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1、Module4 Planes,ships and trainsUnit 1 重点短语 1. an accident 一次事故 a road accident 道路交通事故 2. how often多久一次(用频度副词来回答) how soon多久以后(用in+一段时间提问,一般是一般将来时) how far 多远(提问路程多远) how long多久、多长 3. take part in 参加 4. close to 靠近、接近 far (away) from 远离、离.远 5. much heavy traffic 交通拥堵、拥挤 6. except sb. 除了某人 as much as

2、与一样多 7. the same as 与.一样be different from 与.不同 8. 别担心 dont worry 9. take thea bus =by bus 乘公共汽车take a taxi= by taxi 乘出租车take a plane = by planeair 乘飞机take a train =by train 乘火车ride a bike =by bike 坐自行车walk to = go to on foot 走路/步行 He usually takes a bus to school. = He goes to school by bus.10. all

3、the time 一只,总是11. most of. 大部分. 重点句子 1.He lives the farthest from school. 他住得离学校最远。 2. What happened? 怎么了? 3. There was a road accident, and the traffic was very heavy. 路上发生了事故,交通很拥堵。 4. But nobody was late, except me. 但除了我没有人迟到。 5. Iwaslateforschooltoday.今天我上学迟到了。 6. What happened? 怎么了? 7. Therewas

4、aroadaccident,andthetrafficwasveryheavy.路上出了一起交通事故,交通很堵塞。 8. Its the most comfortable way, but its also the most expensive. 这是最舒适的方式,但它也是最昂贵的。 9. Thatsagoodchoice,butitsabitdangerous.Theressomuchtraffic. 那是个不错的选择,但有点危险。交通那么拥挤。 Helivesthefarthestfromschool,sohetakestheunderground. 他住的离学校最远,因此他做地铁。 He

5、rhomeistheclosesttoschool,soshewalks. 她的家离学校最近,因此她步行。 Unit 2重点短语 1. 打算做某事 plan to do 2. book the ticket 订票 3. an eight-year-old boy 一个八岁大的男孩 4. have/has/had to do sth.不得不去做某事 5. because of由于 + 名词(短语)、代词because +句子 6. get heretherehome 到达这里那里家 7. luck(n.)lucky(adj.)luckily(adv.) 8. care(n.)careful(ad

6、j.)carefully(adv.) 9. have a nice trip 旅途愉快10. most of 的大部分 wait for 等候11. It takestook sb. some timemoney to do sth.花费某人多长时间多少钱去做某事。1. the second cheapestlongest 第二便宜长2. 穿越 go across3. 其他的某个地方 somewhere else 4. 感谢. thanks for5. 旅行的最佳方式 the best way to travel14. 反意疑问句:前肯后否、前否后肯,反意疑问句必须换成主语的代词,谓语动词在时

7、态和人称 上要保持一致。 表示否定意义的词:never/hardly/few/little/nothing/ /no there bebe there? (be 有不同) Youd betterhadnt you? Letsshall we? Let uswill you? 祈使句will you? 一般现在时do/does +主语? 现在进行时am/is/are +主语? 一般过去时did +主语? 过去进行时was/were+ 主语? 情态动词情态动词 +主语? 若是前否后肯,那么yes翻译成“不”,no翻译成“是”。重点句子: 1. Readthepassageandnumberthew

8、aysoftravellingfromthemostexpensivetotheleast expensive. 阅读短文,按从最昂贵到最便宜的旅行方式的顺序依次写上数字。1. How long does the journey take and what is the best way to travel? 旅途花多长时间,最好的出行方式是什么?2. The more information , the better. 信息越多越好。3. A journey by train is more relaxing than by coach, but a lot more expensive.

9、乘火车旅行比长途汽车更令人放松,但也贵得多。4. Thisisthemostcomfortablewaytotravelbutalsothemostexpensive. 这是组舒服的方式当然也是最贵的方式。5. Bookyourticketbeforeyoubookyourhotel.订旅馆之前,要先订票。6. RememberthatparkinginAmsterdamisveryexpensive,sostayoutsidethecitycentreandtravelinbybusorby train. 记住,在阿姆斯特丹停车很贵,因此住在市中心外面,坐公共汽车或火车去里面旅行。7. An

10、dittakesyouabouttwelvehourstogetthere. 并且你要花大约12个小时才能达到那里。8. However,itwillnotcostas muchasgoingbytrain. 然而,它不像乘火车一样花费那么多。9. It isthefastestandthesecondcheapest,butyoumayhavetowaitfor hoursattheairportbecauseofbadweather. 它是最快的且是第二便宜的,但因为恶劣的天气你可能必须在机场等数小时。10. Have a nice trip! 祝你旅途快乐! Unit 3重点短语1. 匆

11、忙 in a hurry 2. 不得不 have to do 3. 其他的某个地方 somewhere else重点句子1. Is it better to go to Shanghai first, or can we go from xian to Hangzhou directly? 是先去上海更好还是我们可以直接从西安去杭州?2. What do you think? 你认为呢?3. Thanks for your help. 感谢你的帮忙。4. After Beijng, we want to visit xian and Hangzhou, and maybe somewhere else. 游览完北京后,我们想旅游西安和杭州,也许还有其他的什么地方。5. Which is the fastest way? 最快的方式是哪一种?欢迎加入全国初中英语教师群 451289339 全国初中英语教师群373377047



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