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1、地铁买票的英语作文 In order to ensure the orderly operation of metro and create a safe, convenient and environment for the passengers, this by-laws is made in aordance with “Method for the Management of Urban Railway Transport” and “Method for the Management of Safe Operation of Urban Railway Transport of Be

2、i _g”. Any person who entered the premises of metro (Including entrance/ext, pass way, platform, concourse, car) should follow the by-laws, traffic notices and social moralities conscientiously. He/she should pay attention to civilization and politeness, aept and cooperate the management and securit

3、y check of BJL4 staff, so as to maintain the orderliness of the train services. Passenger must have a valid ticket to take the train service. Anyone who use fake ticket, invalidated ticket or invalid ticket is subject to punishment stipulated in the “Method for the Use of Ticket of Metro in Bei _g”.

4、 Each adult can bring a child under 1.2m free of fare. Passenger bringing more than 1 child under 1.2m should buy ticket for the other child/children. Disabled passengers such as blind, deaf, mentally handicapped persons, passengers have difficulty in actions, children before schooling and psychiatr

5、ic patients should be aompanied by healthy adult when taking the train service. When there is no aompany, station staff should be contacted timely to provide relevant assistance. Dangerous goods such as inflammables, explosives, toxic, corrosive and lethal items (Blasting cap, dynamite, fireworks, g

6、as, diesel, kerosene, paint, calcium carbide, liquefied gas, acids etc.) as well as serious odorous items or items can easily foul the metro facilities or station/train environment 答案: 为保障地铁运营秩序,为乘客创造安全、便捷、和谐的乘车环境,依据城市轨道交通运营管理办法、北京市城市轨道交通安全运营管理办法等规定,特制定本守则。 凡进入地铁范围(含出入口、通道、站台、站厅、车厢)者均须自觉遵守本守则、运营通告和社

7、会公德,讲究文明礼貌,接受、配合地铁工作人员的管理和安全检查,共同维护乘车秩序。 are prohibited in the railway premises. 乘客须持有效车票乘车。对使用假票、废票、无效票证者,依据北京市地下铁道列车车票使用办法处理。 一名成年乘客可带领一名身高1.2米以下的儿童乘车,超过一名的,按超过人数购票乘车。 失明、失聪、弱智等残障人士,以及行动不便者、学龄前儿童、精神病患者须在健康成人陪同下乘车,无人陪同时,请及时联系站务人员,以获得相应帮助。 严禁携带易燃、易爆、有毒、腐蚀性和杀伤性等危险品(如雷管、炸药、鞭炮、汽油、柴 油、煤油、油漆、电石、液化气、各种酸类等

8、)以及有严重异味或容易污损地铁设备和车站、列车环境的物品乘车。 THE OPINION ABOUT THE CONSTRUCTION OF METRO The construction of metros in metropolis has bee a symbol of modernization. As a result, many local governments trend to raise fund and recruit professionals to construct metro. In my city Haerbin, the first line metro has b

9、een pleted for several years. With the utilization of metro, the citizens in Haerbin have experienced the fort and convenience that the metro brings. I consider that the metro as a typical moderate transport is very suitable for fast-paced city lifestyle. The metro or subway which run underground ha

10、s many advantages. First of all, because of its run characteristic, metros rails are built underground, it can save aboveground space which is very valuable and increasingly rare in metropolis. Moreover, the metros running routes dont crossover or overlap with other transportation systems, so they a

11、re not interfered by other transportations, so as to save passengers traffic time. That is also the reason that partly result in the high speed of metro. in addition, the metro is an environment kind transportation. it doesnt make loud noise as other transportation, for example cars and motorbikes.

12、the metro consume electric power while cars utilize natural gas or fossil oil as energy. in parison with cars, the advantage that metros dont exhaust emission is also favored by many environmentalists._地铁买票的。 In total, the metro as the public transportation is featured for its high-speed and non-pol

13、lution. The construction of metros is beneficial for the city that aims at long-term development. It is believed that metros can play a critical role in the urban construction and environment career. 下面是的初二下册英语课文翻译,以供大家学习参考。 初二下册英语课文翻译人教版 Section A 图片 你认为人们家里将会有机器人吗?是的,会有的。我想家家有会有一个机器人。孩子们还去学校上学吗?孩子

14、们将不再去学校上学。他们将在家中通过电脑来学习。 1a 人们家里见会有机器人。人们将不再使用钱。一切都将是的。 书只会在电脑上出现,而不会在纸上。 孩子们将不去上学。他们将在家里通过电脑学习。 将会只有一个国家。 人们将会活到200岁。 1c 100年后人们还用钱吗?不,不用了。一切都将会是的。人们会活到200岁吗?是的,他们会的。 2a 1.将会有更多的人。2.将会有更少的空余时间。3.将会有更少的小汽车。4.将会有更少的污染。5.将会有更少的树。 2b 1.将会有更少的人。3.人们会更少的使用地铁。5.城市将会庞大且拥挤不堪。 2c 我认为将会有更多的污染。喂,我不同意。但我认为将有更少的

15、树木。我同意。 Grammar Focus 将会有更少的污染吗?不,不会的。将会有更多的污染。将会有更少的树吗?对,会的。孩子们将不去上学。孩子们将在家中通过电脑学习。 将会有更少的树。将会有更少的污染。 3a五年前,拉萨在上高中。她踢足球。她有一只猫。现在,拉萨在上大学。她弹吉他。她有一条狗。 五年后,拉萨将是一名医生(已婚的),她将打网球。她将有一辆跑车(一个孩子)。 3b 你认为拉萨五年后会做什么工作?我认为她会是一名医生。她将进行什么体育运动? 4 我认为将有更多的高楼。而且小轿车会更少并且公交车会更多。 Section B 2c 你住在哪里?我住在一套公寓里。 3a 十年后,我想我将成为一名记者。我将住在上海,因为我去年去了上海并且喜欢上了它。我认为上海真是一个漂亮的城市。作为一名记者,我想我会结识许多有趣的人。我想我将和我最好的朋友们一起住在一套公寓里,因为我不喜欢独自居住。我将养些宠物,现在我不能养宠物因为我妈妈讨厌宠物,而且我们的公寓太小了。因此十年后,我将养许多不同种类的宠物。我甚至会养一只宠物鹦鹉!我可能会天天都去滑冰、游泳。平日里我很可能会穿上套装,看上去将会挺漂亮的。在周末,我将会穿的更休闲一些。我想我将去香港度假,并且有一天我甚至可能会去澳大利亚观光。



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