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1、认识人称 第一人称单数:I(我) 第二人称单数:you(你,你们) 第三人称单数:he(他) she(她) it(它),be动词(“是”动词,is,are,am),am,are,is,第一人称复数we(我们) 第二人称复数you(你们) 第三人称复数they(他/她/它们),are,are,are,are,this(这个) that(那个) it(它) these (这些) those那些) they(它们),单数用is,复数用are,be字歌,我用“am”,你用“are” “is”用于他,她,它 凡是单数用is,凡是复数都用are,be的否定形式+not is not=isnt are no

2、t=arent am not =am not(没有缩写形式),教学目标: 1.能掌握情态动词can的基本句型变化 2.能灵活做题 3.重点:can+v.原形 4.难点:能灵活做题,情态动词can的用法:,情态动词本身有一定的语义,表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气。没有人称和数的变化,can表示“能、会”,后接动词的原形。如: I can sing. He can swim. They can play football.,情态动词can “能,会”,can not=cant “不会,不能” can+动词原形,can,cant,A:,B:,(A)1.I_swim in the lake. (A)2.

3、She_speak Chinese. (B)3.We_play ping-pong. (B)4.They_sing English songs. (A)5.She_clean the classroom. (B)6.He_dance very well.,can,can,cant,cant,can,cant,关于can的句型转换方法:,1.肯定句变否定句直接在can后加not,缩写为cant。 2.陈述句变一般疑问句直接把can提前,其它不变照抄,如:I can read. I cant read.,如: She can swim. Can she swim ? 肯定回答: Yes,主语+ca

4、n. 否定回答: No,主语+cant.,1.我会说英语,肯定陈述句,否定陈述句,I cant speak English.,一般疑问句:,Can you speak English?,肯定回答:,Yes, I can.,否定回答:,No,I cant.,练习:,2. 你会骑马,肯定陈述句,You can_(ride)a horse.,否定陈述句,You cant ride a horse.,一般疑问句,Can you ride a horse?,肯定回答,Yes,I can.,否定回答,No,I cant.,I can _(speak)English.,speak,ride,把can 放在句

5、首,其它不变照抄,3.Lingling会游泳,肯定陈述句,Lingling can _(swim).,否定陈述句,Lingling cant swim.,一般疑问句,Can lingling swim?,肯定回答,否定回答,Yes, she can.,No,she cant.,swim,4.猫会爬树,肯定陈述句,The cat can_(climb)trees.,否定陈述句,The cat cant climb trees.,一般疑问句,Can the cat climb trees?,肯定回答,Yes,it can.,否定回答,No,it cant.,climb,5.我们会弹琵琶,肯定陈述句

6、:,We can _(play )the pipa.,否定陈述句:,We cant play the pipa.,一般疑问句:,Can you play the pipa?,肯定回答:,Yes,we can.,否定回答:,No,we cant.,6.他们会踢足球,肯定陈述句,否定陈述句,一般疑问句:,肯定回答:,否定回答:,They can_(play)football.,They cant play football.,Can they play football?,Yes,they can.,No,they cant.,play,play,单选题,1._you swim?No, I_,A.

7、 Can,can B. Can,dont C.Can, cant,2.Can you ride a bike?_,A.Yes,you can B.No,you cant C.Yes,I can. D.No,I cannt,用can或cant填空,1. _Tom speak French? No,he_.But he_speak Chinese. 2._you help me with my homeowrk? Sorry.I_ 3.What_you do? I_paint.,Can,cant,can,Can,can,can,C,C,cant,用适当形式填空,1.She can_(dance)

8、very well. 2.Can you _(speak)English?Yes, I_. 3.He cant_(play) table tennis. 4.What can you_(do)?I can_(wash)my clothes. 5.Can they_(run)fast?No,I_. 6.What_you do?I can_(do) kungfu. 7.Can you _(dance)?Yes, I_. 8.Can the dog_(catch)the mouse?No,it_,dance,speak,can,play,do,run,cant,wash,can,do,dance,c

9、an,catch,cant,一、把下列句子变为否定句。,1、Lingling can ride a horse. 2、He can speak Chinese. 3、Lingling and Daming can play the piano. 4、My father can play table tennis. 5、She can swim.,练习:,二、把下列句子变为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。,1、Lingling can ride a horse. 2、I can speak Chinese.,Can Lingling ride a horse? Yes,she can. / No,she cant.,Can you speak Chinese? Yes,I can. / No,I cant.,教后反思: 学生在之前的学习过程中也接触过can,在设计语法教学的过程中,通过不同的练习 题,如:句型变化,填空,选择,并加上自我思考,同桌讨论,小组合作的多种形 式,让学生乐于开口,乐于动手,将枯燥的语法课生动化,学生基本能灵活做题。,


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