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1、普通高中 英语课程标准解读,安徽省黄山学院外语系 胡一宁 hshynhsu.edu 2019-11,英语课程标准产生的背景,一、课程改革的国际背景 社会发展对英语课程的影响:社会的趋同性和多样性;信息化社会。 经济发展对英语课程的影响:经济全球化;知识经济。 文化发展对英语课程的影响:人本主义思想;终生学。,二、课程改革的国内背景 我国原有的基础阶段英语教育与当前经济社会要求之间的差距体现在以下几个方面:课程理念;培养目标;课程结构。 因此,教育部决定,大力推进基础教育课程改革,调整和改革基础教育的课程体系、结构和内容。,课程理念方面 加速教育信息化; 培养创新精神和创新能力; 突出语言的实践

2、性; 关注学生情感与人文素养; 适应完满个性的需求; 提高自主创新的学习能力。,培养目标方面 倡导促进学生身心全面发展的教育; 关注学生的现实生活和终生学习的需要; 倡导建构性学习; 形成正确的评价观念; 加强课程的适应性和多样性。,课程结构方面 明确规定选修课程的地位; 保障地方课程和校本课程的地位; 课程内容要现代化、人文化和生活化;,我国外语教学的现状与反思,三、高中外语教学中取得的成绩: 对语言的本质的进一步理解; 教育观念发生新的变化; 教师与学生教与学的热情高涨; 课堂和学生生活出现新变化; 传授和学习方式有了较大改变; 英语素质有了较大提高。,四、高中外语教学中存在的问题: 语言

3、观的理解还不深刻; 应试教育依然盛行; 学习策略有待提高; 跨文化交际能力有待提高; 地区、学校和个体间差距加大。,五、高中英语教学改革的发展趋势 高中教学要周期性地改革; 以学生为主体的内涵不断深化; 选择性学习进一步深入; 重视培养跨文化能力; 构建体现真实性与生活化的英语教材体系; 注重基础知识学习,提高基础学力; 运用计算机与网络进行英语教学。,The New English Curriculum: changes and challengesHu YiningHuangshan UniversityNovember. 2019; hshynhsu.edu,Main topics,I.

4、 Whats new in the new curriculum? II. What challenges are there for the future teachers? III. How can pre-service training prepare students for the challenges?,I. Whats new in the new curriculum?,1. New rationale 2. New course design 3. New curriculum targets 4. New ways of target specification 5. N

5、ew learning and teaching approaches 6. New evaluation system 7. New textbooks,1. New rationale,Language is not only a tool for communication, it is also a tool for thinking, a tool for learning, and a tool for social participation. The aims of learning a foreign language are not to be limited to the

6、 mastery of knowledge and skills in the foreign language. Like other school subjects such as maths, music, art and PE, foreign language is part of the overall development of all students.,Through learning a foreign language, the students can enrich their life experiences, broaden their world vision,

7、 and enhance their thinking skills. Language learning is most effective when students affective factors (such as interest, motivation and attitudes) are taken into full consideration.,Learning strategies should be incorporated into the language curriculum so that students can become autonomous learn

8、ers, which is fundamental for life-long learning. Evaluation should be designed and administered to encourage the learners rather to frustrate them. It should be carried out in terms of what students can do rather than what they cannot do. Both summative and formative evaluation should used.,普通高中英语课

9、程标准的五个基本理念,1 重视共同基础,构建发展平台; 2 提供多种选择,适应个性需求; 3 优化学习方式,提高自主学习能力; 4 关注学生情感,提高人文素养; 5 完善评价体系,促进学生不断发展。,2. New course design,The introduction of English to the primary school from grade 3 on The adoption of a 9-level target system Flexible graduation qualifying requirements The introduction of selective

10、 modules of English into the senior high school The adoption of a credit system and a certificate system in senior high school,新的高中英语课程的设计,高中英语设计了必修课程和选修课程两个部分。必修课程共有五个模块,计10个学分。 选修课程由顺序选修课程和任意选修课程构成,又称系列I和系列II课程。共有六个模块,每个模块2个学分。 任意选修课程又分为三类:语言知识与技能类,语言应用类,欣赏类。,3. New curriculum targets,Language ski

11、lls: listening, speaking, reading and writing (critical thinking skills and interpersonal skills are emphasized for senior high school) Language knowledge: pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, function and topics (Most of these targets were already included in previous syllabuses),Affect and attitude

12、s: motivation, interest, confidence, cooperation, patriotism, world vision Learning strategies: cognitive strategies, planning strategies, communicative strategies and resourcing strategies Cultural awareness: cultural knowledge, cross-cultural competence,新的课程目标包括哪些方面?,新的课程目标包括语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化

13、意识五个方面。 语言技能是语言运用能力的重要组成部分。它包括听、说、读、写四项技能以及理解与表达的能力,用英语获取信息、处理信息的能力,用英语分析问题、解决问题的能力等。,语言知识包括语音、词汇、语法、功能和话题等五个方面的内容。语言知识的学习要以语用为目的,要把知识的学习与语言实践活动紧密结合起来。 情感态度指兴趣、动机、自信、意志和合作精神等影响学生学习过程和学习效果的相关因素。再加上祖国意识和国际视野。,学习策略指学生为了有效地学习和使用语言而采取的各种行动和步骤以及指导学习行为的各种理念和认识。 英语学习策略包括认知策略、调控策略、交际策略和资源策略等。,文化意识实际上包括文化意识、文

14、化理解、跨文化交际意识和能力等。 要扩大学生接触异国文化的范围,帮助学生拓展视野,使他们提高对中外文化异同的敏感性和鉴别能力,为发展他们的跨文化交际能力打下良好的基础。,4. New ways of target specification,All the targets are described in the format of “can do” statements(P.10-14): e.g., Can understand and follow instructions Can identify the change in meaning with a change in inton

15、ation Can provide personal information and describe personal experience Can comprehend simple stories and grasp the gist.,目标描述的新方法,英语课程标准中的“语言技能目标”按69级分别描述(见 P.10 -22),每一级目标又按听、说、读、写等四项技能来描述。 在各个级别之间,各项技能是逐步发展、逐步提高的。 英语课程标准中的目标描述采用递进的表述方式,即下一级目标是在前一级目标的基础上的进一步要求。,5. New learning and teaching approac

16、hes,The new curriculum advocate process-oriented language learning and teaching approaches, such as experiential learning and cooperative learning: students are encouraged to experience the language, learn the language by self-discovery, participate in discussion and negotiation activities.,It emphasises the role of positive affective states on the part of the students. It advocate the task-based approach to language learning and teaching: learning by doing and learning by


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