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1、工程师英文自我介绍 Good afternoon! It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview, I hope i can make a good performance today. Now i will introduce myself briefly. My name is Shaoqianfei, and I am 26 years old,born in Henan province . I was graduated from Henan university which is one key un

2、iversity. My major is automation, and i got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of xx. I spent most of my time on study, and i won scholarship every year. in march xx, i began work for an international pany named foxconn as an embedded controller engineer in yantai city. because im ca

3、pable of more responsibilities, so i decided to change my job._工程师英文自我介绍。 and in august xx,i left yantai to shenzhen and worked for a foreign pany/enterprise as a dsp driver development engineer. and our produts are scout machines and ultrasonic motor. because i want to change my working environment

4、, id like to find a job which is more challenging. i know valeo is a global pany, so i feel i can gain the most from working in this kind of pany. that is the reason why i came here to pete for this position._工程师英文自我介绍。 I think Im a good team player and Im a person of great honesty to others. Also I

5、 am able to work under great pressure. Thats all. Thank you for giving me tuct quality would be improved. 1、职业的发展计划; Q: Could you project what you would like to be doing five years from now on? A: Perhaps, an opportunity at a management position would be more exciting. 2、为什么要离开现在的这家公司; Q: Why did yo

6、u leave your current job? A: Well, Im hoping to get an offer of a better position. I desired a challenge position which could improve my skills in Embedded field, especially I want to specialize in 同this field. I also like work in a bilingual work environment which could improve my oral English. 3、工

7、作中分配给同事的任务他们不配合怎么办(这个是根据我的情况询问的); Q: How will you handle the problem as the work which has been assigned to your colleagues, but they did not lie in with what you have assigned to them? A: Maybe the mutual munication was not enough, or the arrangement was unreasonable. Adjust the arrangement in a re

8、asonable scope, and have totally munication with relative person. In a word, all our effort was focus on improve the efficiency. 4、工作中每周都会一到两次早上7点or晚上78点要开电话会议,你会怎么样? Q: There is one time or twice conference call at 7-8 oclock a week, what will happen to you? A: As to me, I will attend the meeting o

9、n time, and take notes on every important point; As long as we doing that, our work would be more efficient and our product quality would be improved. Good morning,sir. It is really my great honor to take this interview.Thank you for giving the chance to me. My name is Shangjie Mei,e from Hubei prov

10、ince. i am 25 years old ,i like to play sports in my free time,especially playing volleyball.i am enjoy and relaxed when i play,so it also bees a way to vent my pressure from work ._工程师英文自我介绍。 I am graduated from Yantze University.My Major is Mechanical Design,Manufacture and Automation. I came to S

11、hanghai after graduated for university, and worked for 3 years in Kingdream Shanghai Branch Company as Project engineer from xx.I think I have earned and learned many interpersonal and technical skills from the working experience. So it is the time to seek a bigger and more Challenging Platform,gain

12、 more opportunities to show myself value and learn more.EFD Induction Co. Ltd is a global pany,that is the reason why I choose your pany. I think Im a good team player,I am honest,positive and hardworking.So I also sincerely hope your pany can choose me.I will try my best and not let you down! 应聘面试环

13、节,多数面试官要求首先进行自我介绍。个人感觉,通过自我介绍,面试官能很快的了解面试者所具备的项目能力,顺耳也了解面试者的口头语言组织和表达能力。 大家好,我叫xx,天津大学计算机应用专业硕士,xx年6月份毕业,研究方向xx。我想从三个方面介绍自己: 1) 学习方面。大三时保送研究生,之后进入实验室开展项目研究。在x年时间里,先后参与了x个项目,其中x个纵向项目,x个横向项目,纵向项目主要是关于xx,横向项目主要是关于xx。这些分别对应我简历里的项目经历(1,2,3)。我本科绩点3.8,研究生绩点3.4。我XX年一次性通过大学英语四、六级考试,XX年通过托业英语考试,考试成绩XX分(满分XX分)

14、,XX年通过软件工程师/网络工程师/系统分析师考试。 2)实践方面。曾在软件公司实 _年时间,曾在xx当过计算机讲师,主讲xx,另外,本科时曾参加过xx比赛,并获得了xx奖。实习期间,我的最大收获是:学校学习与工作知识的衔接,深切感悟将理论应用于实践的重要性和快乐。 3)社会工作方面。本科和研究生都担任所在班级班长/*部长,同时也在校学生会工作过。在担任班干部的日子里我具备了一定的组织、协调能力,并深深体会团队协作的重要性。 我的性格特点是,1.性格沉稳,2.考虑问题全面、仔细,3.做事有自己明确的想法和计划。 我的优势是1.自己全面的综合素质;2.做事分清轻重缓急;3.喜欢总结,避免犯同样的

15、错误。 我的座右铭是:人因为梦想而伟大,机遇永远属于那些有准备、立即行动并能坚持到底的人! 我的职业生涯目标是,将来有一天能带领一个团队,做出亿万网民喜爱和尊敬的软件!做一个既懂技术,又懂业务的复合型人才(非IT企业用)。 我的未来5年的规划是:因为我本人是学计算机的,所以希望沿着以技术为主线的路走下去。5年以后,我希望自己能够对某一个领域有比较深入的理解,成为某一领域的专家,在某一方面能独挡一面,同时也能够了解其他领域的发展动态 英文自我介绍非常关键,很多公司会要求你用英文作自我介绍,这个必须要提前准备,否则面试时临场发挥肯定是不行的。具体的方法:首先,可以把中文自我介绍翻译成英文,其次,根据英文的习惯作一些改动。最后,把整体思路理清楚,脱稿背几遍。 注意:不要一字不差的背下来,只要把大体内容记下来即可。以下是我的英文自我介绍: My nam



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