的; with则是介词,所带的处于偏从地位,可理解为补充的部分,解题时要忽略它。,Im giving him my phone now. give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb. 给某人某物 give Lisa the book. =give the book to

10、Lisa,Pass your mother the dress,please. _,Show Kate your new skirt,please. _,Send me a box of milk,please. _,注意:,give it to her 不能改写成 give her it,send them to him 不能改写成send him them,show them flowers =show flowers to them,当短语中的sth为名词时,两种句式可以相互转换。 如果sth 为代词(it,them)只能用 give sth to sb,Talk to your mot

11、her! talk to和某人说话 I want to talk to you. 我想和你谈谈。 Dont talk to strangers. 别和陌生人讲话。,talk to 一个人对另一个人说,交流很少,talk with 两人交谈,talk about 谈论某事,Ive got my suitcase. 我拿到我的行李箱了。,Ive got= I have got 有、拥有,Ive got +疾病名 表示 我得了_病。 eg: Ive got a headache. Shes got a cold.,Try to translate!,琳达: 嗨,卡伦!你在哪儿? 卡伦: 我在进港出口

12、旁的咖啡馆。 我正在一边等你一边喝咖啡。 卡伦: 你在哪儿?在做什么? 琳达: 我在行李领取厅, 在等我的皮箱。,琳达: 啊,我看到箱子了! 马上就转过来了!到了! 琳达: 哦,卡伦!保罗和你在一起吗? 卡伦: 当然在。 他就站在我身旁。我现在把电话给他。 卡伦: 给,保罗!和你妈妈说说话! 保罗: 你好,妈妈! 琳达: 你好,保罗!我拿到皮箱了,马上就出来!,Try to translate!,现在进行时,时间状语 1. look listen now at the moment 2.Where . 3.these days 这几天 at present 最近 4.祈使句,注意: 下面这几个动词不能用于现在进行时 like hear find see want,POWERPOINT TEMPLATE,TNANK YOU,



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