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1、商务英语沟通与技巧Business English Communication and Skills,开封大学商务英语沟通与技巧精品课程建设组,求 职 信Application Letters,第八章 Chapter 8,Chapter 8 Application Letters,Learning Objectives (学习目标) Introduction Main Contents Summary (摘要,概要) Acting out,1.Know the functions and types of application letter. 2.Know the procedures(步骤

2、) of application letter writing.,Knowledge,Skills,Learn to write an effective application letter.,【learning objective】,Introduction,An application letter is addressed to a particular person-whoever is in charge of hiring-and requires the job-seeker to answer the most important question.A good applic

3、ation letter may get you an interview; a bad one may make your resume little more than an afterthought.,Main contents,8.1 Content 8.2 Formatting 8.3 Writing Tips,8.1Content,The application letter is your chance to sell yourself to a potential employer as the best candidate for a specific position. Y

4、our application letter serves a separate function from your resume and should not be used to repeat the details of your resume. The application letter is about what you can do for the employer.,Introduce Yourself and Your Reason for Writing Demonstrate your interest by indicating any connections bet

5、ween the employer and yourself. Describe what the company requires from that position.,8.1Content,8.1Content,Sell Yourself State (briefly) the skills you bring to the table that will specifically meet the employers needs. Highlight how you will use your talents and experience to benefit the company.

6、,8.1Content,Make a Plan Indicate what you would like to happen next. Tell the potential employer where you can be reached, either by phone or by e-mail, but dont wait for a call.,8.2Formatting,There is no one official format, but here are some basic rules to keep in mind when composing an applicatio

7、n letter: 1.A three line block in the top right hand or left hand corner of the page containing: your home street address; city, state and ZIP code; and the date.,8.2Formatting,2.Another three line block, flush left, one space below the date and one space above the greeting. This block contains the

8、addressees full name and address, including city, state and ZIP code.,8.2Formatting,3.Use a colon after the greeting, not a comma. 4.Use a personalized salutation. 5.Paragraphs should be separated by a line of space; indentation is not necessary.,8.2Formatting,6.You may use bullets and bold print in

9、 the body of your cover letter to organize and highlight information, and make it easier to read. 7.The closing should read “Sincerely Yours,” followed by your signature underneath, then your full name in print underneath that.,8.3Writing Tips,Here are some tips on making your application letter loo

10、k and sound professional. 1.Personalize the letter. Address your application letter to the individual responsible for filling the position.,8.3Writing Tips,2.Be natural. Use simple, uncomplicated language and sentence structure. Write as you would speak. Be formal, but dont be a stiff.,8.3Writing Ti

11、ps,3.Be specific and get to the point. Your application letter should be only an introduction to the resume, not a repeat of it. Make sure you answer the question, Why should I hire this person?,8.3Writing Tips,4.Be positive Dont complain about your boss or describe your present or previous work exp

12、erience as boring.“ Dont sound like youre begging for a job.,8.3Writing Tips,5.Be confident, but not arrogant. Dont be negative or too humble. Dont profess to know more about the company than you really do.,8.3Writing Tips,6.Be polite and professional. You may be a comedianwith your friends,but a po

13、tential employer should be treated with respect.,8.3Writing Tips,7.Be efficient. Dont waste space on unnecessary details. Every sentence has something to do with explaining your interest in the company.,8.3Writing Tips,8.Type your letter. Beware of the dangers of word processing. Carefully read each

14、 letter before you sign it.,8.3Writing Tips,9.Be available. Tell the employer how to reach you. Give a phone number . If possible, include an e-mail address.,8.3Writing Tips,10.Proofread. Check carefully for grammar and spelling mistakes. Keep a dictionary handy for proper word usage.,8.3Writing Tip

15、s,11.Sign it. If you forget this, the employer may feel like youve sent a form letter.,8.3Writing Tips,12.Package it nicely. Print your resume and cover letter on the same paper stock. Avoid using a dot-matrix printer or a manual typewriter.,8.3Writing Tips,13.Keep one for yourself. Make a copy of e

16、ach letter sent. Keep it for future reference.,英文信封的写法(齐头式),Liu Dawei68# Wangfujing Street, (stamp)Beijing 100710China Mr. Smith Universal Importers Ltd. 345 Treaty Street London S.W.1 England,8.3Writing Tips,8.3Writing Tips,英文信封的写法(斜列式) Fan Yan Class F992, (stamp) Foreign Language Department, Tsinghua University Ms. Daphne ABC Textiles Corporation 201 Madison Street Vancouver Canada,信件的格式(顶行式英文求职信),Foreign Language DepartmentFudan UniversityShan


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