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1、外研版七年级下册英语课文翻译外研版七年级下册英语Module7Unit2部分课文翻译 1Labelthe picture with the wordsfrom the box.部分翻译 bathroom浴室 bedroom卧室 garden花园 kitcen厨房 living room起居室 2Read the passage and choose the correct answer.部分翻译 My life in Ouincy 我在昆西的生活 By Betty King 贝蒂金 I was born_in Quincy,a town on the east of America,twelv

2、e years ago.There were lots of things to do in Quincy,with many stores, two movie theaters,football clubs and basketball teams tooI wasnt bored in Quincy.I was very happy there. 12年前我出生于昆西美国东海的一个小镇。在昆西有很多事情可以做,那里有许多商店两家电影院,还有足球俱乐部和篮球队。我在昆西不会感到无聊,在那里我非常开心。 Two presdentball of the US, John Adams and h

3、is son John Quincy Adamswere born in Quincy.o You can visit their old family houses 两位美国总统,约翰亚当斯和他的儿子约翰昆西亚当斯,都出生在昆西。你可以去参观他们的故居。 Our house was big and fortable.There was a big living room with a TV,akitchen,a bathroom and three bedroomsOn my bedroom walls there were pictures of my favorite movie sta

4、rs. 我们的房子又大又舒服。有一间带电视的大起居室、一间厨房、一间浴室和三间卧室。在我卧室的墙壁上,贴有我最喜欢的影星的图片。 Behind the house,there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it. It was great to play there 在房子后面有一个大花园,花园里有许多树,还有一个小一湖,里面有鱼。在那里玩耍很开心。 There were lots of children in QuincyMany of them were my frie

5、nds. This was our last home in the US and I was there for the last time in xx.One day Ill go back,and lm looking forward to seeing my friends again 在昆西有很多孩子。他们中许多是我的朋友。这是我们在美国的最后的家。我最近一次住在那里是在xx年。总有一天我会回去的,我盼望着再见到我的朋友。 1. Betty was/wasnt happy when she was in Quincy. 贝蒂在昆西的时候是不是高兴的。 2. Two/Three US

6、presidents were born in Quincy 两位三位美国总统出生在昆西。 3. There were/werent pictures on Bettys bedroom walls 在贝蒂卧室的墙上有没有图片。 4. There was/wasnt a small lake in the garden 花园里有没有一个小湖。 5. Betty was/wasnt in Quincy last year 贝蒂去年在不在昆西。 3Answer the questions部分翻译 1. Were there a lot of things to do? 有许多事情可以做吗? 2.

7、Was anyone famous born there? 有名人出生在那里吗? 3. Who were they? 他们是谁? 4. What was Bettys house like? 贝蒂的房子是什么样子的? 5. How many rooms were there? 有多少个房间? 6. What was Bettys bedroom like? 贝蒂的卧室是什么样子的? 7. Was there a garden? 有一个花园吗? 8 . Were there lots of children? 有许多孩子吗? Learning to learn 学会学习 Some words i

8、n American English( Am E) are different in British English( Br E) 美式英语中的一些词语和英式英语中的一些词语是不同的。 AmE 美式英语 movie theater 电影院 store 商店 BrE 英式英语 cinema 电影院 shop 商店 Some words are different in spelling: 一些单词在拼写方面不同: AmE 美式英语 favorite 最喜爱的 neighbor 邻居 BrE 英式英语 favourite 最喜爱的 neighbour 邻居 Write“Am E”by Americ

9、an English words and“BrE”by British English words 在美式英语的单词旁边标上“Am E,在英式英语的单词旁边标上“Br E,。 4Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from ago以前 bored无聊的 coast 海岸 fortable 舒服的 east东部 president总统 store 商店 Quincyis a smalltown on the_,in the_of the US. John Adams and his son John Quincy Ada

10、ms, both_of the US, were born in Quincy. Betty was also born there twelve years _ She lived in a_ house with several rooms. There was lots to do there,with many_ ,so Betty wasnt_. 昆西是美国_东_海岸的一个小城镇。两位美国_总统,约翰亚当斯和他的儿子约翰昆西亚当斯,都出生在昆西。贝蒂在12年_前也出生在那里。她住在带有几个房间的一所_舒适的房子里。在那里有许多事情可以做,有许多_商店,所以贝蒂不会_感到无聊。 5Lo

11、ok at the sentences.部分翻译 There were lots of things to do in Quincy.There were many stores. 在昆西有许多事情可以做。有许多商店 Now join the sentences with with. 现在用with把这些句子连起来。 1. There was a big living room. There was a TV. 有一个大的起居室。有一台电视。 2. There was a big garden. There were lots of trees. 有一个大花园。有许多树。 3. There w

12、as a small lake. There were fish in it 有一个小湖。湖里面有鱼。 6Answer the questions部分翻译 l. When and where were you born? 你何时何地出生的? 2. Were you happy there? 你在那里高兴吗? 3. What was your house like? 你的房子是什么样子的? 4. What was your bedroom like? 你的卧室是什么样子的? 5. Were there lots of things to do? 有许多事情可以做吗? 7Describe your past life with the answers from Activity 6部分翻 Describe your past life with the answers from Activity 6部分翻译 用活动6的答案描述一下你过去的生活。 I was b



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