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1、关于论文结构和格式规范的有关问题,请认真阅读“外国语学院英语本科毕业论文撰写要求”,同时可查阅“MLA格式学位论文写作规范(供查询用)”。(建议:以本范文作为模板,把自己论文的相应部分复制后,以 “选择性粘贴”“无格式文本”的方式,粘贴到范文的相应位置,以保持与范文格式完全一致。)论文单面打印1份,左侧装订(两个钉子)。(这些说明打印时删除)请文学方向的参考范文2。山东财经大学本科毕业论文(设计)范文1题目: 论转换法在英汉翻译中的应用 学 院 外国语学院 专 业 英语 班 级 英语0802 (注意原山经、原山财班级名称不同)学 号 2008110107 姓 名 刘 潇 指导教师 李文涛 山东

2、财经大学教务处制二一二年五月山东财经大学学士学位论文山东财经大学学士学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。本声明的法律结果由本人承担。日期填写定稿日期5月1日。教师学生都要手写签名学位论文作者签名: 年 月 日山东财经大学关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解山东财经大学有关保留、使用学士学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留、送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅,学校可以公布论文的全部或部

3、分内容,可以采用影印或其他复制手段保存论文。日期填写定稿日期5月1日。教师学生都要手写签名指导教师签名: 论文作者签名: 年 月 日 年 月 日On Application of Conversion in English-Chinese Translation by Liu XiaoUnder the Supervision ofLi WentaoSubmitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsSchool of Foreign StudiesShandong Uni

4、versity of Finance and EconomicsMay 2012B. A. Thesis of Shandong University of Finance and EconomicsAcknowledgementsUpon the completion of the thesis, first of all, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Li Wentao, for his enlightening guidance, incessant encouragement

5、 and careful modification throughout the process of writing this thesis. Without his patience and prudence, I could not have brought my thesis to its present form. Besides, I am also greatly indebted to other beloved teachers in the School of Foreign Studies of Shandong University of Finance and Eco

6、nomics, for their valuable and informative courses which have benefited me a lot during my college years.Last but not the least, I am also much obliged to all my friends who have helped me with my thesis. L. X.(名字的第一个字母)ABSTRACTOn Application of Conversion in English-Chinese TranslationLiu XiaoDue t

7、o the great differences between English and Chinese in grammar and expression style, translators may adopt the approaches of changing the word classes and sentence components in English-Chinese (E-C) translation. As a frequently-used translation technique, conversion enables translators to achieve a

8、 natural, fluent and accurate translation that not only conveys the original texts information but also fits the idiomatic usage of Chinese.The thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter examines the conversion of word classes in E-C translation such as conversion from English nouns or pre

9、positions into Chinese verbs. The conversion of word classes usually results in the conversion of sentence components, so the second chapter discusses the conversion of sentence components. The third chapter explores the approaches of how to convert the English perspectives into the corresponding on

10、es conforming to Chinese culture and thought pattern.Key words: conversion; word classes; sentence components; perspectives; E-C translation摘要论转换法在英汉翻译中的应用刘潇由于英汉两种语言在语法或表达习惯上存在巨大差异, 在英汉翻译的过程中, 译者往往需要改变原文的词类或句子成分。作为英汉翻译中常用的翻译技巧,转换法可以使译文自然、流畅、准确,既传达原意又符合汉语的表达习惯。本文共分三章。第一章介绍了英汉翻译过程中几种常见的词性转换方法,如原文中的名词或

11、介词转换为译文中的动词。词性的转换通常会引起句子成分的改变,第二章分析了句子成分的转换现象。第三章讨论了如何将英语思维视角转换为相应的符合汉语文化和思维模式的视角。关键词:转换法;词类;句子成分;视角;英译汉CONTENTSAcknowledgementsiiAbstract.iiiAbstract in ChineseivIntroduction1Chapter One Conversion of Word Classes.3I. Conversion into Chinese Verbs3II. Conversion into Chinese Nouns5III. Conversion i

12、nto Chinese Adjectives6IV. Conversion into Chinese Adverbs7Chapter Two Conversion of Sentence Components.9I. Conversion into Chinese Subjects9II. Conversion into Chinese Predicates10III. Conversion into Chinese Objects11IV. Conversion into Chinese Attributes11V. Conversion into Chinese Complements12

13、Chapter Three Conversion of Perspectives14I. Conversion of English Impersonal Subjects14II. Conversion from the Abstract into the Concrete.17III. Conversion from the Stative into the Dynamic17IV. Conversion from the Passive into the Active18V. Conversion between Negative and Affirmative18Conclusion.20Works Cited.21如有三级标题,可以i. ii. iii. iv. 编写,为简明,建议目录中尽量不要写三级标题,正文中可有三级标题。注意各级标题大小写,确保目录中的标题、页码与正文中的标题、页码保持对应。21注意每段的首行缩进、行距、字体、字号等要保持全文一致IntroductionIn translation we may go through many procedures to translate t


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