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1、2个月小作文范文 苏州环球教育杨晓娟老师为大家带来XX年2月9日雅思写作考试的专业点评,希望对考生们有所帮助。 A类小作文 【作文类型】线图 【作文题目】待补充. 【作文图片】 待补充 【综合点评】建议复习C7T2,C9T4,C9T2等 经典动态图,复习总结信息的方法,综合复习不同趋势,不同变化程度,不同阶段和不同大小的表达方式. 注意选择和报告主要特征的方式进行总结,并且在相关的位置进行比较 A类大作文 【作文题目】Some people say that organizations are more suessful when managers and workers municate w

2、ell with each other. Other people say that there are more important factors that make organizations suessful. Discuss both views and give your opinion 【题目分析】本文属于讨论类型的任务,为了address all the parts of the task ,建议使用Block to Block 的段落分配方式,每个Block 讨论一方的论点,正方的观点逻辑为员工和管理者的良好交流 导致 团队组织的成功; 反方观点的逻辑为其他因素 导致 团队组

3、织的成功,在Body 1 延伸论点时,只能写沟通交流是如何导致组织的成功的,比如首先组织成功的因素是需要良好的关系,而沟通和交流是良好关系的前提,其次,组织的成功因素还包括充分发挥成员的优势,而管理者和员工的沟通能更好的认识每个员工和管理者各自的优势。 在Body2 延伸论点时,思路比较相比Body 1 更宽一些,可以想出能到导致组织成功的,有别于沟通的其他两个因素即可,比如 首先,决策的准确性;其次,履行决策的高效率 【题材类别】社会类 【】 It is suggested by some people that better munication between the supervi-s

4、ors and employees is a prerequisite of the suess for a team. However, alt-hough the delivery of message in the hierarchy does play a crucial role for the achievement of the organization, my view is that there are other contributors that should be prioritized to secure the suess of the organization.

5、Advocates of emphasizing munication between managers and workers be-lieve that a good relationship between them can amplify a suessful organiza-tion, and by sharing ideas regularly with each other, the managers and team-mates can reduce conflicts and achieve better understanding of each others po-si

6、tion. This can maintain a sound cooperative bonding, which improve the per-formance of the team. For example, many panies often hold regular meeting, both face to face and online, during which time, they can share thoughts and re-move disputes, ensuring a better teamwork. Additionally, a well perfor

7、ming or-ganization also require giving full scope the advantages of each employee. If the managers and the workers can municate well, they can explore each others merits, playing a good role in the team. However, there may be better ways to ensure the suess of the team. This is be-cause despite a re

8、gular meeting between managers and employees, once the de-cision making of the manager is inaurate, the meeting will be filled with argu-ment and debates, which may defy the sound relationship and contribute to in-ferior performance of the organization. On an efficiency level, it is the highly effi-

9、cient performance of the workers that can testify /verify the the precision of the decision from the managers, which can make the organization more responsive and cope with changes. This means that decisions from managers and efficient actions from workers can both exerts more influences on the sues

10、s of the or-ganization. In my opinion, focusing on the munication between managers and workers is too narrow an approach for enhance organizations performance. The manag-ers decisions and the workers efficiency are both more important factors to make such performance more achievable. 其实问题可以更直接一些,考试之

11、前是不是应该背范文。我相信这才是家长们真正关心的问题所在。 首先要说这个问题很好。相信很多作文不太好,但又比较在意分数的家长也关心这个问题。一方面如果不多看范文背范文 ,分数就可能不如那些背了范文的同学;另一方面,背范文又不是长久之计,总不能次次都背,而且未来作文可不是背范文就能轻松解决的,再因此影响孩子学习的自主性与思考能力,岂不是得不偿失。 那到底该怎么办呢? 首先,背范文这种行为我是坚决反对的。可是多看范文也要分怎么看,看多了背了下来不是好结果。而是看多了,明白了好作文是什么样子,好作文是如何谋篇布局,如何组织语言,如何突出中心,如何选择材料,这些都是我们应该对待范文的态度。 也就是说,

12、我们不要背范文,而要像疱丁解牛一样,研究范文。 说到这,我其实特别想推荐一本书,我的第一本思维导图作文书。这本书里选择的都是一些名家名篇,可以说是范文中的范文了。另外,作者对每一篇名篇都画出了思维导图,进行了研究与分析,对其中作者的意图,文章的思想,以及语言的特色都有进行分析。这样一本书,是会帮助学生对作文进行研究的。 其次,那是不是也完全不能背呢?也不是绝对的。我的态度是要适当地背诵一些名篇,比如朱自清的春荷塘月色,冰心的小桔灯。比如朗读者节目里嘉宾们所朗读的一篇短文,都是可以背诵的。 至于怎么提高语文成绩,说来就话长了。但从阅读的角度讲,就是要多读高质量的文章和书,多背诵唐诗宋词名篇,多诵读古文观止里经典古文。将自己的阅读档次提高,语文成绩中的阅读与写作部分才能有一个好基础。自身的语文素养也自然是水涨船高。 八十年代读书时,作文经常被老师当作范文来讲的,现在都还挺不错的,看看“我们”吧, 模板,内容仅供参考


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