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1、外研版七年级下册英语课文翻译外研版七年级下册英语Module6Unit3部分课文翻译 1Work in pairs and look at the map部分翻译 Student A: Choose a starting place on the map.Then give Student B directions from there 学生A:在地图上选择一个起点。然后把从那里开始的路线告诉学生B。 Student B: Listen to Student A and follow the directions: Where do they finish? 学生B:听学生A的讲述,跟随路线:

2、它们在哪里结束? Now choose another starting place on the map. Student B gives directions. 现在在地图上选择另一处起点,学生B给出路线。 2Read and label the places.部分翻译 Man:I need to go to the post office.Can you _ me how to get there? 男士:我需要去邮局,你能告诉我如何去那里吗? Woman: Yes, of course. Turn left and walk up Green Street.Go past the ba

3、nk. its the big building on the left. Turn right after the bank,甜the cinema. The post office is opposite the cinema and the supermarket. 女士:是的,当然可以。向左转,沿着格林街走,经过银行,就是左边那座高大的建筑物。走过银行后在电影院处向右拐。邮局在电影院和超市的对面。 Man: Thanks.l also wantto buy some books. 男士:谢谢,我也想去买一些书。 Woman: Well, theres a good bookshop n

4、ear the market. From here cross Green Street and turn right. Go past the market on your left. Then turn left and go down the street to the bus syopThe bookshop is next to the bus stop 女士:哦,在市场附近有一家不错的书店。从这里穿过格林街,并且向右拐。走过你左边的市场,然后向左拐沿着街道走到公共汽车站。书店就在公共汽车站的旁边。 Man:Thank you! 男士:谢谢! 3Look at the map and

5、 plete the passage with the words and across穿过 between在之间 next to 紧靠着 on your right在你的右边 opposite 在的对面 turn lef 向左拐 The museum is _ the bank and the restaurant. The park is along the street_ the bank. The shop is _ the restaurant. Cross the bridge and then go _ the street._ and the station is_. 博物馆_

6、在银行和饭店之间。公园在街道旁_紧挨着银行。商店在饭馆的_对面。穿过桥,然后走_过街道。_向左拐,车站_在你的右边。 Around the world 世界各地 A famous place 一个著名的地方 The Winter Palace in St Petersburg was a house for the Tsar of RussiaNow its part of the Hermitage Museum,and everyone can go and see the paintings and learn about Russian history. Opposite the mu

7、seum,on the other side of the River Neva,iS St Peters Church. You can walk across the river over Trinity Bridge 圣彼得堡的冬宫是为俄国沙皇建的房子。现在它是爱尔米塔什博物馆的一部分,大家都可以去看那里的绘画,并了解 _的历史。在博物馆的对面,涅瓦河的另一边是圣彼得教堂。你可以从三一桥上步行穿过这条河。 Module task: Giving directions around your home town . 模块任务:给出你的家乡附近的各处路线 4Write about your

8、home town. Say部分翻译 the most important places to see 可看的最重要的地方 where they are 它们在哪里 how you get there 你如何去那儿 5Write an email to a friend and say what to do on a one-day Write an email to a friend and say what to do on a one-day tour of your home town.Use the information from Activity 4 to help you. 给一个朋友写一封电子邮件说一说去你家乡一日游要做什么。用活动4的信息帮助你。 6Draw a map of your home town and mark out the important plac Draw a map of your home town and mark out the important places 画一张你的家乡的地图并标出重要的地方。 模板,内容仅供参考



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