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1、Unit 6 Science and Technology Part Warming up A. key words: bulletproof vest防弹背心防弹背心 Impenetrable by bullets. predicting weather预测天气预测天气 To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge. 预测,预知,预告 : 预先陈述、告诉或公布, 尤指以特殊知识为基础 预测,预知,预告 : 预先陈述、告诉或公布, 尤指以特殊知识为基础 c

2、hess国际象棋国际象棋 A board game for two players, each beginning with 16 pieces of six kinds that are moved according to individual rules, with the objective of checkmating the opposing king 国际象棋:一种两人参加的棋 盘游戏,每人最初执 国际象棋:一种两人参加的棋 盘游戏,每人最初执 16 枚棋子,其中分为 六种,每种按不同规则移动,目标为将死对 枚棋子,其中分为 六种,每种按不同规则移动,目标为将死对 手的国王手的国

3、王 Vocabulary: shooting range射击场射击场 yarn纺线纺线 A continuous strand of twisted threads of natural or synthetic material, such as wool or nylon, used in weaving or knitting. 纺线,纤维线:天然或人工合成材料制成的 盘绕成股的连线,如羊毛或尼龙,用于纺织 或编织 纺线,纤维线:天然或人工合成材料制成的 盘绕成股的连线,如羊毛或尼龙,用于纺织 或编织 pawn卒卒 A chess piece of lowest value that m

4、ay move forward one square at a time or two squares in the first move, capture other pieces only on a one-space diagonal forward move, and be promoted to any piece other than a king upon reaching the eighth rank 缩写缩写 P【游 戏】 【游 戏】 兵,小卒:价值最小的棋子,一次可 向前移一方格或在第一步可移两格,只能吃 兵,小卒:价值最小的棋子,一次可 向前移一方格或在第一步可移两格,

5、只能吃 对方靠对角线前方的一个子,当到达第八级 时可升为除王以外的任何一棋子 对方靠对角线前方的一个子,当到达第八级 时可升为除王以外的任何一棋子 electrode电极电极 A solid electric conductor through which an electric current enters or leaves an electrolytic cell or other medium. 电极:一个固体电导体,电流通过它进入或 离开电解电池或其它媒质 电极:一个固体电导体,电流通过它进入或 离开电解电池或其它媒质 lever杠杆杠杆 A simple machine consi

6、sting of a rigid bar pivoted on a fixed point and used to transmit force, as in raising or moving a weight at one end by pushing down on the other 杠杆:固定于某一枢轴,用来传递力 的一种简单的装置,带有一个金属杆,如通 过压低一端而举起或移动另一端的重物 杠杆:固定于某一枢轴,用来传递力 的一种简单的装置,带有一个金属杆,如通 过压低一端而举起或移动另一端的重物 NEC NEC 公司,是世界五大电脑制造商之一公司,是世界五大电脑制造商之一 A1.

7、1. This news item is about a kind of new bulletproof vest made of silk. 2. This news item is about research done by American and Japanese researchers to predict severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean. 3. This news item is about a chess match between a world champion and the rest of the world

8、on the Internet. 4. This news item is about an experiment carried out by the U.S. scientists to train rats to operate a robot arms by using the electrical signals in their brains. 5. This news item is about NECs new robot that talks and understands orders. A2. 1. While silk threads may be soft, they

9、 can be used to produces a stronger yarn than copper threads. 2. American and Japanese researchers have discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean. 3. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who

10、will suggest strategies. 4. The rats had earlier been trained to obtain a reward by pressing a lever to move the arm. 5. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs, VCRs and air conditioners. Tapescript: 1. Thai silk is known for its beauty and elegance.

11、 But a research team has fund a new use for it. A bulletproof vest made of silk was put to the test at a shooting range in Thailand. After several rounds of gunfire, the vest was examined. The bullets were stuck in the first layer of fifteen pieces of silk. A member of the research team says while s

12、ilk threads may be soft, they can be used to produce a stronger yarn than copper threads, the material used in regular bulletproof vests. 2. American and Japanese researchers say they are a step closer to predicting severe weather in and around the Indian Ocean. Researchers have analyzed weather dat

13、a from the region over the past 40 years and theyve discovered a strong connection between extreme weather and conditions in the ocean. A BBC science correspondent says the findings could make it easier to predict droughts or, indeed periods of heavy rainfall. 3. The world chess champion Garry Kaspa

14、rov began a match against the rest of the world on the Internet. Kasyanov made his first move with a meter-high pawn before an audience of chess fans at a park in New York. The move was immediately posted on a special website set up by the Microsoft Corporation. Visitors to the site have 24 hours to

15、 vote on their counter move helped by a team of young chess experts who will suggest strategies. 4. Scientists in the United States have trained rats to operate robot arms using only the electrical signals in their brains. The scientists attach special electrodes to the animals brains and link them

16、through a simple computer to a robotic arm. The rats had earlier been trained to obtain a reward by pressing a lever to move the arm. 5. Some say its hard to find good help these days, but a Japanese electronics firm thinks its found the answer. Its a robot that talks and understands orders. The robot from NEC can record and send video mail through the Internet and switch on TVs and VCRs. And if its becoming a bit warm for you, one simple command and the robot will switch on the air


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