新人教版高一英语必修四Unit 3 语法课件(讲解+练习)精品

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1、Grammar,A taste of English humour,动名词的形式,Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1. Talking to him is talking to a wall. 2. Smoking may cause cancer.,对他说话等于对牛弹琴。,吸烟会致癌。,-ing形式作主语和宾语的用法,Revision,3. Walking is my sole exercise. 4. Talking mends no holes. 5. I suggest bringing the meeting to an

2、 end.,散步是我唯一的运动。,(谚)空谈无济于事。,我建议结束会议。,6. He admitted taking the money. 7. I couldnt help laughing. 8. Your coat needs brushing.,他承认钱是他拿的。,我禁不住笑了起来。,你的大衣需要刷一下。,一. 作主语 动名词作主语时,句子有三种形式: 动名词直接置于句首主语的位置上。 1) 捉弄别人是我们万万不能干的. _ is something we should never do 2) 学习新单词对我来说非常重要。 _ is very important for me,Play

3、ing tricks on others,Learning new words,用形式主语it,把真正的主语动名词结构移置句尾。但这种句子形式有一定的限制,作表语的只能是某些形容词或少数名词,如useful,useless,good,fun;no use,worth等。如:,2) 和夏洛克争辩是没有什么用的。 _ with Shylock 3) 想再解释一次有好处吗? _ 4) 跟你在一起工作是令人愉快的。 _,It is useless arguing,Is it any good trying to explain?,It is pleasant working with you,常用-i

4、ng形式作主语的句型有: It +be +a waste of time doing 做是浪费时间的 It is/was no good/use doing 做是没用处的 It is/was worth/worthwhile doing 做是值得的, 在there be结构中作主语,这种结构的意思相当于“It is impossible to do ” 如: 无法知道他什么时候离开。 There was _ when he would leave.,no knowing,二. 动名词作宾语有两种情况。一是有些动词只能后接动名词作宾语;二是有些动词既可后接动名词也可后接不定式作宾语。 只能后接动

5、名词作宾语的动词, 常见的有avoid, consider, enjoy, keep, finish, suggest, dislike, delay, escape, cannot help, imagine, mind, miss, practice, cannot stand等。如:,1) 我不能不去。 I cant avoid going 2) 你是否考虑过找一位挚友? Have you considered _ one special friend? 3) 我们必须设法避免犯同样的错误。 We must try to _ the same mistake,looking for,av

6、oid repeating,4) 晚饭后你想和我一起散步吗? Do you _ with me after supper? 5)人们忍不住嘲笑那个愚蠢的人。 People _ foolish man 这类动词还有:excuse, fancy, give up, put off, risk等。,feel like having a walk,couldnt help laughing at that,既可接动名词又可接不定式作宾语的动词,常见的有:begin, start, continue, like, love, prefer, mean, forget, remember, hate等。

7、A. 在like, love, hate, prefer等动词之后,用-ing或不定式意义上没有什么不同,只是侧重点有些不同,动名词表示泛指的动作,不定式表示具体的一次性动作。,B. 在begin/start, continue之后,用动名词和不定式,意义无甚区别,尤其是当主语是人的时候。 C. 在动词forget,remember,regret之后,用动名词与不定式意义不同。动名词表示动作先于谓语发生,不定式表示后于谓语动作,如:,I remember posting the letter 我记得我已把信寄了。 2) Ill remember to post the letter 我会记着去

8、寄信的。 3) I shall never forget seeing the famous writer _,我永远不会忘记见到过那位著名作家。,4) Dont forget to write to your mother _ 5) 我真后悔没赶上那次报告会。 _ 6) 我遗憾地告诉你我不能接受你的建议。 _,不要忘了给你母亲写信。,I regret missing the report,I regret to say I cant take your advice,D. 在try,mean之后,意义各不相同,如try to do (设法),try doing (试试),mean to do

9、 (打算,有意要做),mean doing (意思是,意味着)。如: 1) 我们必须设法及时把一切搞好。 We must try to get everything done in time.,2) 我们用别的方法做这工作试试。 Lets try doing the working in some other way. 3) I didnt mean to make you angry. _ 4) Your plan would mean spending hours. _,我并不想叫你生气。,你的计划意味着要花费几个小时。,E. go on doing 和 go on to do go on

10、 doing 继续做一直在做的事;go on to do 接着做另一件事。如: 1) 请接着做这同一个练习。 _ the same exercise 2) 请做另外一个练习。 _ the other exercise,Please go on doing,Please go on to do,F. stop doing与stop to do: stop doing 停止做,stop to do停下正在干的事去干另一件事。如: 1) 我们停止了交谈。_ 2) 我们停了下来去谈话。_,We stopped talking,We stopped to talk,一、-ing形式作定语 1. buil

11、ding materials = materials for building 建筑材料 drinking water = water for drinking 饮用水 a walking stick = a stick for walking 手杖,-ing形式作定语, 宾语补足语和表语的用法,2. They lived in a room facing the street. = They lived in a room that faces the street. 他们住在一间面朝街的房子。 The man standing there is Peters father. = The m

12、an who is standing there is Peters father. 站在那儿的那个人是彼得的父亲。,Anybody swimming in this river will be fined. = Anybody who is swimming in this river will be fined. 在这条河里游泳的任何一个人都会被罚款。,3. -ing形式短语也可以用作非限制定语,相当于一个非限制性定语从句,这时,它与句子其他部分用逗号分开。如: His brother, working as a teacher, lives in Beijing. = His broth

13、er, who is working as a teacher, lives in Beijing. 他那个当教师的哥哥住在北京。,The apple tree, swaying gently in the breeze, had a good crop of fruit. = The apple tree, which was swaying gently in the breeze, had a good crop of fruit. 那棵苹果树硕果累累,在微风中轻轻摇曳。,二、-ing形式作宾语补足语 1. When we returned to the school, we found

14、 a stranger standing at the entrance. 当我们回到学校时, 发现一个陌生人站在大门口。 We found the snake eating the eggs. 我们发现蛇正在吃鸡蛋。 I found a bag lying on the ground. 我发现地板上放着一个包。,2 They found the result very satisfying. = The result is found very satisfying. 这个结果很令人满意。 They heard him singing in the next room. = He was h

15、eard singing in the next room. 有人听到他在隔壁房间唱歌,2. 能用-ing形式作宾语补足语的几类动词: 1). We saw a light burning in the window. I felt somebody patting me on the shoulder.,Can you smell anything burning? As he spoke, he observed everybody looking at him curiously. Listen to the birds singing. I didnt notice him waiting.,2



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