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1、Unit8 第 1课时教学设计 一、教学目标 1. 能听、说、读、写词汇: laugh, cry, tell a joke, act a play, play the guitar, win a gift。 2. 能在日常交流中灵活运用上述词汇。 二、教学准备 1. 教师准备: (1) Warming-up: Look and match 部分中balloons, candies, dolls, flowers, gifts, colorful lights 的头物。 (2) Lets learn部分的教学卡片。 (3) Lets learn部分的音频。 (4) 一个不透明的袋子、若干份小礼物

2、。 (5 ) 英文笑话一则(注意要适合学生现阶段学习水平)。 (6) 童话故事灰姑娘的动画片段及灰姑娘、王子、继母以及姐姐们的头饰。 三、教学方法建议 I. 课程导入 (Leading In) 1. 课前问答 教师带领学生进行口语问答练习,引导学生关注新年的到来。 T: What s the date? Ss: Its December. T: Oh. Its the last month of the year. The New Year is coming. Shall we have a party? 2. 新课导入 1. Part A Warming-up: Look and matc

3、h (1) 教师可承接上一环节,通过询问聚会应该准备的事物引入本部分。教师可以 边展示所准备的这部分实物边和学生进行交流问答。下面以balloons 为例,教 师可做参考: T: What shall we buy for the party? Look! I have some nice things in my bag. Who wants to come here and show us? (邀请一名学生到讲台前摸一摸袋子里的东西并展示给全班同学)What are these? Ss: They are balloons. T: How many balloons can you see

4、? Ss: . T: What color are they? Ss: They are. T: Where are they? Ss: They are. (2) 之后,教师可以将实物分发给学生,让学生根据指令用所拿到的实物布置教 室,如: Put the on / under / in /the;也可以让学生自主放置物品,并鼓励 他们用所学的功能结构进行描述:I put. on / under / in /. the. 总之,活动不必 拘泥于形式,而应将重点放在语言的运用和表达上。 (3) 教师引导学生完成Warming-up: Look and match部分的活动。要求学生在图 片中找

5、出相应的物品并和右边的词汇连接起来。在此过程中,教师要关注需要 帮助的学生,并及时加以鼓励。 II. 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(Presentation ) 1. 新课展示 Part A Lets learn 教师创设情境,引领学生在情境中进行词汇的学习。 (1) 学习词汇 tell a joke, laugh和 cry T: It s December. The New Year is coming soon. Look! Our classroom is very beautiful! Well have a party! What kind of party shall we hav

6、e? A birthday party? A New Years party? A school dance party? Ss: A New Years party. T: Great! Lets have a New Years party. Do you usually eat a birthday cake at a New Years party? Ss: No. T: What do you usually do at a New Years party?(教师让学生随意表达 ) S1: I sing and dance at a New Years party. S2: I pl

7、ay games at a New Years party. S3: I play the violin at a New Years party. S4: I tell stories at a New Years party. T:(教师出示 tell a joke 和 laugh 图片) Now, look at the picture. The children are having a New Years party. What is the boy doing? Ss: He is telling an interesting story. T: Very interesting.

8、 He is telling a joke. He makes his friends laugh. Look at the boys around him. They are laughing. 教师板书并领读词汇tell a joke 和 laugh。然后教师可以将laugh和其他单词 混在一起说一说,以让学生在听到该单词时马上大笑的方式来加强学生对laugh 的记忆。 T: When do you laugh? S5: I laugh when I am happy. S6: I laugh when I play games. T: Yes! You are right. And wh

9、en I listen to the story, I laugh, too. Why? 教师可以将所准备的英文笑话讲给学生,为了帮助学生理解,教师可以配 合夸张的语音语调和滑稽的动作。学生在观看中发出笑声时,教师可以引导: T: You are laughing! You are laughing because I am telling a joke. 教师开始沉默,表情变得悲伤,突然大哭起来。在学生诧异的目光中,教 师播放所准备的灰姑娘的动画片段并讲述故事。接着教师与学生展开对话: T: Sorry, I saw the CD and felt very sad. Look at the

10、 poor little girl. Is she happy? Ss: No. T: She s very sad. In the family, no one loves her. The story makes me cry. (教师作大哭状) (2) 教师可以要求学生根据动画片进行角色扮演,在表演过程中带领学生学习新 的短语 act a play;之后在小组间比比哪组表演得最生动,并将所准备的小礼物 发给该组学生,引导学生学习短语win a gift。 (3) 教师可以借助图卡教授短语play the guitar,并适当进行替换练习,如:play the violin / guita

11、r / erhu /. (4) 教师可以让学生先试着说出laugh, cry, tell, act, play 和 win 的过去式,然后尝 试拼写出动词过去式laughed, cried, told, acted, played和 won。教师注意引导学 生关注字母组合au, ay 的发音,为学生的语音学习做渗透。同时,注意laughed 中 ed的发音,在清辅音后面发t。 2. 巩固活动 (1) 教师播放本部分的录音,学生听录音跟读、拼读词汇。 (2) 教师请几个同学把黑板上板书的这些短语中的动词变为过去式,大家再集体 读一读。 III. 操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Act

12、ivities ) 1. Play a game 教师可以采用 “ 击鼓传花 ” 的形式进行所学词汇的练习。全班学生听声传递 灰姑娘的头饰,声音停止时则选择任意一张卡片进行拼读练习,由下一位同学 说出相应的动词过去式,并同样大声拼读,正确完成拼读的学生可以获得奖励。 2. Part C Listen and choose (1) 教师带领学生完成本部分检测活动。可以先让学生仔细观察图片并要求他们 使用一般现在时和一般过去时两种形式描述每幅图片的内容;然后播放录音, 让学生将正确的图片序号写在相应的横线上。 (2) 本部分录音内容如下: A: Hi, Kate. How was your New

13、 Years party? B: It was great. A: What did you do at the party? B: I sang an English song. A: What did Peter do? B: He told a joke. A: How about Xiao Xiao? Did she dance? B: Yes, she did. Her dance was so beautiful. A: Did Lin Dan play the violin? B: No. He played the guitar. (3) 参考答案: l. c 2. b 3. a 4. d



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