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1、2011 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语英语 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。考试结束后,将本 试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一卷第一卷 第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分) 第一节 单选填空(共15 小题,每小题1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上 将该选项涂黑。 例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child be or she wants. A .however B .whatever C.whichever D.whe

2、never 21.-We could invite John and Barbara to the Friday night party. -Yes, ?Ill give them a call right now. A. why not B. What for C. why D. what 22. Try she might, Sue couldnt get the door open. A. if B. when C. since D. as 23.Planing so far ahead no sense-so many thing will have changed by next y

3、ear. A.made B.is making C.makes D.has made 24.I wasnt sure if he was really interested or if he polite. A.was just being B.will just be C.had just been D.would just be 25.-Someone wants you on the phone. - nobody knows I am here. A.Although B.And C.But D.So 26I can the house being untidy, but Ihate

4、it if its not clean. A. come up with B.put up with C. turn to D.stick to 27The next thing he saw was smoke from behind the house. A.rose B.rising C. to rise D.risen 28Only when he reached the tea-house it was the same place hed been in last year. A. he realized B.he did realize C.realized he D.did h

5、e realize 29When Alice came to, she did not know how long she there. A.had been lying B.has been lying C.was lying D.has lain 30The form cannot be signed by anyone yourself. A.rather than B.other than C.more than D.better than 31The prize will go to the writer story shows the most imagination. A.tha

6、t B.which C.whose D.what 32They have arrived at lunchtime but their flight was delayed. A.will B.can C.must D.should 33It is generally accepted that boy must learn to stand up and fight like man. A.a;a B.a;the C.the;the D.a;不填 34William found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyesight was b

7、eginning to . A.disappear B.fall C.fail D.damage 35Artistic people can be very difficult sometimes. Well, you married one. . A.You name it B.Ive got it C.I cant agree more D.You should know 第二节 完形填空(共20 小题:每小题1.5 分,满分30 分) 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中,选出 可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 In our discussi

8、on with people on how education can help them succeed in life,a woman remembered the first meeting of an introductory_36_course about 20 years ago. The profedssor _37_the lecture hall,placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆), and inbited the students to _38_how many beans the jar

9、contained.After _39_shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin,dry smile,announced the _40_ answer,and went on saying,”You have just _41_an important lesson about science.That is Never_42_ your own senses.” Twenty years later,the _43_could guess what the professor had in mind.He _44_

10、himself,perhaps,as inviting his students to start an exciting _45_into an unknown world Invisible(无形的)to the 46 ,which can be discovered only through scientific 47 .But the seventeen-year-old girl could not accept or even 48 the invitattion.She was just 49 to understand the world.And she 50 that her

11、 firsthand experience could be tne 51 .The professor,however,said that it was 52 .he was taking away her only 53 for knowing and was providing her with no substitute.“I remember feeling small and 54 ,”the women says,“and I did the only thing I could do.I 55 the course that afternoon,and I havent gon

12、e near science since.” 36A.artB.historyC.scienceD.math 37A.searched fo B.looked atC.got throughD.marched into 38A.countB.guessC.reportD.watch 39A.warningB.givingC.turning awayD.listening to 40A.readyB.possibleC.correctD.difficult 41A.learnedB.preparedC.taughtD.taken 42A.loseB.trustC.sharpenD.show 43

13、A.lecturerB.scientistC.speakerD.woman 44A.describedB.respectedC.sawD.served 45A.voyageB.movementC.changeD.rush 46.A.professor B.eye C.knowledge D.light 47.A.model B.senses C.spint D.methods 48.A.hear B.make C.present D.refuse 49.A.suggesting B.beginning C.pretending D.waiting 50.A.believed B.doubted

14、 C.proved D.explained 51. A.growth B.strength C.faith D.truth 52.A.firm B.intersting C.wrong D.acceptable 53.A.task B.tool C.success D.connection 54.A.cruel B.pround C.frightened D.brave 55.A.dropped B.started C.passed D.missed 第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15 小题:每小题2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、

15、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 A When milk arrived on the doorstep When I was a boy growing up in New Jersey in the 1960s, we had a milkman delivering milk to our doorstep. His name was Mr. Basille. He wore a white cap and drove a white truck. As a 5-year-old boy, I couldnt take my eyes off the coin changer fixed to his belt. He noticed this one day during a delivery and gave me a quarter out of his coin changer. Of course, he delivered more than milk. There was cheese, eggs an


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