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1、1,1.Mr Wang _ lunch right now, after lunch he _a meeting.(have) 2.Lets _ a taxi to the history musuem. Ok? (take) 3.How does he feel? =_ = _ 4.翻译:我打算给她买一本关于熊猫的书。 _ _,I am going to buy her a book about pandas.,is having,will have,take,How is he feeling?,How is he?,I am going to buy a book about panda

2、s for her. I am preparing to buy a book about pandas for her.,2,我打算和我的表兄们去旅行。_ _ 在旅馆附近有一个电影院._ _ 旅馆在电影院的附近._ _ 我的背包比你的更小更轻。_ _,I am going to take a trip with my cousins.,My backpack is smaller and lighter than yours.,The hotel is near the cinema.,There is a cinema near the hotel.,3,我确信你是对的。 _ 我不能确定哪

3、条路是去中山公园的。 _ 你最好问那边的警察。 _ 你做好不要长时间玩电脑。 _,Im sure you are right.,Youd better not play computer for long time.,Youd better ask the policeman over there.,Im not sure which way is to Zhongshan Park.,had better do sth 最好做某事 had better not do sth 最好不要做某事,4,李叔叔和王阿姨前天去了北京。他们打算后天回来。 _ _ 他们的老师告诉他们明天早点起床! _ 警察

4、说他会帮助他们的(过去时态) _ 七班的学生对告别聚会感到兴奋。 _,Uncle Li and Aunt Wang went to Beijing the day before yesterday. They are going to be back the day after tomorrow.,The students of Class 7 are excited about the farewell party.,The policeman said he would help them.,Their teacher tells them to get up early tomorrow

5、.,5,An apple a day keeps the doctor away. _ The early bird gets the worm. _ No pain., No gain. _ Work before play _ Health is wealth _ I dont think he is at home. _,一天一个苹果,医生远离我。,我认为他不在家。,健康就是财富。,不劳无获。,早起的鸟儿有虫吃。/ 笨鸟先飞。,先工作后玩耍。,6,将26个字母按共同元音音素分类: ei _ i: _ e _ ju: _ ai _ u _,AaH h Jj Kk ei eit d3ei k

6、ei,Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vvbi:si: di:i: d3i: pi: ti: vi:,Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zzef el em en es eks zed,Uu Qq Wwju: kju: dblju:,Ii Yyai wai,Oo u,R : ,: ,7,写同音词: weak _ no_ may _ hear _ son _ pear _ to _ _ Be _ _ buy _ _ I _ U _ R _ Y _ see _ meat _ for _ 7.近义词: cap _ pants _ student _ kids _,以元音音素开头的字母:

7、_,Aa Ee Ff Hh Ll Mm Nn Oo Rr Ss Xx Ii,why,week,know,May,here,sun,pair,two too,be bee,by bye,eye,you,meet,four,hat,trousers,pupil,children,are,sea,8,8.对应词: active _ fast _ strong _ difficult _ kind _ fat _ light _ cold _ cheap _ under _ far _ late _ high _ big _ pull _,quiet,push,small,low,early,near

8、,on,expensive,hot,heavy,thin,strict,easy,thin,slow,9,9.My bike _ (be) missed this morning, I c_ to school on foot, so I _ (get) there l_. 10.How d_ his unle feel? He f_ b_. Because he has many things _ (do) 11.-Is it r_ now? -No, its c_. But I think its going to r_, because the weather report says i

9、ts r_ today. 12.There are many _ (woman) nurses and _ (man) doctors in this hospital.,women,was,ame,got,ate,oes,eels,usy,to do,aining,loudy,ain,men,ainy,10,13.Jims book is l_, He is l_ for it, but he cant f_ it. Lets help him. 14.你想要茶还是咖啡?(两种问法) _ _ 15.问去科学书店的路。(四种说法) _ _ _ _,ost,ooking,ind,What wou

10、ld you like, tea or coffee? Would you like some tea or coffee?,Where is the Science Bookstore? How can I get to the Science Bookstore? Can you tell me the way to the Science Bookstore? Which way is to the Science Bookstore?,11,16.Marry的母亲的爱好是什么?(两种问法) _ _ 17.今天天气怎么样?(两种问法) _ _ 18.I had a stomachachelast night.(划线提问) _ 19.-Hello, mom. Can I have _ Coke? (some/any) - Of course.,What is M



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