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1、Unit 2 Will books be replaced by the Internet?,Module 9 Great inventions,Revision,put up 张贴;公布,website网站,mail邮件;信件,page页;一页(纸),electronic电子的,technology科技;技术,electronic technology 电子技术,张贴,公布 在英特网 数以千计的 电子技术 向某人借某东西 把东西借给别人 存储卡 在过去 收到来信 照顾,照看 获取信息 向某人承诺做某事,put up on the Internet thousands of electroni

2、c technology borrow sth from sb lend sth to sb=lend sb sth memory card in the past hear from take care of =look after get information Promise sb to do sth,1.Football_everywhereintheworld. A.isplayedB.playC.isplayingD.plays 2.Everybodyherewas_apresent. A.gaveB.givenC.TogiveD.Giving 3.Alltreesmust_wel

3、lwhenitisdry. A.bewatered B.arewatered C.water D.bewatering 4.Anewfactory_inourcitylastyear. A.builtB.hasbuiltC.wasbuiltD.isbuilding 5.Thesebooks_goodcareof. A.musttaken B.musttake C.havetotake D.mustbetaken,A,B,A,C,D,6.More“GreatGreenWalls”must_allover theworld. A.build B.arebuilt C.bebuilding D.be

4、built 7.Hisschoolbag_byawomantenminutesago. A.tookaway B.wastakenaway C.wastakenoff D.istaken 8.Yesterdayavisitor_somethingabout hishometown. A.wasasked B.wasasking C.isasked D.asked,D,B,A,9. More trees_next year . A. will be planted B. will plant C. have planted D. are planting 10.Today,toomanytree

5、sarestill_intheworld. A.cuttingdown B.cutdown C.beingcutdown D.cutted 11.Greatchanges_placesincehecamehere. A.havebeentaken B.havetaken C.hasbeentaken D.hastaken 12.Hewasseen_somethingfromtheshop. A.steal B.tosteal C.tobestolen D.stealed,A,B,B,B,What can you do on Internet ?,shopping,Search for info

6、rmation,chat with friends,listen to the music,Warm up,look through news,浏览,Will books be replaced by the Internet ?,Which one do you like better? Why?,It will not be replaced by computers. Because ,It will replace paper books. Because ,Competition,快速阅读,浏览,look through,/prnt/,/tred/,买卖;交易 n.,trade,by

7、 hand,用手;靠手做,development,发展;进步 n.,at a time,每次,一次,printing,印刷 n.,/divelpmnt/,New words and expressions,result,(因而)产生;发生 v.,/rzlt/,(spread /spred/, spread). 扩展;蔓延;传播 v.,spread,/mant/,量;数量 n.,amount,compareto,把比作,introduction,引进;采用;推行 n.,in a way,从某一角度;从某一点来看;在某种程度上,/ntrdkn/,/spred/,store,存储;储藏 v.,/st

8、 :/,各种各样的;各不相同的 adj.,varied,/drekn/,替代;取换 v.,replace,connection,电话连接;计算机网 络连接,single,仅一个的;单个的,form,种类;类型;形态;存在方式,/sgl/,/verd/,/knekn/,/f:m/,direction,wait and see,方向 n.,等等看;等着瞧,/rples/,look through 快速阅读,浏览,printing印刷,trade买卖;交易,spread v. 撒;散布,传播;普及 She was told not to spread this secret around.她被告知不

9、要把这个秘密传出去。,single adj. 仅一个的,单个的 A single shot rang out. 传来一声响亮的枪声。,direction n.方向 She cast a welcoming smile in his direction. 他向她微笑以是欢迎。,introduction n. 1). 介绍;正式引见 He was shaking her hand before I could finish the introduction. 未等我介绍完,他就在握她的手了。 2). 引进,传入 (+of/to/into) The government saw the introd

10、uction of new technology as vital. 政府认为引进新技术至关重要。,Reading and vocabulary,Work in pairs. Read the title of the passage in Activity 2. Discuss and make a list of the advantages of books and the Internet.,Watch and read,2. Read the passage and match the main ideas with the paragraphs.,a). The world bef

11、ore printed books b). The world after invention of printing c). Life with paper and printing d). Technology and books e). The future of books,2,3,1,4,5,Will books be replaced by the Internet?,Every morning, my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every day, I open my books in class and start

12、my lessons. Every evening, my mother looks through magazines at home. And every night, I look at the photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. Can we imagine life without paper or printing?,on ones way to 在去的路上,looks through 浏览,go to sleep 去睡觉,printing 印刷,印刷术,Read

13、 para1, and fill the table,open my books,look at photos,buy a newspaper,look through magazines,This passage means that paper and printing are Very _ in our life,important,on his way to work,of David Beckham and Yaoming,in class and start my lessons,at home,Paper was first created about 2,000 years a

14、go in China .After its invention, people started to write on paper to make books. In those days, books were only produced one at a time by hand. As a result, there were not many books, and they were expensive. So, few people had the chance to learn to read. Printing was invented in China during the

15、Sui and Tang dynasties. Later, developments in printing made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply. A trade in books,start to do sth. 开始做某事,at a time 每次,一次,by hand 用手,make+ it +adj to do sth 使做某事怎么样,have the chance to do 有机会做某事,resulted, and more people learnt to read. Knowledge and

16、ideas spread faster than ever before. In a way, We can compare the invention of paper and printing to the introduction of the Internet in the twentieth century. Although the Internet is still young, it is growing very fast, and may become more powerful than printing. A much larger and more varied amount of information can be stored on the Internet than in books. Someone with an Internet connection can find inform


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