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1、九年级上学期期末英语试题 九年级上学期期末英语 一、单项选择,根据语境选择最佳答案 (本题共20分,每小题1分) ( ) 1. Everybody has his dream. Please picture your dream in perfect details and write it down. Dont be afraid if your dream seems impossible. _ your dream. And each day take little steps to get closer to your dream. A. Set up B. Believe in C.

2、 Watch out ( ) 2. Some parents always _ their child _ do something, but they dont _ him what he should do. A. not to B. dont C. not ( ) 3. When he fails a test, an optimist may think, “It was only a test. I know I can do _ next time.” A. much well B. much better C. very better ( ) 4. Before her spee

3、ch, Erica spent a lot of time _ out what the students disliked. A. find B. found C. finding ( ) 5. The Red Cross not only works worldwide at big disasters, but also works in the munity, helping victims of small aidents or fires. The Red Cross is _ fulfilling its mission to stop suffering in this wor

4、ld. A.clear B. clearer C. clearly ( ) 6. Nobody liked the mean princess because she always got help without saying thanks. She kept _ this and lost all the friends. A. did B. to do C. doing ( ) 7. Education cannot go without physical training because a quick mind hardly goes along with a weak body.

5、If one doesnt have a strong body, he can _ do anything well. A. never B. always C. sometimes ( ) 8.Harbin has opened Chinas first cold-resistant(寒地) subway, the Harbin Subway Line 1. Each train on the Harbin Subway Line 1 _ reach a top speed(速度) of 80 kilometers per hour. A. am able to B. will able

6、to C. can ( ) 9. When I saw the baby bird _ away with its mom, I knew that everything was OK for them. A. fly B. flew C. has flown ( ) 10. China made history _ Dec. 14, xx with the suessful landing of its Change 3 lander carrying the Yutu rover(月球车). The mission is the first soft-landing _ the moon

7、since 1976 and made China only the third country ever performed the lunar feat(完成登月). A. in, in B. on, on C. on, in ( ) 11. Charity gave the old beggar her small piece of bread. Then she _ for her kindness. A. rewarded B. is rewarded C. was rewarded ( ) 12. -Have you ever _ to Shanghai? -Yes, Ive ju

8、st e back. -How _ you go there? -By high-speed train. A.been, did B. gone, have C. gone, did ( ) 13. The famous film star, Zhou Runfa is so _ that hes decided to give away 99% of his money for charity after he dies. A. general B. outgoing C. generous ( ) 14. -Did you enjoy your piic last Sunday? -No

9、. While we _ a piic, it started to rain. A. are having B. had C. were having ( )15. The environmentalist sent a message to the Soviet Union to ask if a Soviet icebreaker _. A.can e B. could e C. es ( ) 16. This is the house in _ I spent my whole childhood. It makes me think of my kind grandparents.

10、A.who B. that C. which ( ) 17. How do people usually begin their talking friendly? There are different cultures in different countries. Which situation fits the western custom? A. a: Pleasant weather, isnt it? b: Yes, its really fine, today. B. a: Have you eaten your meal? b: Not yet. C. a: Where ar

11、e you going? b: To the supermarket. ( ) 18. Everybody may feel depressed at times. In such cases, what can you do to help yourself deal with such situations? Read jokes. Pay more attention to yourself. Go out and play with friends. Drink a glass of fruit juice and watch a ic movie. Think about your

12、own problems. A. B. C. ( ) 19. Mr. Fit usually does four kinds of activities to spend his spare time. He has twenty hours to do these every week. Aording to the form, he spend _ hours on drinking tea this month. A. 25 B. 10 C. 20 ( ) 20. Which stress of the following words is different? A. Dentist.

13、B. Destroy. C. Sadness. 二、完型填空 (本题共10分,每小题1分) This week In lifestyle (生活方式)we have two very different opinions on city life pared (比较) to life in a small town. Mike Larson lives in a small town and he thinks the way of life there is _21_ better than that in a big city. In Mikes opinion, a small town

14、 is peaceful, and it has a clean, safe environment, especially for children. People are very friendly and there arent so many problems with dangerous people as there are in the city. And of course, living in a small town is less _22_ than in a big city. But Mike says there are some bad things about _23_ in a small town. There arent enough things for young people to d


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