王磊中考英语点睛课超级巨型阅读篇 (2)

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1、1中考英语点睛课( 适用于新初三和新初二的优秀生)王老师简介1、 北京师范大学硕士研究生学历2、 央视“快乐学习,我做主!”中考英语专栏特邀嘉宾(百度搜索:“京师英语”)3、 京翰教育品牌级别教师、全国个性化教育“骨干教师”4、 恩贝教育( )特邀中高考英语专家5、 新浪五星金牌教师特邀英语评委专家6、 曾任:北京师范大学附中英语教师7、 近两年所带中考学生 27 名 90%中考成绩超过 102 分,今年 4 月 15 日压重央美附中英语作文题目:环保!近三年压重西城海淀完型和阅读词汇:sentence(宣判) badly (非常) breathless(仔细地) hurt (迫使)volun

2、teer(主动提出,自愿) essential (重要的)honor (尊重)treasure (珍惜)still(静止的) just (恰恰)once(一旦) number(起关键) count (有价值) long for (渴望) head for (去往、驶向) jump (涨价) mean(方法、吝啬的) monitor(监视) realize(实现、意识到) stamp(踩) weigh(考虑) run (经营) book (预定) cover(行走) sense (感觉) interest (利益、好处)lift(举起、搭便车)match (适合、匹配) drive (迫使) b

3、uy (接受) cross (生气的) live(现场直播的) work (生效)8、 英语中考宝典赠送: 287 个中考阅读完型经典词汇,中考英语阅读复杂句型 87 句,中考英语作文亮点句型30 句,中考阅读 30 篇,中考完型 15 篇!课程名称 中考英语点睛课 备注课程目标 解决北京市重点中学与北京市区重点的压轴题搞定这些压轴题稳步进入北京市重点中学对应中考题号 完形填空、阅读的 C、D 篇、作文 突破中考 106 的核心试题所需课时 常规 15 次课5 次后期复诊课程15 次课后凸显奇效,5 次复诊课程确保万无一失课程内容 完型 15 篇,阅读 30 篇(15 篇 C 篇、15篇 D

4、篇) ,满分作文句型 45 句,阅读完形词汇 287 个,阅读完型语法(定语从句、主语从句、表语从句、状语从句、宾语从句)的架构一切的内容设计都是为了突破中考英语成绩 106 而设计的1、精准的内容 4、强健的师资队伍2、灵活的方法 5、严格的教学质量过程监控质量六联保3、符合记忆规律的时段安排 6、精细的京翰教育服务流程十个句子搞定句子成分与复合句 What you like is what I like ! I wonder what you like . The book you like has been sold out . I am interested in what you l

5、ike . The problem is how I can learn English well in such a short while with the help of Mr Wang . He is listening to Mr Wang carefully in the classroom with his parents . She often goes to school with her friend talking with each other happily by bike . I find my mother kind and good . I find it ea

6、sy to study English with Mr Wang . What you eat is very essential for you to own a healthy body .2超级词组篇:put off 、 put away 、 take off 、 put up、 take up 、 make up 、 get over第一讲 复杂句型之定语从句前言:定语从句是中高考语法考点的重点,是阅读和完型文章的重点,每一篇阅读和完型都会有六句以上定语从句构成,搞定定语从句中高考英语无忧!多少学子因为定语从句而被英语击败!京翰教育中高考鹰之队秒杀定语从句!让您的英语处处展示定语从句的

7、风采魅力!一、 定语的含义:定语又叫做“的语” , “定”的意思是缩小范围, “定语”是服务于名词的句子成分。二、 定语的表现形式和位置:a tall boy , the book on the desk , apple trees , a boy talking with the foreigner , a book written by Mr Wang 三、 定语从句:一个句子作定语就叫定语从句。四、 定语的作用:服务于名词,缩小名词的范围。五、 经典例句:The tall boy with big eyes and small ears is reading an English sto

8、ry book that was written by Mr Wang that used to teach me English in a large school near my home with his parents that dont need to work on weekends in his family carefully and happily .六、合并同类项No.1 He bought a book in the bookstore near his school last week .The book was written by Mr Wang in 2000 .

9、 Mr Wang is teaching English in Beijing now . Beijing is the capital of China . He bought a book that was written by Mr Wang that used to teach English in Beijing now that is the capital of China last week .No.2 We used to visit the place when we were young . I never forget the place . I never forge

10、t the place that we used to visit when we were young .We used to study English together when we were young . I never foget the place . I never forget the place where we used to study English together when we were young.No.3 We visited Shanghai together last year . I remember Shanghai forever ! I rem

11、ember Shanghai that we visited together last year forever.We studied English together in 2003 in Shanghai . I will remember Shanghai!I will remember Shanghai where we studied English together in 2003.3阅读高级词汇句型篇第一季1.I cant stand and accept the people who are cruel and unkind to the creatures .2.That

12、is the proper and perfect method to master grammar and recite the words.3.Education is not a private and personal incident but a social event. 4.Can you describe and introduce the Chinese present educational situation to me ?5.Please explain your detail of plan, or I will complain your general expla

13、nation on it.6.I suppose you will support my thought about the project now that I am your close colleague and workmate. 7.China is a developing country not a developed country ,so development is our main purpose.8.The road is so narrow that the trucks get through narrowly.9.If you can communicate wi

14、th Americans in English ,it proves that you have absolutely mastered the English.10.He has collected many sorts of books , he is sorting them according to various kinds.11.His project is running successfully ,therefore he has made great progress with the project.12.It is hard for the average intelli

15、gent students to attend the composition competition and achieve the victory.13.He cant influence my decision, although his influence is extremely forcefull and powerful.14.The factory is producing too many products and giving industrial pollution.15.Please save the electricity in the enormous city s

16、ince the energy is extremely limited and essential.16.Dont disturb others or you will destroy and damage your relations and friendships.17.Heavy industry is causing the pollution of air and influencing our daily lives.18.His blood pressure is extremely low as he has lost plenty of blood in the accident accidently.19.If you desert the grass land ,it will change into the desert immediately .20.Knowing how to operat


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