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1、领导干部外事英语800句一、接待寒暄 Greetings as a host1. 你好!欢迎你来中国访问。How do you do? Welcome to China.2. 我们是第一次见面。很高兴同你结识。This is our first meeting. I am glad to meet you.3. 我们是老朋友了,很高兴这次能接待你。We are old friends. I am so glad to be your host.4. 你们长途跋涉可以先到宾馆休息一下。You had a long flight. Why dont you go to the hotel and

2、have some rest first.5. 你是第一次来中国访问吗?Is this your first visit to China?6. 你以前到过中国哪些地方?印象怎样?What places in China have you visited? What is your impression?7. 我们为你这次访问制定了一个计划。你看看行不行?We have prepared a program for you. I hope you will like it.8.不知你对这次访问还有什么要求?Is there anythging else that interest you?9.

3、 我们这里有不少值得一看的地方,你可以尽可能多走一走,看一看。There is a lot to see around here. I hope you can see as much as possible.10. 祝你在我们这里过得愉快。I wish you a pleasant stay here.11. 谢谢你送我礼物,我很喜欢。我也给你准备了礼物。希望你能喜欢。Thank you for your gift. I like it very much. This is the gift for you. I hope you will like it.12. 你对今天的参观印象怎样?H

4、ow do you find todays visit?13. 你觉得这里的风景怎样?How do you like the secenery here?14. 你觉得今晚菜肴怎样?和不和你胃口?How do you like the food this evening?15. 希望你对访问感到满意。I hope you have enjoyed the visit.16. 我访问过你们国家,留下了深刻印象。I have visited you country. It had left me deep impression.17. 借此机会,我要对访问贵国时受到的热情接待再次表示衷心的感谢。I

5、 wish to take this opportunity to once again express my sincere thanks for your warm reception during my visit to your country.18. 你就要结束访问了。不知你对这次访问印象如何?You are about to end your visit. How do you find the visit?19. 感谢你邀请我到贵国访问。我希望不久的将来能到你们国家访问。Thank for you invitation to visit your country. I hope

6、to visit your country soon.20. 你的这次来访取得了成功。欢迎你今后有机会再来。Your visit is very successful. I hope you will come again.二、出访寒暄 Greetings as a guest21. 你好!见到你很高兴。How do you do! I am glad to meet you.22. 我们是老朋友。很高兴同你再次见面。We are old friends. I am glad to see you again.23. 对我们上次见面,我至今记忆犹新。I still remember our l

7、ast meeting.24. 感谢你们邀请我们来贵国访问。Thank you for your invitation.25. 这是我第一次来贵国访问。我想多了解一些贵国情况。This is my first visit to your country. I hope to learn as much as possible about your country.26. 我对贵国情况有所了解,看过关于贵国的书籍和报刊,也接待过到中国访问的客人。 I know something about your country. I read books, newspapers and magazines

8、 about it and met visitors from your country in China.27. 我早就想来贵国访问。这次有机会来,真是很高兴。I have long wanted to visit your country and I am so glad to come this time.28. 感谢你来亲自迎接我们。Thank you for coming to meet us.29. 一踏上贵国的土地,我们就有宾至如归的感觉。As soon as we arrive in your beautiful country, we feel very much at ho

9、me.30. 这里的人民勤劳智慧。The people here are hardworking and talented.31. 你们的接待计划很周到,我很满意。You have made a good programe for my visit. I like it very much.32. 这几天,我们在这里过得很愉快。We have enjoyed our visit here in the past few days.33. 贵国的文化和风俗有自己的鲜明特点。You have unique culture and customs.34. 这里风景很美,给我留下深刻印象。I am i

10、mpressed by the beautiful scenery here.35. 你刚才的介绍内容很丰富,让我学到不少知识。Your briefing is very informative and I have learnt a lot.36. 感谢你的盛情款待,品尝到贵国的特色菜肴。Thank you for your warm hospitality and for the opportunity to taste your cuisine.37. 你们的热情接待,让我们深受感动。We are deeply moved by your warm reception.38. 你曾经到过

11、中国一些地方,有些什么印象。You have visited some places in China. What is your impression?39. 欢迎你方便的时候到中国访问。You are welcome to visit China at your convenience.40. 欢迎你有机会再次到中国访问,亲眼看看中国发生的变化。You are welcome to vist China again to see the changes there.三、会谈和主持会议 At meetings and conferences41.欢迎各位请入座。Welcome everyon

12、e. Please be seated.42. 开始会谈前,请允许我介绍一下,我方参加人员。Before we start, let me introduce the participants from our side.43. 我代表苏州市政府和人民对你来访表示热烈欢迎。On behalf of the government and the people of Suzhou, I wish to express a warm welcome to you.44. 首先,我要转达王先生对你的诚挚问候。First of all , I wish to convey to you the warm

13、 greetings from Mr. Wang.45. 现在请你介绍一下,贵方代表团成员。Would you please introduce the members of your delegation?46. 很高兴我同李女士再次相见,我对上次相见记忆犹新。I am glad to meet you again, Miss Li. I still remember our last meeting.47. 我们上次谈得很愉快,双方达成许多共识。We had a pleasant talk and reached an agreement on many issues.48. 这次我希望同

14、贵方进行深入交流。This time I hope to have an in-depth exchanges of view.49. 你们是远道而来的客人,请先谈。You are our guests coming afar. Would you like to speak first?50. 刚才,贵方发表了很好的看法,我方都赞成。You have made some good points. We fully agree.51. 现在我着重谈一下几点意见。Now I would like to make the following points.52. 我们的会谈很愉快,取得了一系列成果

15、。Weve had a good and productive talk.53. 希望我们今后有机会继续进行交流。I hope we will have the opportunity to continue our discussion.54. 我代表会议主办方,欢迎大家与会。One behalf of the organizer of the conference, I wish to extend a warm welcome to you all.55. 这次会议是由.发起的。This conference is initiated by.56. 会议的主题是.The theme of the conference is.57. 会议的日程如下.The programe of the conference is as follows:58. 出席会议的有:Present at todays conference are.



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