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1、大学英语应用能力考试A级作文辅导,商业信函 说明:根据下列要求写一封商业信函。 1)在2011年2月的儿童玩具杂志上看到贵公司的洋娃娃产品广告,很感兴趣; 2)想了解详细信息,期望能寄一份洋娃娃的目录和最新价格表; 3)如质量满意,价格合理,可以长期大量订购。 Words for reference: 洋娃娃 baby doll,审题概述 询价信函的写作要注意按以下模式进行:第一步,表明信息来源或者自我介绍;第二步,表明感兴趣的商品以及想了解的信息,包括目录、价格、支付条件等等;第三步,表明合作意向(若价格合适就订货),同时期盼尽快回复。,February 19, 2011 Dear Sir

2、or Madam, From “Childrens Toys” in February, 2011, we learn that you are a leading exporter of baby dolls. Were very interested in those goods and would appreciate you if you can send us catalogues and samples. Meanwhile, please provide us your latest prices, discounts and terms of payments. Should

3、your price be found competitive and goods be up to standard, we intend to place a large order on a regular basis. Hope to hear from you soon! Truly yours, Peter Johnson Purchasing Manager NBW Co. Ltd.,通知 说明:以学生会的名义于2011年5月15日写一张讲座的通知,请大家积极参加。 演讲人:著名教授Mark Blair先生 时间:下周五晚7:00 地点:报告厅 主题:世界经济的变化,审题概述 关

4、于讲座通知的写作,首先必须介绍讲座的内容、时间和地点,然后介绍演讲者相关的背景情况,最后提及讲座的吸引人之处,同时提倡学生积极参与。,NOTICE May 15, 2011 There is going to be a lecture on Changes of World Economy in the lecture hall at 7:00 p.m. next Friday. The lecture will be given by Prof. Mark Blair, who has got his doctors degree at Cambridge University. He is

5、 famous for analyzing world economy, and has published several books in this field. He will tell, in his own humorous style, huge changes about the world economy, from which you will learn a lot. All students are welcome to attend this lecture. Students Union,备忘录 说明:请以总经理秘书的名义给总经理写一份电话备忘录。 收阅人:总经理Ma

6、rk 发文人:总经理秘书Jennifer 日期:2011年2月1日 主题:会议预约 内容:美国国际贸易公司销售经理Bill Smith将于近期来南京,希望和Mark总经理: 1)预约会面的时间和地点; 2)签订上次谈论的有关南京云锦的贸易合同; 3)希望进一步加强合作。 Words for reference : 南京云锦 Nanjing brocade 美国国际贸易公司 America International Trading Company,审题概述 备忘录的写作应注意语言简洁明了,直抒其意,同时应着重注意书写格式。,MEMO To: Mark, General Manager From

7、: Jennifer, Secretary Date: Feb. 1, 2011 Subject: Making an Appointment Mr. Bill Smith, Sales Manager of America International Trade Company, will come to Nanjing for a business trip recently. He hopes to see you and would like to know when and where you could meet each other. He will sign up the tr

8、ading contract for Nanjing Brocade discussed with us before. And he also hopes to further strengthen our cooperation.,商务感谢信 说明:你是EB公司的Kate,刚从英国出差回来,在英国期间得到了LH公司的Anne Green小姐的照顾,你想写一封电子邮件表示感谢,内容包括: 1)感谢她在英国期间的热情招待; 2)告诉她英国很漂亮,给你留下了深刻的印象; 3)和贵公司的接触很融洽,希望能更近一步合作; 4)写信日期:2011年4月10日,审题概述 商务感谢信首先对对方给予的款待、

9、帮助等表示由衷的感谢,然后用简洁的语言赞赏对方提供帮助所起到的作用,或促成的结果,最后由衷的表示感谢,并希望有朝一日能够回报。,April 10, 2011 Dear Anne Green, Im writing this mail to thank you for your kindness and hospitality during my stay in Britain! It was really an unforgettable experience! Through this business visit, I have known your country much better

10、. The beauty of this city really impresses me. Everything goes on well during this trip and we keep good relationship with you. I do hope we can strengthen our further cooperation. Hope I have the chance to give you a reception in the near future. With many thanks. Sincerely yours, Kate EB Company,求

11、职信 说明:你叫王凯,于3月30日在智联招聘网(Z)上看到HW公司招聘销售经理的信息,请给该公司的经理写一封求职信表示求职意愿。 内容: 1)说明你从何处得到招聘信息; 2)简单介绍个人情况:28岁,毕业于东南大学管理学院,研究生学历,曾在ZX公司担任过2年的销售经理,经验丰富; 3)随信附上简历,期望与经理面谈。,审题概述 求职信的写作关键是抓住以下三个部分:写信动机、自我介绍及结尾。写作动机说明是通过何种途径得知岗位信息;自我介绍主要说明自己的年龄、教育背景、工作经验及能力;结尾希望能得到面谈的机会。,Application Letter 1st Apr. 2011 Dear Sir or

12、 Madam, Learning from Z that youre looking for a sales manager, I would like to apply for the position. Im a graduate student from Management College of Southeast University. Though only 28 years old, Im rich in working experience, sales knowledge and management skills. Whats more, I have once worked as a sales manager in ZX Company for 2 years. Activism and self-confidence encourage me to face up to any challenge. For more about me, please see the resume attached. I would appreciate it if you can offer me a chance of interview. Look forward to your earliest reply! Sincerely yours, Wang Kai,



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