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1、Welcome to our school,Welcome to my class,Class C622 & C624 Teacher: 曾青姿,Self-introduction Some information about me,Activity Give you two minutes and complete the sentences with a subject and a reason. My name is Zeng qingzi, you can call me Ms Zeng. My English name is Alice. I like English, becaus

2、e I can use it to communicate with foreigners. Im an easy going person and like making friends with everybody. I hope you will like me and enjoy my class.,My name is I like /enjoybecause Im a/an I hope /want/ think,Why should we study English?,Because English is Interesting The most widely used lang

3、uage in the world used in our daily life and future work One of the official languages in the UN English examinations in our student life Some interesting English movies,Why not?,Characteristics of Senior English 高中英语特点,Large vocabulary long sentence & passage Complicated grammar High criteria writi

4、ng,英语(译林牛津版) 高中阶段 必修教材 必修模块14 (高一完成) 必修模块5 选修教材 选修模块6、7、8 选修模块9、10、11(高三完成),教材结构,高二完成,# 高三用资料书为主线进行复习应考,高考主要题型简介: I. 听力 30分 (20*1.5) II.阅读理解40分 第一节阅读理解(15*2) 第二节 阅读排序(5*2 ) III. 知识运用 45分 第一节 完形填空选择题 20*1.5 第二节 完形填空题10*1.5 IV.写作 35分 第一节 短文改错 10*1 第二节 作文25,Requests for learning Senior English 高中英语学习要求

5、,听 说 读 写 词汇 练习,Listening, speaking, reading ,writing,vocabulary,Practice,How can you do better ? 二习 Prepare your lessons well before every class(预习)。 Review what you have learned in time(复习)。,六多 Listen to the tape as often as possible (多听。 Talk more both in class and after class.(多说) Read more diffe

6、rent materials. (多读) Write as often as you can. (多写) Turn to your teacher and your classmates for advice and help (多问) Cooperate with your partner and team member. (多合作),English proverbs 英语谚语A good beginning is half done. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Work makes the workman. You never kno

7、w what you can till you try. Practice makes perfect.,良好的开端是成功的一半。,一知半解,自欺欺人。,勤工出巧匠。,是驴子是马,拉出来遛遛。,How do we learn English?,熟能生巧,雪碧,乐百氏,舒肤佳,纳爱斯,汰渍,飘柔,Sprite 精灵,Robust 健壮的,Rejoice 欣喜,Safeguard 保护,Nice 美好的,Tide 潮流,品牌,标识,标识,微博,山寨,裸婚,炫富,骨感美女,人肉搜索,水货,Micro blog,copycat,naked wedding,flaunt wealth,boney bea

8、uty,flesh search,smuggled goods,网络热词,低头族,phubbing,watch sister,表妹,horse horse tiger tiger,马马虎虎,no door,没门儿,go and look,走着瞧,You give me stop!,你给我站住!,colour wolf,色狼,搞笑“英语”,Love who who,爱谁谁,cousin,no way,lady-killer,We will see.,I dont care.,Stop!,Just so so.,The rules in my class英语课堂要求,Mobile-phones o

9、ff. No eating or drinking. Try your best to speak English in class. Speak loudly and clearly a short free talk before the class by turns. Listen to others carefully, no laughing and take notes if necessary. Never forget or delay your homework (oral & written),Prepare notebook: for taking notes in cl

10、ass 笔记本 dictation book 默写本 Homework book 作业本 Error correction book 订正本 Vocabulary book 词汇本 a dictionary/electronic dictionary一本英语双解词典 A pen with red ink and a pen with black ink 一支红笔和一只黑笔 A reference book for the text book if necessary for you 参考书,Proud Of You Love in your eyes 你眼中充满爱意 Sitting silen

11、t by my side 静静的座於我身旁 Going on Holding hand 沿途挽著你的手 Walking through the nights 慢步整个晚上 Hold me up Hold me tight 抱起我 抱紧我 Lift me up to touch the sky 让我能摸倒天空 Teaching me to love with heart 懂得了用心去爱 Helping me open my mind 助我把心窗打开 I can fly 我会飞了 Im proud that I can fly 飞让我骄傲 To give the best of mine 给我最佳

12、的思考 Till the end of the time 直至时光停顿 Believe me I can fly 我真的会飞 Im proud that I can fly 飞另我骄傲 To give the best of mine 给我最佳的思考 The heaven in the sky* 天上的天国 Stars in the sky 天上繁星 Wishing once upon a time 希望有一天 Give me love Make me smile 爱的降临让我欢笑 Till the end of life 直至我的一生,Share an English song,Cant y

13、ou believe that you light up my way 你可相信、你已照亮了我的前路 No matter how that ease my path 我的路途如何巳不重要 Ill never lose my faith 我决不失去信心 See me fly 看我飞 Im proud to fly up high 高飞让我骄傲 Show you the best of mine 给你看最佳的思考 Till the end of the time 直至时光停顿 Believe me I can fly 我真的会飞 Im singing in the sky 在天上高歌 Show y

14、ou the best of mine 给你看最佳的思考 The heaven in the sky 天上的天国 Nothing can stop me 没怎麼能停止我 Spread my wings so wide 展翅高飞,Share a song,A little love Greatness as you 您是伟大的神Smallest as me 我是小小凡人 You show me why this deep as sea 您告诉我为什么这是很深的海洋 A little love, little kiss 一点爱 一个吻 A little hug, little gift 轻轻的拥抱

15、 小小的礼物 All of little something 所有的点滴小事 These are our memories 都是我们的纪念 You make me cry make me smile 你逗我哭 逗我笑 Make me feel that love is true 让我感受到爱的美妙 You always stand by my side 你无时无刻陪在我身边 I dont want to say goodbye 我不愿与你分离 You make me cry make me smile 你逗我哭 逗我笑 Make me feel the joy of love 让我体会爱的喜怒

16、哀乐 Oh kissing you 心存感激的亲吻你 Thank you for all the love you always give to me 谢谢你一直以来给予我的爱 Oh I love you 让我轻声说 我爱你,英语国际音标表(48个),元音(20个),(Good pronunciation leads to good spoken English . Good pronunciation makes memorizing words quickly.),辅音(28个),Remember: practice makes perfect!,第一组 /i:/ /i/ /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/,1、 /pi:p/ /pip/ /pi:b/ /pib/ /bi:t/ /bit/ 2、pea bee eat bit beat tip deep /pi:/ /bi:/ /i:t/ /bit/ /bi:t/ /tip/ /di:p/ 豌豆 蜜蜂 吃 少量 敲打 顶端 深的,第二组 e k g



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