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1、 首都经济贸易大学硕士学位论文对企业信息化投入产出模型的优化和实证分析姓名:景兴明申请学位级别:硕士专业:产业经济学指导教师:杨一平20100316 首都经济贸易大学硕士论文对企业信息化投入产出模型的优化和实证分析摘要作者在运用数据对原有的模型进行验证的基础上,改变一些假设条件,得到了不同的分析结果。原有模型有一定的适用范围和应用价值,但是仍然需要进行一定的改进,以达到优化的效果。作者收集了企业信息化投入产出方面的数据,运用DEA投入产出模型对其进行分析,通过客观数据验证了DEA方法在评价企业信息化投入产出方面的有效性。在进行DEA有效性分析过程中,笔者分别选取了不同的评价指标和不同的DEA数




5、及存在一些问题,希望各位专家和读者能够给以宝贵的指导和建议。关键词:信息化能力成熟度,优化模型,指标权重,独立子系统I 首都经济贸易大学硕士论文对企业信息化投入产出模型的优化和实证分析AbstractThe author uses the datas to validate the original model, then by changing someassumptions which resulting a different analytical results. The original model has acertain applicatable scopes and valus

6、es, however improvements are necessary in orderto achieve optimal results.The author collected the enterprise information input-output datas and appliedDEA input-output model to analyze these objecitve datas which verified theeffectiveness of DEA model in evaluating the input-output aspects of enter

7、priseinformation technology. During the process of anaylyzing the validity of DEA model,the author selected different evaluation criteria and DEA data processing methods,resulting different results. By comparing these results, the optimization of the modeland development could be achieved.By weighti

8、ng the indicators of DEA input-output model and realizing thelimitations of various indicators, highlighting the different impacts of indicators onthe evaluation results. Weighting indicators with the evaluation model is furtherimprovement of the original one and also reflect the different attacheme

9、nts ofdecision-makers to the various indicators. In the actual construction of informationsystem, decision-makers will select different indicatiors due to the nature of differentindustries. For example, the production-oriented enterprises value to the productionprocess management, however, trade-ori

10、ented enterprises will pay more attention tothe flow of information and data transmission, thus these two types of enterprisesrequire different informatization construction, so decision-makers on the choice of theweights of indicators will be different for these enterprises.The original model treate

11、d the enterprise as a whole, planning enterpriseinformation construction from the macro level; new model divide enterpriseinformation flow into systemes, evaluating performance of subsystem from themicroscopic aspect and paying more attention to the input-output results fromdifferent subsystems. Sub

12、system evaluation model could help us search for theproblems in information construction process and more easily find out the reasons ifthe information construction is not valid.In the empirical analysis stage, the author selected 50 from the top one hundredenterprises bases on information technolog

13、y aspect and carried the analysis of theeffectiveness, ranking according to super-efficiency level, thus verfied validity of themodel in evaluating the effectiveness and feasibility for the information basedenterprises. Only using the data from 50 companies is not enough for the model test.In order

14、to be closer to real model, but also need more datas are required forsupporting and testing. Empirical validation is the major concern of the author,because the analysis of information technology from other people are more focusedon the theoretical level, no good results have been achieved as a result. Empiricalanalysis is bridge between the fact and theoretical regression.The inputs of information construction is basically eaqul to costs, humanII 首都经济贸易大学硕士论文对企业信息化投入产出模型的优化和实证分析resources and materialas from companies while output is the beneficial effects fromthe information c



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