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1、大学励志英语文章 关于大学生活: Dont let the fact that a class starts as early as 9 a.m. deter you from taking it. 别因为最早的课九点开始就不去上课。 Budget and avoid credit cards. Its OK to not go out on the weekends or on Thirsty Thursdays, but dont beat yourself up for going out and having fun either. 做好预算,避免使用 _。周末或周四晚上派对不出去也没

2、什么大不了。不过也别因为出去玩把自己搞得筋疲力尽。 关于人际交往: Make friends, but get fortable hanging out by yourself. Teach yourself to get up early, nothing good happens super late honestly. Treat school like its a job and try to build a solid work ethic. 交朋友,但独自出去时也要让自己玩得开心。学会让自己早起,因为说实话晚起的鸟儿没虫吃。把学习当成一份工作,并尝试建立稳固的职业道德。 being

3、 friends with professors is a good idea. explore every inch of your campus. dont tolerate a bad dormmate, its not worth the stress, get out if you can._大学励志英语文章。 和教授做朋友是个不错的主意。走遍校园的每一个角落。别忍受一个糟糕的室友,这样的压力不值得,如果可能就自己搬出去吧。 Befriend people who make you feel good about yourself, who are kind to you and e

4、nrich your life in new ways and dont hold you back. Dont befriend those who you feel like you should be friends with because everyone else is. 别犹豫,与那些让你感到自在、真诚对你和让你生活有新意的人做朋友吧。别因为其他人都跟这个人关系好,你也随大流跟他交朋友。 关于职业道路: You will not make as much money as you think you will after graduating. 毕业之后,你并不会如你想象的赚那么

5、多钱。 Life experience is just as important as your formal education, if not more so. For many fields, employers care more about the initiatives you took and the experience you gain than your GPA or what classes you took. Plus it makes you a more well-rounded person and more able to handle different ty

6、pes of life challenges. Take time to experience new things and learn about yourself! Its the best time to do it. 生活经验同正规教育一样重要,可能更重要。对于很多行业来说,雇主更关心的可能是你的主动性和工作经验,而不是你的GPA或者你上过什么课。而且,生活经验让你发展更全面,能应对不同的人生挑战。花些时间去体验新事物,然后自我学习!现在是最好的时机。 Intern as much as you can while youre in school. It can help you la

7、nd a job with that particular pany, or with a related firm. At minimum, it can offer some fantastic references. It can also help you decide whether your studies are suited for you - getting real-life experience in what you think you want to do with your life can make all the difference in whether yo

8、u actually understand and enjoy what your career path will look like. 在校期间多实习,它可以帮助你在实习的公司或相关公司找到一份工作。至少,实习能给你一些有用的参考。它能帮你检验所学知识是否适合你,因为在你所期待的工作中获得的实际经验对于你是否真正理解并喜欢你的职业道路关系重大。 Dont be afraid to go out of your fort zone. Try new things. Remember everyone is in the same boat as you are and theyre just

9、 as nervous!别害怕走出舒适区。尝试一些新东西吧。要记住,其他人都和你处境相同,并且他们也很焦虑。 关于人生发展: Life isnt about finding yourself, its about creating yourself. Dont wait to start living the life you want to live. Follow what makes you happy, you wont regret it. The things that are most worthwhile in life tend to be the ones you were

10、 afraid to try. “生活不仅仅是发现自己,也是创造自己。”别只是等着你所期待的生活降临,追随能让你快乐的生活,你绝不会后悔。人生中最值得做的事情往往是你最初不敢尝试的。 Dont pare your suesses with others and dont chase anyone elses dream but your own. We each have our own journeys in life, so just make sure yours counts! 别把自己的成功与他人作比较,也别去追逐他人的梦想,做好你自己。我们每个人都有属于自己的快乐,所以确保你的梦想

11、有价值就可以! You dont have to decide what you want to be for the rest of your life. You just have to decide what general direction you want to take and what you want to do for your first step. When you look back on your life it will seem linear and logical, but while you are going through it its all haph

12、azard and serendipity. And thats the fun of it. 你并不需要现在就决定今后成为一个什么样的人,你只需要想清楚一个大致方向,以及为了这个方向踏出的第一步。当你回首人生路时,你可能只看到一条逻辑清晰的轨迹,但当你经历其中时,你会发现生活充满了偶然性和意外发现,而这就是人生的乐趣。 欣赏励志英语美文 今天带你看一篇文章,这是哈利波特的作者j.k罗琳在哈佛大学的节选片段,让我们来一起分享大作家的风采,这段话她在回忆过去的经历,伤感而又励志,深刻而有意义,让我们对生活有了更深层次的理解,值得我们去深思! 励志英语美文,接下来,让我们一起品味吧! i woul

13、d like to make it clear, in parenthesis, that i do not blame my parents for their point of view. there is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you. what is more, i cannot criticise my

14、 parents for hoping that i would never experience poverty. they had been poor themselves, and i have since been poor, and i quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience. poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression; it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships.

15、climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is indeed something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools. 我想澄清一下:我不会因为父母的观点,而责怪他们。埋怨父母给你指错方向是有一个时间段的。当你成长到可以控制自我方向的时候,你就要自己承担责任了。尤其是,我不会因为父母希望我不要过穷日子,而责怪他们。他们一直很贫穷,我后来也一度很穷,所以我很理解他们。贫穷并不是一种高贵的经历,它带来恐惧、压力、有时还有绝望,它意味着许许多多的羞辱和艰辛。靠自己的努力摆脱贫穷,确实可以引以自豪,但贫穷 本身只有对傻瓜而言才是浪漫的。 活愉快! 敬请关注凯撒国际英语,更多英语学习资源等你来分享,助您每天生 “I dread to e t


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