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1、用英语介绍自己的一天 从进门到结束对话。全面了解主考官心理。知己知彼百战不殆。 Introduction 在你进门跟他们见面时如果不是很紧张的话先跟他们打招呼(还没开始面试),说“I am Shicai Sun, Pleasant (Nice ) to meet you”这个你到时候看情况,别到时人家跟你说话你不知道回答什么东西, I greatly appreciate you and the(这里不说your,因为说的话显得生疏,嘿嘿) pany for giving me this opportunity!(看情况有合适的机会就说,没有合适的机会就不用说),可以放在面试结束的时候说) 正

2、式面试开始后,他们上来一般会说让你,比如他们说:”Would you like to introduce yourself ?”,你可以回答“Sure, Id like to.”然后你就可以开始自我介绍了,自我介绍尽量简练(到时看情况如果感觉说的时间挺长他们有点不愿意听,该精简就精简)。可以参考如下说法: “My name is Sun Shicai. I e from Qingdao city, which is a beautiful seashore city. Now I am majoring in Thermal Engineering in Graduate School of

3、Chinese Academy of Sciences and will graduate in June next year. In 1999, I graduated from 南京理工大学 majored in Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) and got my bachelors degree. After that I was employed by Haier Group as an air conditioner development engineer. During my working time, I found

4、 the knowledge is a little bit limited and I need to receive further education. So I became a postgraduate in xx majoring in Thermal Engineering till now. I love this major and I am willing to dedicate myself to it. (From xx.9-xx.7 I learned the basic curriculums of masters degree at University of S

5、cience & Technology of China (USTC). From 1999.7-xx.9 I worked at Haier Group as an air development engineer. From 1995.9-1999.7 I majored in Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC). From 1992.9-19995.7 I studied at No.2 School of Jimo, Qingdao.)(去掉不要了) 2、自我介绍结束后,他们可能就要开始提问了。比如你为什么要应聘我们公司、你的弱点

6、,你的长处,你的爱好,还有你做过的专业方面的东西等。 下面假设他们要问你的问题(嘿嘿): 1)What is your weakness?(这里要注意你的弱点也要从侧面反映你的好处) 可以这样回答(都是以前从书上学的,仅供参考) your answer:” well, for my weakness, i think i tend to drive myself too hard and id like to see things to be done immediately”(红字部分去掉然后加上你原来说的).(意思是说你对自己要求太严)_用英语介绍自己的一天。 (If you ask me

7、 what my weakness is, I think) My great weakness is intensive sympathism, especially, for the weak. Because I e from a poor peasant family, I experienced a lot of difficulties and pain. They need most some help, even a warm word!(你看吧如果到时你忘了就按照你自己的方法回答,但感觉可能不是很适合外 _口味,嘿嘿,爱你) 2)What is your strength?(

8、就是问你的长处在哪) 可以这样回答(我想因为是针对研发的,可以说具有强的科研能力方面):“ I am able to adapt to new challenges quickly and have high ability of research and development.” (If you ask me what my strength is, I think) I think I am optimistic, self-confident and modest, cooperative and dutiful, frank and punctual, industrious and

9、 ingenious.(你的回答也可以) 3)Why do you apply for our pany?或What is your motivation in applying for Carrier (你为什么要应聘我们公司,这是他们经常爱问的问题) Your answer: ”Because it is a global famous pany and its high reputation in the society. Its working atmosphere deeply attracts me. I really wish I could get the opportunit

10、y to serve this pany, to improve myself, to get outstanding achievement in my career and to bring something fresh to Carrier.” 4)他们可能还会问到你专业方面的问题,这个你自己对照你做过的东西看一下,他们可能不会让你从头到尾让你说你都做过什么,他们可能会针对你的简历提问,尽量把专业方面的尤其是做过的东西熟悉一下。 5)可能会问你的长期和短期目标:What is your career goal in short-term and long-term? 我觉得短期目标可以

11、象你那样回答: Short-term: To do my best to join in Carrier including preparing all the knowledge and practice. Long-term: To exert oneself to work for Carrier except for improving myself. (我看有的回答长期目标有说:在几年之内混到什么职位的,不知道搞研发的话说混到个开发部里面的什么职位可不可以,不过咱不知水深浅,不说也好) 6)另外他们可能会问你对公司的了解,你稍微熟悉一下他们的历史,产品等情况,到时万一他们问,你忽悠他

12、们两句,他们一看还挺高兴,你对他们公司确实挺了解的,嘿嘿 7)最后他们可能会问你对工资的要求。如“What is your expected salary”或者其他的一些问法,关键你要听明白他们是在问你工资,这个也好理解,因为他们一般会在最后问这个问题 你可以直接回答:“I wish 8000 RMB per month as the start salary and raise after that based on my performance”. 8)如果他们问你今后的想法,打算,(估计他们是想你是不是还想跳槽,或者其他的一些素质)如“What is your future plan”,

13、或How do you think of your future?等等,你可以这样回答:”Well, I can say I love my major and would like to dedicate myself to this field.(确信你会一直干本行业) So in future I will try to improve myself, to broaden my eyes, to grasp high ability so as to bring novel products to this field. 9)如果他们问起你以前的公司,问你为什么出来,或问你以前的同事老

14、板等,千万 _他们不好。如”Why do you quit from your previous pany since it also have good reputation and Why dont you go back to work for it after your graduation”, 你可以这样回答:“Well. To be frankly, it is a good pany. During my working in it , I really had a quite pleasant time and learned much from it. Since I dec

15、ided to receive further education so I quit. During the 3 years of postgraduate education, I think I have improved myself a lot. There is a famous saying in China: People would like to go higher and water flow lower(人往高处走,水往低处流,自己翻译的).So I think now I have the ability to serve a quite good pany like Carrier” 10)如果他们问你以前的同事和上司怎么样评价你,如:”How do you think your previous leaders(colleagues or a friend or professor) who knows you well would describe you”? 你


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