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1、 1 原名:合同管理制度 RULES OF CONTRACT MANAGEMENT OF COMPANY 企业合同管理制度 本文系中译英,翻译:张云军 Translated from Chinese to English by Mr. CHANG YUNE-JUNE 为了加强合同管理,防范公司的法律风险和经济风险,特制定本制度: For the purpose of strengthening contract management and guarding against the risks of legal and economy, this rules is hereby stipula

2、ted as follows. 一、合同的订立、履行 Signature and fulfillment 1、企业进行销售、工程施工、采购等业务,资金使用超过一万元的,与外界达成经济往来 意向,经双方协商一致,应订立经济合同。 Contract should, through mutual negotiation, be concluded and entered into for the businesses of sale, construction and purchase, etc. , for which the sum used over ten thousand Yuan RMB

3、 and have agreed the intention of economic cooperation. 2、签约人在签订经济合同之前,必须认真了解对方当事人的情况,包括:对方单位是否具 有法人资格、有否经营权、有否履约能力及其资信情况,对方签约人是否法定代表人或法人 委托人及其代理权限。做到既要考虑本方的经济效益,又要考虑对方的条件和实际能力,防 止上当受骗,防止签订无效经济合同,确保所签合同有效、有利。 The signatory should, prior to the signature of contract, become acquainted with the partic

4、ulars of opposite party including weather opposite company have corporate capacity, management power, performance capacity and its credit information, as well as weather opposite signatory is the representative which is authorized by its legal representative or artificial person and the agent author

5、ity. Full considerations should be given to our economic interests as well as opposite condition and actual capacity of performance, prevent to be deceived and making an ineffective contract, ensure the contract concluded with full effect and interests. 3、一般合同由各部门经办人自行拟稿或公司指定部门拟稿。合同内容包括标的,数量和质 量,价款或

6、酬金,履行的期限、地点和方式,违约责任等主要条款。销售合同的标的按公司 的不同阶段政策执行。经办人应尽可能使用国家有关部门统一制定的格式文本。 Common contract is drafted by the undertaker of departments or the office designed by company. Contents of contract is inclusive of subject, quantity and quality, price or remuneration, and time limited, place and manner of perf

7、ormance in addition to breach liability, as well as other main provisions. The execution of subject in the sale contract is subject to companys regulations in particular stages. The undertaker should as far as possible adopt the format contract which is made by the concerned authority of State. 4、一般

8、合同指总价在 10 万元以下的合同,重要的合同指总价在 10 万元以上的合同或关系 2 公司重大利益的合同。 Common contract shall refer to the same with total price under one hundred thousand Yuan RMB and significant contract shall refer to the same with total price above one hundred thousand Yuan RMB or major interests to company. 5. 签订采购合同应以现货为主,按市场

9、经销商价格定价。 Spot goods will be main subject of purchase contract, of which the price depend on market price. 6. 依照合同支付款项都应采用转帐方式,如需预付货款或定金,应按付款规定流程办理。 The payment of sum under contract should be effected by banks transmit, any advance sum for purchase or honest money, if necessary, should be subject to

10、 the procedure of payment rule. 7. 合同拟稿完毕后,经办人应填写合同流转单 ,列明合同的主要内容、签订原因等, 交部门经理签署意见,部门经理对合同稿进行审核,同意后,经办人将合同流转单连同 合同稿一并交财务部审核。 The undertaker should, upon completion of contract draft, fill in the OPINION ON CONTRACT on which specify contract main contents, considerations and so on before submit to de

11、partment manager for signing opinion. The undertaker will, following the review and approval of department manager, submit the OPINION ON CONTRACT companied with contract draft to financial Dep. for approval. 8. 财务部根据财务制度和资金情况对合同稿审核并签署意见,同意则交总经理批准;否决 则由经办人根据情况退回,或者要求继续流转同时财务部意见予以保留。 Financial Dep. w

12、ill, pursuant to financial regulations and capital status, examine contract draft and make signature of its opinion thereon, if consent, will submit to general manager for approval, if otherwise, as the case may be, will return the draft back, or continue to transfer in the procedure at same time ma

13、ke reservation the opinion of financial Dep. 9. 上述流程中财务部予以否决,而根据经办人要求继续流转的合同稿,必须最后经总经理 审核。 The contract draft which is in procedure, have been vetoed by financial Dpt., continue transferring in the procedure by the requirement of undertaker, should be subject to the final review and approval of gene

14、ral manager. 10. 总经理对重要合同稿和有争议合同稿予以审核并具有终审权,同意则用印,否决则退 回。 General manager who has final decision right will make review and exam on the contract draft which are significant and in dispute, if consent , will seal thereon, otherwise will return back. 11. 合同订立后,在履行过程中,经办人员应及时掌握合同执行情况,对涉及合同履行中 的变更、解除、续签

15、、违约等重要事项,应填写合同执行事项通知表 ,及时向领导汇报, 并依上述流程履行审核手续,同时将处理结果通知财务部。 Undertaker should, upon conclusion of contract, during the fulfillment, become aware of the 3 execution of contract, the material issues such as alteration, cancellation, renewal, default and so on, which are related to the fulfillment of co

16、ntract should be filled in Notice of Contract Execution and give report to concerned leader, process the procedure of approval by the regulation abovementioned in addition to make the notification of process effect to financial Dpt. 12. 经办人作为合同履行、监控的第一责任人,负责监控对方履约情况,如合同中约定的 付款进程、验收等。合同履行出现异常情况的,经办人应及时书面告知财务部。合同履行异 常情况下发出的警告、交涉、通知、答复等文件应经财务部审核。情节严重,需中止合同的, 经办人及时发送合同执行事项通知给对方,并且通知财务部按公司处理意见进行处理。 The undertaker, as the first person liable, should be responsible to supervise


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