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1、Module9 People and places 基础练习 一、单项选择 1. Look! The girls for the talent show happily. A. prepare B. will prepare C. are preparing D. prepared 2. - Jim, lets go and play football. - Not now. I John with his math. A. help B. helped C. am helping D. have helped 3. Look! The children football in the par

2、k. A. play B. are playing C. to play D. plays 4. - Listen! Someone at the door. - Oh, it must be Lily. A. is knocking B. are knocking C. knocked D. will knock 5. Jim the radio. A. listen to B. is listening C. is listening to D. likes listen 6. - Why do you think the man ? - He could be running for e

3、xercise. A. is running B. runs C. ran 7. - Whats that noise? - Bob and his sister computer games. A. have played B. are playing C. played D. will play 8. - Shall we go out for a swim? - Sorry, I cant. I housework for my mother now. A. am doing B. is doing C. are doing D. did 9. Look at the students.

4、 working! A. How hard they are B. How hard are they C. What hard they are D. How hard do they 10. Listen! Some birds in the tree. A. is singing B. sings C. singing D. are singing 11. Look! The workers a bridge over the river. A. build B. built C. will build D. are building 12. She cant help you now,

5、 because she speaking English. A. practices B. practiced C. is practicing D. practicing 13. Look! They English class, some of them on their seats, but some of them are standing. A. haveing; siting B. is having; are sitting C. are having; are sitting D. having; sitting 14. Listen! The children in the

6、 classroom. A. sang B. sings C. is singing D. are singing 15. - Listen, someone the door. Can you answer it? - Yes, I am glad to. A. knocks at B. is knocking C. is knocking on D. knocking at 16. - Jackson, I havent seen you these days. - I for the coming English test. A. am preparing B. will prepare

7、 C. prepare D. have prepared 17. You cant use the bathroom right now. Robbie a shower. A. takes B. will take C. is taking 18. - Hello, Mike. What are you doing here? - Im the school bus. A. wait for B. waiting C. waiting for D. waited for 19. Alice with her parents all the time on a farm these days.

8、 A. were working B. is working C. was working D. are working 20. Listen, our teachers songs in the next room. A. sang B. is singing C. are singing D. sing 21. Look! She a smile on her face and looks happy. A. with B. wear C. is wearing D. have 22. Spring Festival is coming, my grandma lots of delici

9、ous food now. A. are get ready for B. is getting ready for C. get ready for D. be famous for 23. Look! Jack and his monkey flying disk together in the garden now. A. is playing B. was playing C. are playing D. were playing 24. Listen! Mr Brown Jim A. is talking B. talks to C. is talking to D. to tal

10、k to 25. Listen! The boy in the room. A. sings B. singing C. is singing D. to sing 二、单词拼写( 单句首字母填空) 26. Hello! Daniel. Are you s at the moment? 27. When you need help, please c me. 28. Dont d too fast(快地 ). Its very dangerous. 29. - What time does your sister l home for school? - At half past seven.

11、 30. Jenny and Danny go to a r for supper. 31. What are you doing at the m ? 32. Chinas flag has five yellow s on it. 33. Fish can swim in the river, but cant w on the land. 34. My good friend is w for me at the school gate. 35. We have a school t to the mountains(山区 ) next month. 36. Dont speak lou

12、dly. Jane is s for her tests. 37. Would you lend me your phone, please? I need to give Dad a c to tell him the good news. 38. - Does your English teacher d to work? - Yes, he does. 39. He l for school early every morning. 40. R owners have to know how to make food. 三、单词拼写( 根据中文提示拼写单词) 41. Jenny is (

13、 享受 ) the picture now. 42. They want to have lunch in the ( 餐馆 ) today. 43. They are not here at the ( 现在 ). 44. Dont be angry(生气的 ) with him. He is ( 仍然 ) a child. 45. Who ( 开车送 ) you to the hotel just now(刚才 )? 46. I shall go and see him ( 无论如何 ). 47. How about your school ( 旅行 ) to Hong Kong? 48.

14、 All the coats are on ( 出售 ) for only 45 yuan. 49. I must go now, because my mother is ( 等候 ) for me outside. 50. I often send a ( 明信片 ) to my teacher on Christmas Day. 51. - Did you ( 享受 ) yourself at the party? - Yes. I had a good time. 52. The food in that ( 餐馆 ) is really nice, so I often go and eat there. 53. Im sorry hes not at home at the ( 瞬间 , 片刻 ). 54. Jenny is ( 仍然 ) working in the lab, though(尽管 ) it is very late. 55. My bike is broken, so tomorrow morning, my father will ( 开车 送) me to school.



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