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1、求职面试要注意的英语句子我们去面试时,要注意这11句话哦!接下来,小编给大家准备了求职面试要注意的英语句子,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。求职面试要注意的英语句11. THAT’S A GREAT QUESTION!;这是个很好的问题!;While this phrase may be a great addition to social conversations, it’s not something an interviewer needs to hear.虽然这句话在日常社交里是道不错的配菜,但它并不是面试官想听到的东西。Instead of sounding surpr

2、ised that the recruiter asked a question, remember that you’ve prepared for this interview.记住,你是为这场面试做好了准备的,不要在面试官问问题的时候表现出吃惊。Get straight down to answering their questions.直接回答他们的问题。2. WHAT IS THE TITLE OF THE ROLE, AGAIN?;这个职位叫什么来着?;Any questions showing your lack of research into the compan

3、y, the job description, or the industry itself show that you haven’t adequately prepared.任何一个问题,如果它让人觉得你并没有事先调查好这家公司、这个职位、这个行业,那它都只能说明你做的准备不足。There’s no doubt it’s important to ask your interviewer questions, but the questions you ask should be targeted toward information you can&r

4、squo;t find online: what the company culture is like, how the values of the company play out in day-to-day business, etc.虽然问面试官问题的确很重要,但这些问题应该着重于那些你在网上找不到的信息:比如公司的企业文化、他们如何在每天的运作中体现自己的价值观,等等等等。3. I’VE ACTUALLY NEVER DONE THIS TYPE OF JOB BEFORE, BUT . . . 实际上我从来没有做过这类工作,不过;If you have a lack o

5、f experience, your resume will show it.如果你的经验不够,他们早就在简历上看出来了。In fact, the interview is your chance to creatively connect the dots between your resume and your decision to apply for the job.实际上,你应该在面试中创造性地说明你简历上的那些资质和你的求职决定之间的关系。It’s where you’re able to tell the interviewer why you&rsquo

6、;ll be a perfect fit for the job, even if that’s not what it looks like on paper.这是个机会,你现在可以告诉面试官你为什么是这份工作的完美人选,即使实际情况和你简历上写的不一样。求职面试要注意的英语句24. I REALLY CAN’T IMAGINE ANYONE MORE QUALIFIED THAN ME;我真的想不出有谁比我更合适了;Self-aggrandizing during an interview only serves to hurt you in the end.在面试

7、中自我夸大,最终只会适得其反。Since you haven’t seen the resumes of the other applicants, there’s no use in overtly comparing yourself to them.你并没有看过其他候选人的简历,所以没必要公开地把自己和他们作比较。What’s important to learn is the art of the subtle comparison.你应该学一学怎样微妙地作比较。The key is being able to talk about the thin

8、gs that make you special–not just saying that you’re special.要点就是:谈谈你做过哪些与众不同的事,而不是单纯说你自己与众不同。5. MY LAST BOSS WAS TERRIBLE;我上一个老板超差劲;Complaining about how you didn’t get along in your last work environment is detrimental on two levels.抱怨你在上一个工作环境中的不适有两方面的害处。First, it shows your lac

9、k of ability to cope with a challenging situation and move past it.首先,这表现出你不能应对也不能忍受挑战性的环境。Second, the last thing your interviewer wants is for you to be talking trash about their company or employees in the future.其次,面试官最不希望的就是你将来离职之后说这家公司和员工的坏话。Obviously, it’s important to talk about past ch

10、allenges you’ve faced on the job–but critically evaluate, don’t complain.显然,谈谈自己过去在工作上面对过的挑战是很重要的——但你应该进行批判性的评估,而不是抱怨。求职面试要注意的英语句36. THIS WILL BE A GREAT STEPPING STONE TO MY NEXT CAREER MOVE;这对于我事业的下一步来说,是一个很好的跳板;While this may be the exact reason you want this job, it

11、’s not a savvy move to share with the interviewer.虽然这可能的确是你申请这份工作的原因,但把它告诉面试官显然是不明智的。Hiring managers are generally looking for someone who will display a long-term commitment to the company.招聘经理通常都愿意找那些愿意为公司长期服务的人。Instead, ask questions about your opportunities for advancement in the company.你

12、应该问一问你在这家公司能得到怎样的发展机会。This shows that you mean to stay with the company and let them benefit from your developing skills, knowledge, and maturity.这表现出你打算留在这家公司并让他们从你在技能、知识、阅历上的成长中获益。7. I DON’T KNOW;我不知道;There’s always a better way to respond to a question you’re unsure of than sayi

13、ng, I don’t know.;总会有一个比说我不知道。;更好的办法来回答一个你拿不准的问题。Of course, it’s always important to be humble and not make up what you’re not sure of, but this is where your communication skills come into play.当然,保持谦逊、不假装知道自己不懂的事;永远都是很重要的,而这就是考验你谈话技巧的时候了。求职面试要注意的英语句48. I DON’T HE ANY QUESTI

14、ONS FOR YOU;我没有问题要问你;Having questions prepared for your interviewer is almost as important as being able to answer the questions they throw at you.准备好问面试官的问题,和回答好他们问你的问题同样重要。The questions you ask are an opportunity to display the deep knowledge you have of the company.问问题恰好是个表现你对这家公司的深刻理解的机会。9. THAT

15、’S A REALLY NICE WATCH YOU HE ON!;你戴的手表真不错!;Attempts to flatter your interviewer will most likely fall short–especially in relation to appearance or material possessions.试图恭维你的面试官一般都会适得其反——特别是当你恭维的是他们的外表或者物质财富的时候。If you really must compliment the interviewer, make it related to something you know they’ve done in the business, or even talk about a move the company made that you admired.如果你非得表扬一下你的面试官,那就说些你所知的TA以前在工作中做过的事,或者说说



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