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1、译林版八年级下册英语课文翻译译林版八年级下册英语Unit5Task课文翻译 1A 部分翻译 Table manners 餐桌礼仪 The Class l,Grade 8 students are going to give a talk on good table manners. They are making a plan for the talk. Read their plan below. 八年级一班的学生打算做有关良好餐桌礼仪的报告。他们正在为这个报告订计划。读他们下面的计划。 Name of the talk-Good table manners 报告的名称良好的餐桌礼仪 Pur

2、pose of the talk-Teach students rules for eating 报告的目的教学生吃饭的规则 Time-10 am. ,12 May 时间-5月12日,上午10点 Place-The school hall 地点学校大厅 Content-Do not start eating until everyone is ready. 内容直到大家都准备好了才开始吃。 Do not make too much noise while eating or drinking. 吃饭或喝水时,不要发出太多噪声。 Do not eat with your mouth open.

3、不要张着嘴吃。 Do not talk with food in your mouth. 嘴里有食物,不要说话。 Do not reach over someones plate for something. 不要越过某人的盘子去够东西。 Wait for everyone to finish before you leave the table. 等大家吃完,你才能离开桌子。 Conclusion-We should know thesee rules to make sure that botguests and hosts are fortable at the table. 结论我们应

4、该知道这些规则确保坐在桌子边的客人和主人都轻松自在。 Useful expressions 有用的表达 .is/are going to hold a talk on. 打算举办关于的报告。 The purpose of the talk is to teach.about. 报告的目的是教有关 It will take place at/in.at.on. 它会发生在在在 When you.,you should. 当你时,你应该 You should not. 你不应该 It is impolite to. (做)是不礼貌的。 Always remember to. 永远记得(去) 2B

5、部分翻译 Amy and Daniel are making a web page about their talk on the school website. Read their plan on page 76 again Then help them plete the page. 埃米和丹尼尔正在学校网站上制作有关他们报告的网页。再读一遍第76页上的他们的计划。然后帮助他们完成这个网页。 Name名字 Good table manners良好的餐桌礼仪 Purpose目的 We are going to hold a talk on good table manners. The p

6、urpose of the talk is to teach students(1)_. 我们打算举办有关良好餐桌礼仪的报告。报告的目的是教学生(1)吃饭的规则。 Time and place时间和地点 It will take place at (2)_on (3)_at the school hall. 它将在(3)0月12日(2)上午10点在学校大厅举行。 Content内容 There will be a lot of advice on table manners. We hope you will find them useful.Above all, when you are s

7、itting at the table, you should not start eating until (4)_,and it is impolite to (5)_while eating or drinking. You should not eat with (6)_or talk with (7)_. Also, do not reach over (8)_for something. Before you Leave, wait for (9)_. 特会有许多关于餐桌礼仪的建议。我们希望你会发现它们有用。首先,当你坐在桌子边时,你应该直到(4)大家都准备好了才开始吃,吃饭或喝水

8、时(5)发出太多的噪声是不礼貌的。你不应该(6)张着嘴吃或(7)嘴里有食物说话。不要越过(8)某人的盘子够东西。在你离开之前,要等(9)大家吃完。 Conclusion 结论 These rules are important because we should make sure that both guests and hosts are fortable at the table. 这些规则是很重要的因为我们应该确保坐在桌子边的客人和主人都轻松自在。 3C 部分翻译 Your class is pLanning a talk about other aspects of good manners. Work in pairs. Make a plan and create your own web page. 你们班正在计划一个关于有礼貌的其他方面的报告。结对练习。制订一个计划并创建你们自己的网页。 模板,内容仅供参考


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