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1、 华中科技大学博士学位论文供应链物流能力的体系结构及其关键能力优化姓名:刘小群申请学位级别:博士专业:管理科学与工程指导教师:马士华20060401 摘要从对供应链环境下物流能力的理解入手,对供应链物流能力的体系结构从物流活动的性质、物流构成要素的特点等方面进行了划分,并具体从物流系统的抽象特征将其概括为“节点”、“路线”和“网络”能力。并就点、线、网的物流能力优化,结合实际问题进行了建模、分析与求解,得到了相应的改善与优化物流能力的策略与方法。论文取得了预期的研究成果,主要创新性研究工作及其研究结论总结如下。建立了供应链物流能力的体系结构,对具体物流能力进行了测度。基于物流系统的一般结构模式


3、为标杆。对于匀质货物,则以货车的容重比为标杆。最后,作者通过数值仿真对算法性能进行了对比分析。对两层次、多品种货物的随机存贮系统中的分拨调度进行了分析,以优化路线物流能力。在单品种货物随机存贮模型的基础上,建立了两层次、多品种货物的随机存贮模型。系统费用由货物运输费、存贮费和缺货损失费三项组成,货物运输费又由中心仓库运到各分拨仓库的运输费用和各分拨仓库之间由于相互调拨而发生的运输费用两项构成。算例表明,即使是在期初货物库存量都已超出最优库存量的情况下,分拨仓库之间也可能发生调拨。提出了一种在考虑时间约束下含产品结构树的供应链厂商选址和路径选择的新I 方法,以优化网络物流能力。通过对产品结构树的

4、分析,建立了包括原材料供应、产品制造、分销在内的完整供应链网络。对该网络中可能存在的加工循环和调拨循环进行拆分,使其转化为单向拓扑网。按照节点功能、产出、原料来源的不同,对供应链网络中的各节点进行单一化处理。对照产品结构树的结构层次,将拆开后新的网络节点进行合并。对合并后的供应链网络运用相关优化算法,确定满足时间约束的最佳厂商和路径。最后,根据最佳厂商和路径,反向追溯原始供应链网络,找出实际的厂商选址。关键词:供应链;物流能力;体系结构;优化;分拨调度;厂商选址II AbstractThe logistics ability representation in the total logist

5、ics activity process has decisiveinfluence on the whole supply chain competitiveness because of the logistics particularityamong the supply chain. So the constitution system of supply chain logistics capability isconstructed and its key capability optimization is researched in this dissertation. The

6、 maincontents could be summarized as follows.On the basis of the general structure mode of logistics system, the conception andintension of logistics capability has been illuminate in a totally new way from the supplychain. The system constitution and frame construction of logistics capability has b

7、een builtfrom three points of view, that is the logistics activity attribute, the logistics systemnonrepresentational characteristic and the logistics capability constitution idiosyncrasy.For most logistics capability based on quantity and time, the supply chains is regarded ascomplete distribution

8、balance network to analysis and deduct the maximum circulationquantity, integrate circulation quantity and response time, through which thequantization formula for index measuring is determined. Via analysis of the formula, theways to improve circulation and shorten the response time of the supply c

9、hain is studied.The truck loading is researched to improve node logistics capability. A mathematicalmodel has been set up for the problem of multi-trucks with multi-category goods undersome appropriate hypothesis. According to the ratio difference of volume unit weight(volume/weight) between the tru

10、cks and the goods,an optimization algorithm is designedin the combinatorial theory on the basis of different benchmarks. Light goods are markedwith the trucks load capacity so as to promote volume utilization rate of the trucks on thepremise that the load capacity of the trucks is in full use. While

11、 to heavy goods, theirdimensions are marked with the trucks load volume. Even goods are marked with theration of volume unit weight to optimize the trucks load volume and capacityspontaneously, as both the dimension and load of the goods are even in trucks. In theend, comparison and analysis, via va

12、lue emulation, are made between this benchmarkalgorithm and other optimization algorithms, and the result verified the effectiveness ofthis algorithm.The goods transshipment is researched to improve route logistics capability. BasedIII on the stochastic inventory model of single goods, the two-hiera

13、rchy stochastic inventorymodel with multi-varieties was established. In this inventory system, the total cost wascomposed of goods transport costs, storage costs and loss costs due to lack of goods. Thetransport costs consisted of the costs of goods transported from the central warehouse tothe sub-d

14、epots, and that of the goods transshipped among the sub-depot s. After theexpenses structure of this inventory system was analyzed, the expenses expression wasestablished. By using the mathematic methods and computer simulation,the optimizationstocks of different goods could be determined. And the t

15、ransshipment amount of differentgoods among the Sub-depot s under the different stock levels was analyzed through apractical example.The plant location of single finished product in the supply chain network (SCN) isstudied to optimize network logistics capability specially. A supply chain networkcombined with the bill of materials (BOM) is established, which consists of supplier,manufacturer, distributo


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