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1、外研版九年级下册英语课文翻译外研版九年级下册英语Module4Unit2部分课文翻译 1Look at the picture and answer the questions.部分翻译 1What is the bear doing? 那只熊正在做什么? 2,What do you think the people in the tent should do? 你认为帐篷里的人应该做什么? 2Read the passage and answer the questions.部分翻译 1Where do you think is the best place to keepfood safe

2、 from bears? 你认为让食物安全避开熊的最好的地方是哪里? 2What was the noise behind the writer? 作者身后的声音是什么? 3Do you think their camping trip was interesting? 你认为他们的露营旅行有趣吗? Watch out! Bears about! 当心!附近有熊! On the first evening,the three of us were tired after walking for about eight hours We soon feli asleep 在第一天晚上,在走了大约

3、八个小时之后,我们三个人都累了。我们很快就睡着了。 In the middle of the night,I heard a strange noise outside0 But when l looked out of the tentent,there was nothing there 半夜,我听见外面传来奇怪的声音。但当我向帐篷外面看时,却什么也没看到。 In the morning,I got up fo make breakfast 早上,我起来做早饭。发现食品袋被打开了。 The bag of food was open“Bears,”said Joe“We should han

4、g the food in a tree tonight “熊,”乔说,“今晚我们应该把食物挂在树上。” Later that day,we stopped in a beautitul field by a stream0We put up the tent and fell asleep 那天晚些时候,我仍在溪边块美丽的地里停下了。我们搭起帐篷,然后睡着了。 During the night,the bears came againThis time they took the foodfrom the tree夜里,熊又来了。这次它们从树上拿走了食物。 “It wasnt high en

5、oughBears can climb treesThey can smell food from a long way away”said Ben “(食物挂得)不够高,熊会爬树。它们可以从很远的地方闻到食物的味道。”本说。 “We must keep the camp clean0,”I said. “Bears might think our rubbish is food” “我们必须保持营地干净,”我说,“熊可能认为我们的垃圾是食物。” “OK,lets tidy up and move onAnd we should make lots of noise tooIf they kn

6、ow where we arethey may not e any closer,”said Joe “好吧,我们清理干净,继续前进。我们也应该多弄出些声响来。如果它们知道我们在哪里,可能就不会靠近了。”乔说。 “But if you see a bear,”said Ben,“you mustnt make any sudden moves or make a soundAnd above all,you mustnt runNo one can run faster in the forest than a bearAnd remember,we dont have a gun to ke

7、ep us safe!” “但如果你看到熊,”本说,“你千万别做出任何突然的举动或发出声音。最重要的是,你绝对不能跑。在森林里,没有人能跑得过熊。并且记住,我们没有枪来保证我们的安全!” That night,we went to sleepor we tried to 那天晚上,我们去睡觉了或者说我们尽力去睡。 The next day,we stopped at eleven oclock for a breakWhile the others were resting,I went for a walk in the forest。 第二天,我们在11点钟停下来休息。当其他人在休息时,我

8、去森林里散步。 Suddenly,I saw a baby bear playing with some sticks and stonesHe looked so soft and friendly,and I remember thinking,“If I reach out,I can just touch him” 突然,我看到一只小熊在玩树枝和石头。它看起来那么柔软和友好,并且我现在还记得当时在想: “我要是伸出手的话,就能摸着它。” There was a loud noise behind me 一声巨吼从我身后传来。 I stood very stillI didnt even

9、 turn my headThere was another loud noiseThe baby bear looked up,and ran towards meI turned pale and he ran past me into the woods 我一动不动地站着,甚至没有转头。身后又是一声巨吼。那只小熊抬起头看了看,向我跑过来。我脸色惨白,它从我身边跑进了树林。 I was still for a few minutesThen slowly I turned round,and I saw the baby bear and his huge mother walking a

10、way. 我一动不动地待了几分钟。然后我慢慢地转过身来,我看见那只小熊和它身躯庞大的妈妈正在走开。 I ran back to my friendsI have never run so fast 我跑回我朋友身边。我从未跑得那么快过。 For the next ten days,every time there was a sudden noise,my blood went cold. 之后的十天中,每当听到突然的声响,我都会心惊胆战(blood血:血液)。 3Complete the table部分翻译 4Complete the passage with the words in th

11、e box部分翻译 blood血;血液 gun 枪 sticks树枝 sudden 突然的 On the third day of our camping trip,Ben told us that if we saw a bear,we should not make any (1)_movesWe did not have a (2)_to keep ourselves safeThe next day,I saw a baby bear playing with some (3) _ and stonesHis mother arrived soon,andwas so afraid t

12、hat my (4)_ went cold.J did not move until the bears walked awayThen l ran back to my friends as fast as I could. 在我们露营旅行的第三天,本告诉我们,如果看到熊,我们不应该做出任何(1)_突然的举动。我们没有一支(2)_枪来保证我们自己的安全。第二天,我看到一只小熊在玩(3)_枝条和石头。它的妈妈很快来了,我如此害怕以至于我心惊胆战。直到熊走开我才动。然后我尽快跑回我朋友那儿。 5Think of an area of countrltside nearby. Answer.部分翻

13、译 Where is it? 它在哪里? Why do people go there? 人们为什么去那儿? Are there any dangers from animals? 有动物的(一些)危险吗? How can we protect ourselves? 我们可以怎样保护自己? What should we do to look after the place? 我们应该做什么来保护那个地方? 6Write sentences with the notes you have made in .部分翻译 Say where it is 说说它在哪里。 Lushan National Park is in Jiangxi Province 庐山国家公园在江西省。 Say why people go there 说说人们为什么去那里。 People go there切see the mountains and streams 人们去那里是为了看大山和溪流。 Say if there are any dangers from animals 说说是否有动物的任何危险。 The fish and birds there a


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