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1、word可编辑实用文档Phrases in U4 M7 Public transportWelcome to the unit 1. different means of transport不同的交通方式 a new form of transport一种新的运输方式2. transport people all over the world运送世界各地的人transport people to the city center将人们送至市中心transport sth fromto把某物从运送到the transport of goods by air由飞机运送货物3. pick up and

2、 drop off people接送人们/上下客4. over long distances长距离范围内in the distance在远处at a distance相距 ,相隔 ,稍远处keep sb at a distance/keep ones distance from与保持一定的距离be distant from sb对某人冷淡5. railway tracks铁轨stream trains 蒸汽火车underground trains地铁the maglev train which are powered by magnets由磁铁提供动力的磁悬浮列车6. go undergrou

3、nd转到地下Reading 7. be commonly known as 一般作为而为人所知 commonly held opinions 多数人持有的观点8. have the distinction of 有的名声make /draw a distinction 区分开来;区别对待 the distinction/difference(差异) between A and B; win a distinction for 因而出名9. during the first half of the 19th century在19世纪上半叶10. develop train services发展火

4、车交通服务11. go to the distant boundary of the city到城市的远郊the boundaries of human knowledge 人类知识懂得极界12. cause/ do damage to historic buildings对古建筑造成损害13. the increased number of vehicles急速增加的车辆数量14. choke off traffic阻塞交通choke back抑制(愤怒 ,悲痛等)choke back the tears 忍住眼泪choke down勉强咽下(食物)choke up闷住 ,噎住 ,激动的说不

5、出话来choked to death on a fish bone被一根鱼刺噎死 be choked with traffic被川流不息的车辆堵塞15. lead to the development of the underground system 导致地铁系统的发展16. beneath the surface of the ground在地表下面; beneath sb (等级、地位)低于某人17. be pulled through the comparatively narrow tunnels by steam engines由蒸汽机驱动穿梭于相对狭窄的隧道 comparativ

6、ely speaking相比而言18. narrow escape 死里逃生 ,险些遇险 narrow majority/victory/defeat 微弱多数/险胜/勉强击败 narrow the gap between rich and poor缩小贫富差距19. link up连接 ,会合link up with sb to do sth联合某人做某事link up with与相连be linked to/with与有关 the link/connection between smoking and cancer 抽烟与癌症之间的联系20. in the middle of the ci

7、ty 在市中心 be in the middle of doing sth 正忙着做某事21. advanced ways of digging tunnels先进的挖掘隧道的方式22. accelerate the pace of the London Undergrounds development加快伦敦地铁发展的脚步 keep pace with 与并驾齐驱;跟上 keep up the pace 跟上步伐23. set up the underground group建立地铁集团24. acquisition of the lines收购地铁 the acquisition of k

8、nowledge 知识的习得25. be placed under the authority of the Board归伦敦客运总署管辖26. be responsible for(doing) sth对负责27. be in use在使用中;put sth into use 付诸使用28. function as /serve as/ work as/ act as bomb shelters用作防空洞29. a newly built line一条新建的地铁线30. an underground aeroplane factory 地下飞机制造厂31. be used as meetin

9、g rooms for the government administration被用作政府行政会议室32. make the system more user-friendly使地铁系统更加方便乘客使用33. in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Queen Elizabeths crowning为纪念伊丽莎白女王登基25周年34. work to transport millions of people effectively用来有效运送上百万乘客35. permit/ allow doing允许做某事permit/ allow sb to

10、 doask for ones permission请求某人的许可with ones permission/ with the permission of sb在某人许可的情况下without ones permission/ without the permission of sb未经某人许可36. a tourist brochure旅游手册37. a place of interest名胜古迹38. in the order of the development按发展顺序39. encourage you to visit the place for yourself鼓励你亲自去参观某地

11、40. go sightseeing去观光41. a dozen different lines数条不同的地铁线a /two /three dozen of eggs一打鸡蛋dozens of大量42. at a discount打折43. all sorts of各种各样的44. the album of photos相册 ,照片簿word power45. a toll road收费道路46. Spaghetti Junction复式公路枢纽 ,多层式立交桥47. light railway/ rail轻轨48. the best-designed flyovers设计得最好得跨线桥 ,高

12、架49. book a seat/ ticket订位子 ,订票50. on-way ticket单程票return ticket回程票season ticket季票 ,长期票student ticket学生票Grammar51. a thick layer of fallen leaves一层厚厚的落叶52. at the edge of the city在城市边缘53. head for London/ make for London向伦敦出发54. puff and rattle喷烟发出咔嗒咔哒声puff and blow喘气55. at the crossroads在十字路口56. be

13、 trapped in traffic被困在车阵中57. be late for work上班迟到58. turn to sb for help向某人求助ask sb for help/ask for help from sb 59. the leading causes of air pollution大气污染得主要原因a major/main/chief cause of breathing problems呼吸问题的主要原因60. release poisonous smoke and gas释放毒烟毒气61. breathing related diseases与呼吸相关的疾病62.

14、in the hope of/that希望63. take notice of注意take no notice of不注意64. make better use of更好的利用make full use of充分利用make the best of尽量利用take advantage of利用65. undertake a task/ project承担任务、工程项目undertake to do sth同意或答应做某事66. sacrifice for an assignment投身任务 ,为任务牺牲for no sacrifice不怕牺牲make sacrifices for为作出牺牲at

15、/by sacrifice of靠牺牲 ,以为代价67. beyond ones modest expectations在某人的正常预期范围之外68. have a relaxing weekend度过一个放松的周末69. make up for弥补70. postpone / put off ones visit推迟做某事 postpone / put off doing postpone sth/ doing sth to/ until/ till把某事、做某事推迟到 call off sth /doing sth取消做某事Task71. listen for key structures注意 ,倾听主要结构72. send a letter/ an e- mail/ a fax to发信、电子邮件、传真给某人73. decide on sth决定74. on the north- east coast of China在中国的东北海岸75. travel by air/ sea/ road/ railway/ underground/ ferry乘飞机、船、汽车、火车、地铁、渡船旅游76. a harbor city港口城市77. an industrial base


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