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1、Unit 3,职业综合英语 1,ENGLISH FOR CAREERS,Unit 3 Business Meals,新职业英语,Warm-1,Task 1 Complete the following table seating arrangement.,Principles of Seating Arrangement 1.Seat people who have common interests together. 2.Pair male and female guests. 3.Seat guests of honor in order. The most important perso

2、n should be seated at the right hand of the host.,Henry is retiring on Monday. Mr. Nelson, Chairman of your company, asks you to arrange the table seats for Henrys farewell dinner. Here are some principles for arranging seats at a dinner table and the information about the guests.,Warm-2,Guest Infor

3、mation Henry male, former HR Manager. Susan female, CEO. She loves traveling. George male, Sales Manager. David male, Production Manager. He loves traveling. Mary female, Customer Service Manager, a good friend of George.,Who would you put in seats A through E?,words 招待 to do something that amuses o

4、r interests people 给娱乐,Reading A,entertain,e.g. 1. Ill entertain my friends /over the weekend. 2. The child/ was entertaining himself /with his toys. entertain oneself with sth. 用来娱乐,e.g. 1. They/ have built up /a good reputation. 2. The noise /built up /until she couldnt stand it any longer. not an

5、y longer = notany more 不能再,Reading A,build up,to build; 发展起来 to increase, or become bigger or stronger gradually 增强,e.g. 1. I only wear this suit/ for formal dinners. 2. Our boss is very formal; she doesnt call anyone/ by their first name. first name = given name 名 last name 姓,Reading A,formal,adj.

6、appropriate for official or serious situations or occasions 正式的,e.g. I do not imply /that you are wrong.,Reading A,imply,v. to make something understood without expressing it directly 意味着,暗指,e.g. Well, take it easy! It isnt /a matter of urgency. take it easy 放轻松 a matter of 的问题,Reading A,urgency,n.

7、something very important and needing to be dealt with immediately 紧迫,e.g. Ritas husband/ is away for the week, so I think/ Id better /go over and keep her company. be away 离开,不在 had better do(动词原形)最好 keep ones company 陪伴某人,Reading A,company,n. the state of being with someone 交往,陪伴,e.g. 1. That man w

8、e met /turned out to be /Marias second cousin. 2. Dont worry. Im sure/ it will all turn out fine. turn out (to be) + adj./ n.,Reading A,turn out,to have a particular result; to happen in a particular way (最后)证明是,Reading A,pay,e.g. It usually pays / to tell the truth. tell the truth 说实话,v. to bring a

9、 good result or advantage for someone 有利,值得,to behave as well and politely as you can, especially in order to please someone 举止有礼,行为检点,Reading A,be on ones best behavior,e.g. I want you /to be on your best behavior /at Granddads.,e.g. Dick is very knowledgeable about wines. be knowledgeable about 在方

10、面很有了解,Reading A,knowledgeable,adj. (of a person) knowing a lot 知识渊博的,有见识的,to help someone continue doing something, especially something difficult or unpleasant, until it is finished 帮助某人渡过(困难等),Reading A,see sb. through (something),e.g. 1. This overcoat /has seen me through /many severe winters. 2.

11、 He /saw me through/ all the hard times.,adj. having a high level of mental ability;聪颖的 good at understanding ideas and thinking quickly and clearly 机智的,Reading A,intelligent,e.g. All teachers /regard Jimmy as /an intelligent student. regard sb. as 把某人当作,intelligently,adv. in an intelligent way 聪明地,

12、e.g. You have to speak intelligently/ at this important business meeting. at the meeting 在会议上,to be useful 派得上用场,Reading A,come in handy,e.g. Ill /put these bottles/ in the cupboardthey might come in handy someday.,v. to behave in a particular way, especially in a situation where people judge you by

13、 the way you behave; 表现 to carry out 实施,Reading A,conduct,e.g. 1. Public figures/have a duty to/conduct themselves responsibly. 2. The company /conducted a survey /to find out /what their customers /think about the new product.,v. to think very carefully about something that you are doing 集中于,Readin

14、g A,concentrate (on),e.g. She was concentrating on/ her book and /didnt know what had happened.,adj. wanted by a lot of people 受欢迎的,Reading A,sought-after,e.g. Doctors /are the most sought-after people/ in the area.,A-Task 1,Task 1 Read the passage. Then match the business meals with their character

15、istics.,Reading A,A-Task 2,Task 2 Decide which of the following behaviors are Dos or Donts for business meals according to the passage.,get nervous talk too much show style and gracechoose the correct silverware be a good listenertalk with confidence interrupt other peoplestart with the nearest dinn

16、erware,show style and grace,choose the correct silverware,be a good listener,talk with confidence,get nervous,talk too much,interrupt other people,start with the nearest dinnerware,Reading A,L-Task 1,Listening,Task 1 Peter is meeting a guest at the airport. Listen to the conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.,Script,1. A. America.B. England. C. Austria.D. Australia. 2. A. Manager.B. Translator. C. Secretary.D. Waiter. 3


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