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1、Chinese Wushu中国武术题记: 中国武术博大精深,门派众多。它是人类文明的一大奇迹,也是中华民族传统的体育项目。在古代。人们练习武艺,主要是为了打斗时更好地克敌制胜。而现在人们练习武术主要是为了强身健体。Chinese Wushu is extensive and profound and it has a lot of schoolsIt has thousands of years of history and is an amazing symbol of traditional Chinese physical philosophyIn the ancient times,t

2、he main purpose of Wushu was to defend against the enemy in military affairs,but nowadays people practice it just to keep in good healthChinese Wushu can be traced back to primitive societyIn the harsh struggle for survival,some attacking and defending skills were neededIn effort to improve physical

3、 strength and advance their wisdom of hunting,the original Wushu was developedAfter entering into a slave and feudal society,fighting skills developed quickly as wars burst out very frequentlyThe turbulent society was another reason promote people to practice WushuActually,Wushu or martial arts is a

4、 defensive and offensive combat system that includes many set patterns such as kicking,hitting,throwing,catching,hacking,and stickingDuring the long history of China,Wushu has been developed and perfectedThere are many kinds of martial arts and different factions or groupsTwo main boxing skills were

5、 formed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,namely Shaolin and WudangShaolin boxing is famous for its outside skills and Wudang has gained the good reputation for the inside skillsLong boxing,Short boxing,and Ditang boxing,belong to the Shaolin style and are mainly used for fighting. Only Taichi boxing a

6、nd Eight Diagram belong to Wudang boxing,which are mainly used for defending and keeping in good healthIn addition to boxing,another important aspect of Chinese Wushu is the weapon skills , such as broad swords, swords, spears, cudgels, axes,hammers,and forks hooks,and halberds The most prosperous t

7、ime of Chinese Wushu appeared in the Sui and Tang dynastiesFrom then on,it was a popular way to choose outstanding talents as military commanders from the martial arts competitionMany ancient heroes like Yue Fei were chosen from these competitionsIt also improved the practice of martial arts in the

8、whole countryAt that time,soldiers practiced martial arts,so did scholarsIt was said the most famous poets in China Li Bai and Du Fu also learned how to use swords when they were youngShaolin temple rising to prominence was one of the most important things in Chinese Wushu historyThe temple is locat

9、ed on MtSongshan in Dengfeng county,Henan Province. It is said that during the Tang Dynasty,the monks helped Li-Shimin, a would-be emperor, making a great contribution to unite the states,thus the temple was given a handsome rewardSince then,the Kung Fu of Shaolin has been developed and became famou

10、s all over the worldAfter the Southern Song and Northern Song dynasties,Wushu was popular among the ordinary people and became an important skill to keep good health and defend the homelandAs time went by, the military function of Chinese Wushu gradually weakened,but it became a popular way to keep

11、fitThere has been a close relationship between martial arts and the ways to keep in good health,especially after the Qin and Han dynastiesIt is these functions that have made Chinese wushu continue to flourishChinese Wushu pays great attention to harmony from inside and outside and combining peoples

12、 actions with their environmentPeople usually use something natural as conduct object when they practice itThe forms are often described as looking like a monkey, standing like a pine tree,sitting like a clock, as light as a leaf,and as quick as windNowadays,many physical education colleges and univ

13、ersities have set up Wushu specialitiesThere are a lot of Wushu enthusiasts in China and abroad now. Chinese wushu has been officially listed as a sports competition project,and has obtained a greater promotion and popularization段落译文中国武术的源头,可以追溯到原始社会。在严酷的生存斗争中,人们自然产生一些拳打脚踢的初级攻防手段。在狩猎活动中,人们不断改善体力、提高智

14、慧,于是就出现了原始形态的武术。进入奴隶社会和封建社会后,民族、国家之间经常爆发战争,武术的格斗技能在军队中得到重视和发展。社会动荡不安也大大促进了民间习武之风。 所谓武术,就是以踢、打、摔、拿、劈、刺等技击动作为主要内容,组成进攻和防守套路的对抗形式攻和防守套路的对抗形式。在漫漫的历史长河中,武术得到了极大的发展和完善,形成了许多武术套路,以及不同的流派。例如,明清时期,中国拳术已初步形成两大派别,即“北派少林”和“南派武当” 。少林以外家拳著称于世,而武当则以内家拳名闻天下。外家拳的种类很多,包括长拳、短拳地躺拳等,主要用于格斗。内家拳的种类主要有“太极”和“八卦”两种,其特点是“以静制动

15、” , “主在御敌” ,更侧重于健身。除了拳术外,中国武术的另一个重要方面是运用武器和器械形成的武术套路,如刀术、剑术、棒法和枪法等。中国武术的主要器械有刀、剑、枪、棒、斧、锤、义、钩、戟等多种。隋唐时期,中国武术出现了空前繁盛的局面。后来各代朝廷都采用武术考试的方法来选拔武艺出众的人才担任军事统帅,如民族英雄岳飞等。此项举措大大促进了官方和民间的练武活动。当时不但武人练武,文人也以配剑,舞剑为荣。著名诗人李白、杜甫年轻的时候都学过剑术。少林寺的崛起是中国武术史上的一件大事。少林寺位于河南省登封县的嵩山上。据说唐朝时期,少林寺的武僧帮助秦王李世民作战,为唐朝统一天下立下汗马功劳,少林寺因此受到

16、了皇帝的封赏。从此,少林寺武功日益发展,并扬名天下。自两宋以后,武术运动开始向民间发展。武术成为中国劳动人民强健身体、保家卫国的重要手段。随着时间的推移,中国武术在军事战斗中的作用逐渐减弱,强身健体的作用日益突出。特别是秦汉以后,养生术与武术更是密不可分。可以说,武术之所以能发展至今,并日益兴旺发达,是与它具有健身和防身双重作用分不开的。 中国武术讲究“内外合一,形神兼备” 。常把大自然的景物作为练武的参照对象,如把武术动作形容成“动如猿” 、 “站如松” 、 “坐如钟” 、 “轻如叶” 、 “快如风”等。目前,中国的很多体育院校都设立了武术专业。国内外有很多的武术爱好者。武术已被正式列为体育竞赛项目,得到了更好的推广和普及。实用词汇:武术 Wushu功夫 Kung-fu: martial arts中国拳术 Chinese boxing外家拳;少林拳 Shaolin Boxing;Shaolinquan长拳 Changquan;Long Boxin


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