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1、xx专四作文范文2018专四专四作文类型 题目说明 根据所给的作文题目、图标或阅读材料等,写一篇200词左右的作文。文章题材主要属于说明文、议论文或记叙文。考试时间45分钟。 要写好作文,注意以下几点: 1合理分配时间 先用大约5分钟通读题目要求和阅读材料,把握材料意思,便于提炼总结;接下来用两三分钟提出自己的观点,并构思相关的支撑理由或论据;然后用约35分钟进行写作;最后两三分钟回顾整篇作文检查拼写失误。 2充分利用素材 阅读材料与作文主题息息相关,有的涉及某一社会现象,有的涉及某个热门话题,有的展示正反两方的观点这些素材看似增加了阅读负担,其实为考生提供了大量的相关词汇和话题(再也不用从阅

2、读理解里抄句子了);而且把作文第一段的总结写完,20分就算是拿到5分了。 所以,考生一定要仔细阅读,提炼材料主题,引出自己的观点。 3注意前后呼应 作文不是句子的简单罗列和拼凑,而是句与句、段与段的紧密衔接和相互呼应。要利用过渡词(transitional words),来增强上下文的“起承转合”等逻辑关系。 表示“启”的词:nowadays,first of all,in the first place,to begin with,at present,in recent years等 表示“承”的词:secondly,similarly,in addition, for example,i

3、n other words,certainly,at the same time等 表示“转”的词:but,while,however,on the other hand,on the contrary,in contrast,conversely,otherwise等 表示“合”的词:finally,at last,therefore,as a result,on the whole,in conclusion,in short,in a word,to sum up等 这些过渡词是文章的润滑剂,让句子更顺畅,文章思路更清晰。 4紧扣题目要求 作文题目要求中,有一句斜体加粗的提示,被很多考生

4、“熟视无睹”了:Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization, grammar and language quality. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks. 大意就是:内容相关(不跑题)、内容充实、组织条理、语法正确、语言通顺,给予高分奖励。否则会被扣分。 这其实明确了好作文的标准。照此标准努力,才有可能得高分。据说阅卷老师3050秒评完一篇作文。要赢得阅卷老师的青睐,清楚美观整洁的卷面

5、也很重要。 5考前动笔练习 纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。要提高写作,还是要多动笔练习。不少学生以为“背诵范文,套用模板”就万事大吉,却忽视了“眼高手低”的通病,结果是一写就错。比如:Nowdays,roomates,As far as I concerned;Every thing has two coins;There have many people出现这样低级错误,分数立马拦腰砍,很难高于10分。所以考前背了范文,还要试着默写出来,再核对拼写失误。 天气渐渐转暖,万物渐渐复苏。留下的是枯萎的草,凋零的花,结了冰的小河。而这,春姑娘却不放在眼里,他把轻纱般的袖子轻轻一拂,花儿冒出了花骨

6、朵,小草长出了嫩芽,小河里的冰也化了。啊!春天来了。 看!家里的那盆吊兰,重新开出了花,阵阵花香扑鼻而来,令人心旷神怡。走出家门,我看见 院里那棵白杨树长出了的绿色的小芽,多像一个美丽的小天使啊!一阵春风拂过,树上已经长出来的嫩叶在风中轻轻浮动,好像在说:“好清凉的风呀! 走到小河边,只见岸边的杨树也抽出了嫩绿的柳丝,正轻轻抚摸着大地,那绿油油的小草和那五彩缤纷的花儿,在杨柳妈妈的抚摸下,小草长出了嫩叶,花儿们也渐渐开出了五颜六色的花,一丝丝,一缕缕,都像赶集似的聚拢来,像开一个比美大会似的;河水的冰也融化了,阳光照射到水面上,河面上波光粼粼,那波纹就好像春天的五线谱,而那光芒却是跳动着的音符

7、,他们在弹奏着一首春天的赞歌。几只小燕子在河面上掠过,尾尖偶尔沾了一下水面,就看到波纹一圈一圈荡漾开去。 田野上,农民伯伯正在辛勤地播种,看,那一排排绿油油的麦苗在春风和阳光的照顾下,茁壮成长,有的麦苗实在是太调皮了,它居然迎着春风跳起了舞,让原本充满生机的春天更加活泼,麦田旁边是一片黄灿灿的油菜花,菜花在阳光下更加灿烂。我站在这田野中,闻着泥土的芳香,赞赏着这大自然的杰作,任春风吹拂,任心潮起伏。啊!这春天真是万紫千红,美不胜收啊! 看,旭日正在升腾,让我们张开双臂,去拥抱着美丽的春天吧! can afford it. It doesnt need any oil, and it cant

8、cause the polusion. All of these are the good needs pared to the car. In the future, bicycle will be widely used. And it will be in good demand. People will produce much more modern bicycles. Score: 14 Bicycles are very popular in China. Almost every family in the city has two or three bicycles. Dur

9、ing the rush hour, you can see that thousands of people - man and woman, old and young - ride their bicycles to work and study. That is why China is called “the kingdom of bicycles”. 注:1. 第一句总写,第二句和第三句分写,最后总写。 2. During the rush hour 分词结构开头。 3. 破折号内容为同位语,句式多变化。 Compared with cars, bicycles are super

10、ior in many ways. First, they are cheap, convenient and easy to ride. Second, riding bicycle is good for health. Third, they bring no noise nor air pollution. Though cars are faster and more fortable, they are too expensive. They consume plenty of oil and they pollute the air. Sometimes, it is diffi

11、cult for a driver to park his car. Moreover they often cause traffic jams and aidents. 注:1. Compared with cars 分词结构开头。 2. be superior to/ be inferior to 优于/ 低于 3. thirst, second, third 英语语言有层次感,信号词 4. cheap 便宜,最好用inexpensive 5. be good for health 对健康有好处(万能理由) 6. Moreover 表示递进 In my opinion, the futu

12、re of bicycle is very promising. Since China is a developing country and has a large population, I think, riding bicycle is appropriate to Chinese present conditions. It will be an important means of transportation for quite a long time. 注:promising 有前途的 a promising young man Score: 11 There million

13、s of bicycles in todays China. Bicycles are very important means of transport in peoples daily lives. Because to ride a bicycle is very simple, to buy a bicycle will not cost so much money, to park a bicycle needs just a small room and to ride a bicycle does not need oil but the riders strength, bic

14、ycles are popular all over the world, especially in China. 注:第一句应该用there be结构 Compared with a car, a bicycle is much cheaper. It is more suitable for China as a developing country. And a bicycle has almost caused no pollution but a car has. On the contrary, a bicycle is too slow, it costs more times

15、 than a car. I think the population of Chinas bicycle will be kept for the long run. Because it will be replaced by a car, a bus and so on in some developed areas in China, and it will be made a wide use in the developing areas in China, the number of bicycles in China will be the same as today but I believe that its quality will be improvedI、对比观点选择


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