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1、 英语八年级上册Unit 1Topic1 检测卷一词汇运用。(A)翻译下列短语:1.在将来 2.体育明星 3.同比赛 4.他最喜欢的运动员 5.五个女医生 6.动身去某地 7.生某人的气 8.花费做 9.为他加油 10.去划船 11.为效力 12.成长 13.对有益 14.跳远 15.后天 16.放弃做 17.打棒球 18.到达北京 19.保持健康 20.国家队 21.参加学校骑车俱乐部 (B)用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Some soccer fans_ _(arrive)in Beijing last month2. What is your sister going to be whe

2、n she_ (grow)up?3.Swimming helps to keep your heart and lungs _(health)4. My favorite sport is_ (skate).What about you?5. _ you _ _ (cheer) us on this afternoon? Yes, I am.6._ _ (swim)is a good exercise. Most people like it.7. He is an_ (act)young man from Shanghai.8. She often goes_ _(row)in summer

3、 9.There_(be)a movie next Sunday.10. 一Who _ _(win)the first gold medal for China in the 29th Olympics,do you know?一Yes,it was Chen jie.(C)句型转换。1. Michael is going to play table tennis this afternoon. (改为一般疑问句,)_Michael _ to play table tennis this afternoon?2. There will be a match between Class One

4、and Class Two this Saturday.(改为同义句)Class One will_ _ Class Two this Saturday.3. Do you prefer swimming?(用running改为选择疑问句)_ _ _ do you prefer, swimming _running.?4. He is going to fly a kite with his friends tomorrow.(对划线部分提问) _ _ he going to _ tomorrow ?5. Bill usually swims in the river.(对划线部分提问)_ _

5、 _ Bill_ in the river?6. It often takes(花费) me half an hour to do my homework every day.(改为同义句)I often _ half an hour _ my homework every day.7. Who is your favorite player ?( 改为同意句) Which player do you _ _?8. I saw her. She is playing with a dog. (合并为一句)I saw_ _ with a dog.9. They are going to Japa

6、n next week .( 改为同意句) They are _ _ Japan next week .10. Im going to climb a mountain on Sunday .(改为一般疑问句) _ _ going to climb a mountain on Sunday ? 二、单项选择。从所给的A、B、C、D中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Would you like us? Id like to.A. to joinsB. to joinC. to take part inD. take part in2. How much does he on the new c

7、omputer? A. payB. spend C. takeD. cost3. What about _ basketball ? A.play B. plays C. playing D. played4. I see him basketball almost every day.A. playsB. to playC. playD. playing5. I really enjoy friends with you.A. to makeB. madeC. makingD. to making6. I arrived home at 11 oclock last night. A. to

8、B. atC. inD. /7. Kangkang is good running. He thinks it is good his health.A. for; atB. at; forC. at; toD. for; to8. Xu Xia and her teammates are _ the U.S.A. next week. A.leaving for B.leave for C.to D.left 9.Kangkang wants to be a doctor when he _. A.grow up B.grows up C.will grow up D.growing up

9、10.Sam spends two hours _ his homework every day. A.to do B.doing C.do D.does 11.There _ an English Party in our class next week. A.is going to have B.is going to be C.will have D.have12. What _ Michael _at weekends? He goes bicycling.A. do; do B. does; do C. will; do D. is, doing13. Swimming is a g

10、ood way _healthy.A. keep B. to keep C. keeping D. keeps14. I will _the basketball team. A. joined B. take part in C. join D. took part15. Where are you going? Im _New York.A going toB. goingC. going to goD. going to go to 16.Which team are you going to play _ the day after tomorrow? A team from No.7

11、 Middle School. I hope we will win. A.about B.with C.for D.against 17. _do you visit your grandparents? Once a month.A. HowB. How soon C. How longD. How often18.Can you hear a baby _ in th next room?. A . crying B. cries C. cry D. Cried19.She is planning to take part _ the high jump . A. in B. at C. to D. on20.It_rainWed better stay at homeA.is going to B.is going


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