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1、15Negotiating the Subway 乘地铁 Dialogue 1A: Its my first visit to Prague, Ill be here for three days for a conference, then I have a day on my own to do some sightseeing before I head back home. What do you suggest I see when Im here? 这是我第一次来布拉格参观,我要在这里待3天参加一个会议,接着我在返程之前有一天时间可以自己随便转转.我在这儿期间你认为我应该去些什么地

2、方看看?B: There are many interesting places you should be sure to see. One problem is transportation, however. Because the city is very old, the roads are narrow and congested. If you only have three or four days to visit, you dont want to spend them waiting in traffic in a cab. I suggest you take the

3、subway.有很多有意思的地方你都应该去看看.不过就是有个交通问题.由于这个城市很古老,所以道路又窄又拥挤.如果你只有三四天的参观时间,你就不要浪费时间乘出租车出行,我建议你坐地铁.A: The subway? But is there a subway station next to my hotel? I have to go between the conference center and the hotel several times a day.地铁? 可我住的宾馆旁边有地铁吗? 我一天要几次往返于会议中心和旅馆之间.B: No worries, theres a subway

4、station at the conference center itself, and a shuttle from your hotel to the conference center that takes only 5 minutes. When you do your personal sightseeing, you can first take the shuttle to the conference center, then hop on the metro.口语,地下铁道别担心,会议中心本身就有个地铁站,而且从你住的旅馆到会议中心之间还有班车,只需要5分钟.你自己去观光旅览

5、时,还可以坐班车到会议中心,接着换乘地铁.A: Is it expensive to ride on the underground? 坐地铁贵吗? B: You can get a daily pass that will allow you to travel unlimited for the whole day for about 6 dollars. Otherwise, you can pay by trip, which is about 50 cents to 2 dollars each trip, depending on how far you go.你可以买一个当天有效

6、的通行证,这样就能坐一天车只花6美元,随便去哪儿都行.不然,你就按路程付钱,每一趟50美分到2美元不等,这要根据你坐的路程远近而定. A: Is it easy to get lost? 容易走丢吗? B: No, no. .its very hard to get lost. There are two lines, one that goes in a circle, the other that is straight. If you get lost, there are always subway attendants that can help you find your way.

7、不会.不可能走丢.一共有2条线路,一条是环型的,一条是直线.如果你走丢了,总会有地铁服务员帮你找到正确的路线.Dialogue 2 A: Excuse me, can you help me figure out how to get to the Wudaokou subway station from here? 打扰一下,你能告诉我从这儿去五道口地铁站怎么走吗?B: Sure. first youre going to have to buy a ticket to ride on 乘the subway. The Wudaokou station is on the lightrail

8、, so youll have to transfer. Be sure you buy a combination ticket for the regular subway and the lightrail. It should cost you 5 yuan.没问题。你先买一张地铁票。五道口地铁站是轻轨站,所以你还要转车。你一定要买一张联票,包括普通地铁和轻轨票。票价元。A: And after I buy the ticket, where should I go? 买完票之后呢,我应该去哪儿?B: You can take the red line train from here,

9、 but youll have to transfer to the blue line at Fuxingmen transfer station. After you transfer, take the blue line that is heading north towards Fuchengmen.你从这坐红线地铁,但是要在复兴门中转站 换乘蓝线地铁,之后坐向北开往阜成门方向的蓝色地铁。A: so I transfer from red to blue, then how long do I ride the blue?就是说我从红线转乘蓝线地铁,那我要坐多长时间的蓝线地铁?B:

10、Youll take the blue line until you reach Xizhimen. Thats a big station, so there will likely be a lot of people getting off at that stop. You can transfer to the lightrail there, youll have to exit the subway and present出示 the unused portion of your combination ticket to the ticketmaster, theyll giv

11、e you a new ticket to use on the lightrail system.你要一直坐到西直门站。那是个大站,所以在那站下车的人会很多。你可以在那里换乘轻轨,你得先出地铁站,把联票中没有用过的部分票交给,出示给售票员,他们会给你一张(换乘轻轨的)新票。A: It sounds so complicated! 听起来太复杂了!B: No, not the really, dont worry about it, like I said therell be a lot of people there doing the same thing that you are do

12、ing, so just follow the crowd, Theres only one direction to go, so you wont get on the wrong train. Head north on the Yellow line, and youll see Wudaokou in just a couple of stops. A: Thanks! 不复杂,真的。别担心,就像我刚才说的,那里有很多跟你一样要换乘轻轨,所以只要随着人群走就行了。那里只有一个方向可选,所以你不会上错车。坐朝北行驶的黄线地铁,两三站之后你就可以看到五道口站了。谢谢。16Receivin

13、g clients 接待客户 Dialogue oneF: How can I help you? 有什么需要帮忙的吗?M: Yes, I am Jims mirson from edson associate. Id like to see Mr Smith. 是的,我是Anderson and Associates 公司的詹姆士,梅森。我想见史密斯先生。F:Do you have an appointment? 你预约了吗?M:Yes,he knows I am coming.our meeting is at 7 oclock. 预约了,他知道我要来。我们定在2点见面。F:I wonde

14、ring if Mr Smith forgot your meeting,I am afraid he left this office this morning and he is not expected back until after 4PM.let me find out if he made an arrangement for someone else to meet with you in his place, will you please have a seat?我猜史密斯先生忘了与你见面的事。恐怕他今天早晨就离开办公室了,估计下午4点以后才能回来。我来查一下他是否安排了其

15、他人代替他跟您见面。请坐下,好吗?M: sure. 好的。F:Yeah,Mr Mirson,I just checked with their office manager Ms Terry,she said Mr Smith briefed her on your project,she is just finishing up our meeting now,she should be meet you shortly.would you like me to show you around for your waiting?是这样,梅森先生。我刚刚跟我们的办公室主任特里小姐核实过,她说史

16、密斯先生跟她简单交待过您的事情。现在她刚开完一个会,马上就过来。您要我带您一边等一边转转吗?M:That would be very nice,thank you! 那样就太好了。谢谢你。F:Right this way ,Mr Mirson,we can start with our front office, when Ms Terry is ready,you may take the elevator at the front to the 6th floor, there is a conference room already prepared.梅森先生,这边走。我们先参观一下行政管理部门。等特里小姐准备好以后,您就在前厅乘电梯去层。那儿已经安排好了会议室。Dialogue 2 F:Good aft


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